Showing posts with label Worldbuilding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Worldbuilding. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Red Numbers Cappy

Such a means to build an empire, the results don't fit the goals.

Is it okay to cheat within a system that does not care that you will justify, in its own terms, horrible?

Blame the rationale, blame the work, blame the game. Friggity scratchies! Can't be bothered, can't be A******. Everybody's doing it efficiency. It's all the hot stream of direct satisfaction that everybody wants.

All the hopes of leathery goodness that's meant to deliver that squeak?

Eh, what a system, eh?

A golem cleaning the lower restrooms. It's truth of what it serves.

That treasure.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Fat cat Cappy : reasons

 When you stare in the abyss, you either become the monster, or the cat monster. Little warmongering pest of contradictions that is meant to bring conflict. Well, Drama to the fiction.

That's the traditional concept of what is an antagonist of a traditional, western story structure. I'm following that.

A archetype of business, the cost of living that likes the growth of a business model interwoven with the gangster genres that inspire it. Status seeking with a traitorous desire. Since I've made him into anthro-kind it's more likely going to be a status thing within the world now.

Well, It ain't compelling if they ain't drama.

Different from Theo, Who's more of a father playboy.

This is an archetype of business! Of Apollo.

These characters are made-to-order, I'm not sure if I can expand the cast or eliminate for it. Ernie Bushmiller managed to do it with three.

24:40 Min of a sensational playlist.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 Every time and being is deserved a chance. A chance to speak out. From every desire of need for justice for problems left unsolved.

Of all things, the angst of not being in line with industrial conspirational within the bricks, shall shine the gems of another wave, of the cogs that shape into human.

Humph, all authority shall be questioned, so it's the best to treat the unquestioned as guilty first, sweeties. The work of all to the most determined shall be treated under suspicious eye, that all cops are C****.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Between ribofunk and what is commodity is not a paradox, it ain't easy either.

 The process of producing value for the prospective other-kin within the Glitz, the wisps, the rust and the lost. Commidication adapted from the analysis for the rogue analyst and theorist, along with big mogul of the techno-ribofunk fusion. So they'd work to the end of a process where souls are made to spark our condensed energy.

This monetization of energy has been named: Omni-commodification, to the process of all things to made into sellable matter.

All this studied Axiology has been refined by Castella, with further legislature by the Minister within England. Coolhunting is the all encomposing net where social and capital pools, where to social condition connects with what's glitz.

Yet, with the Ribofunk, shall of matter ascend from the measurable number.

(Some of these notes will need revision there, that's what free-writing is though, writing without fear - Couch Gregor)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The cursed market.

 Underground within the magic sphere of Glitz hub, There are within the blind spots of the Glitz and the rust.

There's the fame market, the underground market, and then there's the bazaar of trade of other-ways, of specialist clients within other exchanges. With many bizarre tastes.

This is all to serve the omni-commodification. With its bleed into serving the silvers and the rust dwellers of the other-realm to be [REDACTED] these exist for [REDACTED]

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The covenant

 Theo once served a magical order of holiness that is made of an ancient code, with the moral commandment that he followed within his chamber. Every day, once thin, he'd have a minimal meal and served his big paws together in a mighty prayer of such as the Covenant, freeing his body of such otherworldly desires.

A thin and proper, he used to serve within the stone prison, because he was such a naughty dog. He had to be tempered with, up until. The lake that brought him such matters.

Magic missile books and the ways of certain Sparkurgy ways, handling the stars into the hearts of their incantations. With such a matter to the wands, they could out-rival the firearms of today.

There the nuns made him chaste to the ways, with many covering cloth of such restrained locking of such appetites that he could contain, except within bed.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Rocky relations

These go with low-effort

 Theo checks everything within Ky's quarters, that bookshelf, that sleeping pod. Everything to be check as his servants have been watching there ways. Yet, he suspect him playing a cat and mouse.

Inspecting the way around there's the private journal, a private journal! Why can't he get into it?

Not that he minds, it's none of his business. He's stuck together for better or worse. Looking through the amount of clutter, he takes these 2 minutes to inept the rest before becomes back.

