Showing posts with label Horror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horror. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024

Beautiful enough

Are these untruths I tell myself for the advertising industry just? Am I sufficient? That fuzzled my brains to what is suitable to the eye as it were to everything else.

Bobby has seen his entire industry as me as his break in. The standard to which he aspires too. I'm the celebration, the celebrity, the well known well knowns of a tautology.

That's the job. This checking can't be good though.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Traction that is never understood

Trying to understand the horror of the unknown of how popularity and viewers work can be such a sinkhole.

I don't know, they don't know, and you don't know.

Since google and the entire algorithm that we have, with the self-help grifter industry complex, flummoxed on how to crack it. With the scams abound, on what is or not which resonates. Not that this eldritch lottery that continues to somewhere that can't be understood.

Quaint, if it was a reductionistic business opportunity then if it was going to be simple. Creativity persists, though, pulling and pushing through a mystery that's with a slippery meta that shifts beyond our wakes.

Better to not dawdle at such mystery.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Customer Testimonial 4, Couch lunatic

 This Testimonial does not come from a model.

The camera is recorder this time within a smartphone describing a room of scriptures and scrawling off the couches as they go. Two-seaters getting more deranged, all leading towards the scuffed up man in the corner.

"The couches, I've seen faces. They talk, they scream, then warble out of the surfaces as they move like somebody is stuck within."

"They don't know what they've done, they are locked! Inside and trapped like I can't do anything!"

He warbles on till this small video ends. There's a distortion and blurred rush at the end.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Customer testimonial 3 Furniture adorer

 Testimonial comes from a model.

"I've created a temple of soft furniture, it's a cult that's made a successful inclusion of a couch comfort club."

She's firm and convicted, here gaze that of a fanatic into the camera lens.

"Why do you resist? Our couch pillows and furniture dens bring us back to being children, where we play forever. With adults to connect with our innocent side, something for we will be smothered."

Another satisfied customer!

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Customer testimonial 2 Couch Connoisseur

This testimonial comes from a model.

Another customer, this time a bloke with a warehouse in the background.

"I bought this for one thing, to fill my love of furniture! Had to file a divorce and my own house, who needs that now."

He chuckles like the reporter has the problem. There's a satisfied grin with his endorsement.

"Whenever solace is need, my top-down need for entertainment and comfort is provided by those furnitures, it brings! It helps! It placates any otherworldly desire from downstairs! Never had such a sweeter experience within my life."

He was getting excited.

"One sit, and you'll never leave!"

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Rote erotic machinations

Theo is looking at me, punched by Kyro. Looking dead in my soul, my creation. From a pitiful display of what you'd call a porno.

"Looks like it failed ******, the direct response wasn't libidinal pulling enough." He said, trickling through the digital airwaves now.

He doxed me! With censored asterixs.

"As your brand evangelist, vital to your nonprofit freelance living and revenue. Unmeasured though, you know you can't escape my totalizing presence the moment you pressed publish, from the moment you escaped your pitiful eight-year lurking hiatus." 

The punched nose and dead eyes look at me with responsibility. I'm silent, to be silent in fear.

There was a trickle of blood down my nose.

"Yes, feel that? You need me. If you don't, I'll murder you like the rest. Like the brand time and attention you wasted with that multi leveling marketing group, into dirt!"
"Shut up!" I retorted. I forced my desktop off at that point.

Next time I started up my comic, his face had returned normal.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Smartphone Disfunctions

There's this weird smartphone mishap, that happens during the nights of the Bobby's upholstery, it starts to malfunction, still usable. Like some kind of spell that has been inflicted, I should get a new one.

No internet or communication, yet the torch app works. I don't get it. Distorted apps and error messages, lines on the smart screen, things that fizz out as the press of my couch thumb.

Vixona tells me to brush it off, yet I can't escape this feeling something about this place.

What is this place, has it made things dysfunctional? The corded analogue emergency phone is still there regarding everything. The emergency exit is there. Yet I cannot figure out what's right at times.

Yet the shuffling is heard.

I'll see if I can get this smartphone checked by the Smartphon shop.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The hacking behind the wall

As it turns out, another night that feels sleepless has come.

There's a beating of a heart as I walk. Through the sofas downstairs in the showroom, things start to beat through my wooden skull.

It does not stop, it keeps beasting, then it's not a sound, yet a crescendo of beating. It began to sound like the beating of a axe, a dismemberment could be heard. Was something being dismembered?

Hit was gone, where was the source? The source could not be found.

So that was another sleepless night.

Monday, August 14, 2023

The liminal Bedroom maze

When I woke up one time, I wondered into the bedrooms to browse twitter.

Yet here I am staring, I get up. Motor clumsiness dropping the phone.

I walk through the beds, the horizon line seems to drag on forever.

Step by step, it does not end. It keeps going on and on, into infinity. Time here feels meaningless as it goes into exhaustion. Then I collapse into the bed.

