Sunday, May 5, 2024

The first fix hedonic treadmill

Hedonic treadmills it's become a kink of itself how we drive ourselves to fall off it into mindless juvenilnation. They've made it a free for all when it comes to all types of oddities of adult entertainment.

Physical harm, well that's a utilitarian argument. With a lab jockey dazed and out of its mind with that fix. The prayer is supposed to balance the commercialism with what is fulfilling.

All play and no prayer makes Theo a very dull dog.

All play and no prayer makes Theo a very dull dog.

All play and no prayer makes Theo a very dull dog.

Am I good savior yet?

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Edgy, both in experiment and jade - Novelty Burnout

1:11 of the most jaded definition, with not much principle of charity applied. I like em both definitions.

The law of diminishing returns must come when it's with ideas that become the middle and then at the edge, it's a dance that must be taken as part of the deal of what it means to be creative.

It's that time again, where the term of edgy is brought to court the necrophiliacs of whatever, those who are jaded with the genre's mediocre expressions. Now, that this is the period of novelty burnout is something to be predicted on the state that attention needs to be refreshed on new stimuli.

Cussy man makes cussy video on the cycle of what all this cool hunting hammer, of cool commercialization, rebel to normalization then out again. 2:21 Did I recommend the documentary The merchants of cool? 58 documentary.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Closet door

What do you expect for such a circle of ecstasy that has tingled with the now to it tingling no more? Leave one to their devices as our work to fill our coping mechanisms are like the appetite of food and water.

Everybody needs the sexual passion, that excitement of a thrill of freaks that know what the flesh is for. These are the work and toil for things that can't be controlled, no hypodermic needle. It's not a shopping mall of kinks that you can have a happy meal with.

You pay what is due. Sexual gratification is an obsessive revealer. It finds you with no announcement of its leverage till it's already got you. It's not genetically determined, but our shadows of our souls. Where it's not separated from our feet.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Cushy Peacock in 3 dimensions

 Drained from the sex scene I've articulated with nine pages, this blender vacation is an eye-opening of how to stimulate a new section.

Words terms circulate that I'm still understand the remarkability of such concepts:

Quads, Tri-gons and Ngons, Poles, supporting loops, voxel, booleans, solidfy, topology and retopoligized, Vortexes and edges and planes. All that in-terminology you'd now dare announce if you'd copyright to catch advertisement.

Stuff that can be categorized and used to make sense, into hard-surface modelling and sculpting for all the 3d designer to see then-

My mother called with an impromptu pub carvery visit to here birthday with her sister. It was so sudden, so I decided to polite fully decline due to it having nothing to be agreed on. Doing the best method possible to preserve the relationship. Understandable, her sister's daughter could eat anything from the carvery, despite with the ordered couldn't be eaten.

I did not miss out, They did not miss out. Did I disappoint myself, though? Later, after the carvery, there was a stuffed peacock keyring as a shared present. I look at it, as I become something else with it. In terms of what a 3d modeller sees.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Making Money Compendium - Summery and relinks - revideo

Fly free, numerical statistic, priceless money making advice shall be free!

This is the best collection of salesmanship on salesmanship I could curate. From previous into source.

I'm not one of those slick money making 'professionals' who try to squeeze out a meta. Commercialism of commercialism shall always be questioned.

Gurney has his own take. I'd say try to focus on attracting those to the Kevin Kelly's 1000 fan business model, or the smallest viable business model. 39 min.

Seth Godin has advice, of course of re-linked what he's written about exposure and working for free. They are two posts on money making. Good enough.

Also, there's a meta of money making that does not exist, if it does. Then every hack will be using it to its fullest extent.

To be a founder of a business model requires no reassurance, there is no credential. It's better to be an amateur than a hack if the salesmanship and copywriting drains into a gumption trap.

Repost of an old video, the metaphor of founding a new gym is the same of trying to add commerce to the illustration. To do what you love indulgently, then love what you do, maybe the risk. A clear, cogent benefit is the leap to earn it. To find the worth of such a venture.

Through that benefit, of loving what to do shall be where payment.

Further note, understanding contractionism will help demonstrate professionalism, With Ip (urge) here's a 40-minute rundown with a cussing title. The overriding clarity of communication is one of the perks of such useful fictions. 

Don't forget that how to make a handshake deal to work. To make sure the rule of law ain't undermined. Don't let contractionism turn one into a warlord/mafia don. Be confident, not arrogant.

The legal industrial complex may serve the needs for freelancing. Agreements should not be under any illusions.

Origin of the term. 34 sec
( Off-tangent, So that's why a lawyer works on the presupposition of bad faith, the copywriter works on the presupposition of non-remarkability )

Consider the business guess, which business guesses and models that will work with the privatization and monetization that is both fair and generous. Write a business guess, then follow. The creative zeitgeist ain't lead by such matters. Beware how this will undermine the intentionalism it.