"He's coming back going his watch" That was his prompt.

He looks, he breaths deeply and puts everything back, trying to leave without a sound.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Danny's Gumbo Wash

Wril whirl whirl

Peppermint for a steely gob that's meat to smack'n chew a soft diet, from oatmeal and soup. Fibre from a fruity variety, whirlwind of spit and freshness sticking inside the gob like it's on fire.

Ah, George, hope he's doing his best. How can a frog love like that? Last two girlfriends were awash of mixed feelings that did not make it, Made one out of hate, another a complete ghost. What's on the throat that's made to stick?

Worble worble worble, PTTHTHT!

Can't do any action now can I? He's a sticker upper, I'd have to straight up admit, a rookie like him can't take on the advances and he'd crawl his way back to a community. Focusing too much on his craft can take away from such a way in the first place.

I'm need ta' commit! This ain't going to last. It's not like you find a gem in a pond at anytime soon.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Bobbys donation drive

Bobby's at it again!

This time with a donation drive towards the end of March, The carehome is so honoured, only with the complaints that his statue to be erected right in front of the old people's home. They come, with the donations of their houses and the homeless like it's a thing that he does that ain't an "Indulgence bet" He's got buckos of the stuff where his money goes into the furniture industry.

It's a bronze statue of his legs extended and made of his charming likeness! Those are some long legs to represent his versatility of business acumen, along with his opportunity detection scanner of making money.

So, a lucrative gap of such the legs his advertises to, the old demographic resonated with positive testimony.

"It's because of his public service that Bobby has filled my room with the warmest couches, I can't thank him enough!"

"What a delight, he's got it made when all the entire world see's that his face is on all of my cushions."

"It tracks, Bobby my man!"

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Subvertisement Campaign

Posters and flyers from the exposure industry. Which is advertising and direct marketing.

The work that will happen for the copywriter is to get the word out. Exposure is my entire job, that priceless, paradoxical non tangible. Bobby has no trust in it, these posters that I've designed and scorned by magazines. Oh well, the scum of the earth will have to work with the tools that will help make a silly little furniture store 'famous', or discovered.

Something worth talking about? Yep, that's what It means to change the culture of the consciousness. Guerilla advertising and hip trending messages of anarchist bent, all commercialized. So it's made into formula to sell, yet again to be bought.

It's all a whatever it takes to get a stream of attention, At least this attempt I can try to keep the dignity. With every counter-trend it becomes the new normal of the machinated formal of recognition, that's then now a new consumerist opportunity to monetize.

I've done my posters, time to scraper.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Don't breach the Brand Guidelines

What is this, an decedant law of of revelry? Hes ordered double the good for his parties! His smarmy little cult that's brought to the end of getting the charm of others.

Charm to get right through there skulls, into my head with that cocky grin so he courts the favour of what he scorns at is "legalese", legelese and rules are important! Does he know the ramifications if he messes with what holds a fair new soceity?

Soceity filled with toy uwu and no ambition.

Naughty f***heap 

Total ****head.

Saturday, June 29, 2024


Kyro and Gregor hallucinate, side effects after their Golemnfication last for two weeks.

(Kevin Kelly went and adapted the idea of cyberpunk, then the idea went into ribofunk.)

Libidinal charges from golemnolgy could be brought to the divisions of medical tech, assigning a category of new tech, to connect the other innate matter with the neurofibers of their being. These energies are directed through the conduit of new biological norm.

Where glands in the hand of Kyro produce electricity, Couch Gregor's fibres expand and distortion, and with a biological diffusion that is made to a whole of bio hackable matrixes. Wet mesh of manipulatable fibre into new physical beings of physicality.

It connects within, albeit to be altered with gems and power of other ways, and diffused with hexes and tricks that deactivate these soul-bound constructs. Constructed from the souls being a human normalcy. These are the processes that magic interconnects with there dna, they're very being.

From the Happy Mutant's Handbook, Under review.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Kyro/Gregor Body Dysmorphia

Couch - Self flagellating.

A necessary part of the business of what they call the economy of comforts. He can't help how it's meant to be, since his target audience of old woman likes leanness and bigness, his expanded form. This is all a part of reduced to a cost, this dysmorphia is part of the deal. The need to get paid being above and beyond the physical internal stress.

That's the trouble of being a fitness model, the body is on the line to sell a product which is furniture.

Where the cushion business of showmanship and upstage attention for the products, what other price shall there be?

Kyros - Self jaded.

It's a fish in the water deal, the job, and struggle ain't there any more, only duty. The duty to serve the silvers and the entire entertainment industry to cover its cookie jar mishandling.

It's not arrogance if it's what it pleases his eternal client. To the end of the line and back to what is stipulated, granted to what he's owed, is a mystery.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Couch Ground Woes

There thing about having the toy love you back, or the one believing it.

Useless puppet to the machines of this place, a cog of service to deliver the specification of comfort on the moment of the benefit of an old lady needing her entertainment after a long day of hard work.

What can it be without then needs of other that I'm signed on to for such a home that has replaced the other, that council home gone. It's emotional, all settled down into the dusty halls of the new one, one that's made of a work environment that and can't tell life apart.

Figments of a wrinkled grin, of a thank you from my reciprocation, ain't that a charm? As it's all I ask to make the day for another.

Then used and sat on, pushing the air out. Such is a means to be means.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Magic bulletmancy

Property infusion with projectile has being standardized school of thought for the 19th century within a specialized industry serving those charges.

They intermingle with Golemancy and alchemical energy, causing a multitude of aggregations. Harnessed and used by the great Houdini by the other hand trick, the ruse, and artifice turned into an untold passion. It combined with metallurgy and engineering and an explainable miraculous formula.

At that point, it felt like a product. Yet only a few gifted were able to wield, some gifted are able to handle it from the legalmancy to make up for the necessary threat disarmament.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Disenchanted Theo

Do you think it's fun to be turned into a show business product? I don't feel any noise in my head now, not that it matters. You do what you have to get a seat at the table.

I checked the pedestal pews I check the television all the recording equipment has changed my entire sermon, or service.

This is what is required, I'm totally it dictated to the show metrics now, and it's my business to do it, do it all. What do they expect for a guy who had to think like a producer with every show now. Not like a organizer or builder of a community.

This is what they want.

Thank you so much for giving me the Brickenshire treatement that I deserve.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Incubi Charms

When the magic of Brickenshire is brought toward into little artefacts. There are charms meant to bring out different aspects of the constructs.

The charm is made out of construct that are more existential than theological. An energy of traction from the netherworld that one could call incomprehensible.

It's meant to draw attention, it's not the attention of humanity. No, it feels like a torture of passions. What is all, this little contraption of power that shares a high prices with the dark marketplace.

Technology, Magicology, It all combines into the future, with calculation and serves dancing by.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Theo's ticking hours

Sometimes he feels like he floats into a realm where his spirit will leave him, from his dream.

Theo knows he's on the end of his days, he works his body to the best, with the last of the vitality he does have. Following a full body split with a rigorous diet, dancing with his addictions.

Each sleep brings him closer to a new day, knowing that he does not have long left. So the stakes feel like it's so much dire, making it like its last.

His doctor told him he's got some more years, he does not want to believe it though. He feels that he's on the curtain call of a long run of his evangelizing entertainment.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Not Lip Service

Theo's missionary status, one of before.

This service.

It's a service that for the masses to calm and quieten them of what I'm really doing with the world. It's what need's to be believed. The belief of calm, of stories that guide those towards the other day, and it's going to be what will bring them into the next.

My priest robes, and then I move on to the lectern, the testament is there, The king James edition.

They look satisfied as I give my vows, it's like they don't even know my other life, eh. This twisted centre is not revealed towards them. I could say I'm a caddish joke.

No time for clowns on the alter. All the pews are content.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Gem Golem

Now, gems and golems mix, by the making of a soul into a gem construct with these shifters have long since been banned.

Gemistry was a thing once, now it's gone. With the movement of gems given towards the undiscovered energy within, with the waylines of the inner selfs being connected.

The soul brings the energy out, so the connection must be neutralised by the golemancers. Further testing is required.