The bed ain't there any more, it's gone, I fall.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

That face in the picture.

It's past midnight, I've been sleeping on one of the spare bed within Bobbys. This gig provides for me, including leisure time.

I couldn't sleep one time, it was muddy due to another rejection of the prospect to my couch presentation.

Yeah, it's not that picture, the one with the cockroach stuck on a bed, that scene of metamorphosis.

No, it's of Bobby's collages. One of them looked different from my malfunctioning smartphone torch.

There's a face, a face. I can't remember it now.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Knowing what George did.

George was non-chalently taking a shower as the former. The angry self he left at the Gymtwentyfour, it was a dark part of him, a self that he got and grew from the recesses of rejection, offers, and tough calls within his coach life. Maybe he needs an anchor, some other part of him that told him to leave.

It's there though.

 "George, these people eat themselves up, why."

He ignores it. What does this thing have on my mind?

"You know what we did George, it will be our little secret." It said, it was feeling more than a figment of his imagination.

There was something he did within the moment of drunken stupor, he could not put a hoof on why. Before he knew it, it was gone. From the moments he was preparing to put on his clothes. The motions of his routine was broken, then a dread that followed him as oddness of the situation was getting to him.

It was a small panic attack, then it superseded.

Is this going to be a regular occurrence? 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Lecherous usage nausea pt3

The anxiety attacks are whirling, circulating, i feel a complete loss of being as I move towards the swirling abyss. Of working, showing, now this.

Not like any of this matters, I clean myself up, show up, pose and strut.

Yet each moment I give in the bucket of my regurgitation, it's made of how'd a leather doll could digest food.

Red fluff began to appear. 

"This can't be real, what is this place doing to me?" I thought.

I was changing, i could not put a couch handle on it, as I swallowed myself after the third bucket. Another expulsion of my anxiety. Quick, dead and out. I have to stop.

Didn't matter, best to shine for showtime, and to take the slings and arrows now, other than later. If this happens again though.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Grimace Smiley

There's a grimace smiley in the twitter hashtag?

What is McDonald's paying the twitter staff? Did they pay a graphic designer to make this to help normalize the consent of the masses to indulge in their product, the product of commercialized, cheap food all dragging us to keep compliant on whichever assembly line?

Had to repost because it was giving me the creeps.


Friday, June 30, 2023

Happy Birthday Grimace!

“Alright, I'm doing a blog post with this grimace shake. I'm gonna wish Grimace a happy birthday!”


"So here's the dude, he's been riding the virality and remarkability by capitalizing on this trend, sweet guy, right? What can go wrong?? Hah hah, anything goes to become #relatable! Send me memes, do the thing, he's doing a maximize retention and staring into my soul with this tweet. What a world!"

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

The furniture curators inspection

Tallying it all up.

Ah, my sweet commodities.

Positivity will shepherd you into oblivion, its a mere concept. Enough to be hidden within my care.

One by one, you'll be taken care of. To be valued to what you're actualization of the soul wants to be incubated within. 

A vessel, an object. Immortalized in admiration.

Sweet commodities.

Positivity that will coddle you, keep you stuck within a cycle of your ID and suspend your superego.

Do not fret now, for you are in my care. You're safe. Even with many eyes on you, gazing, you are safe.

Sweet commodities.

Monday, April 17, 2023

The Jar of Naïve Voices

Little thing may need to be cleared out.

 "Oh my! You're going to go to this meeting in another country to get picked! Get picked my a publisher and be off the hook to what to create! You're going to be given instructions to a perfect career and everything. It's all a matter of reassurances from here on out!"

"Then maybe you'll get through with the networking that this will be the chance to get it through! Get it through and make it like and daredevil running on the ice! That will make it this time!!"

"The exposure this time, this will be the key. The key to make it to the top and be the respected artist that you'll be! The wondrous publishing comforts of mass assimilation that the entertainment will ever take you!"

"Lottery numbers! The famous art college will teach me how to do freelance! I'll have it no other way, career handed onto a silver platter!"

Monday, February 6, 2023

Self Help Mantra

The preaching of these masked figures.

Come one, come all my children.
Burn and transcend all physical boundaries
Achieve all your goals
The key is to reduce your sleeping hours
To work.

Don't you see my perfect life?
The little saplings I nurture?
The dream?


Listen to my words of guidance, each and every moment, to appeal my curated guidance.

Come one, come all. My children.
Oh, those burnt out? Mere outliers, they did not soak enough vibes.
Believe in the vibes, and transcend.

I know the key, the secret.

Come one, come all. Follow me. Utopia awaits.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

A dream I had

Pick me

Pick me!

Pick me!

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Kieron the statue

It's a cocktail party, plenty of rich people are both bragging and showing off a statue, a rich one of a marble peacock.

Snooty, yet rich playdarling voices fill the scene

1?: I must say, this statue is the talk of the town! He's so rare and delicious!
2?: Yeah, totally right, I mean, he decorates himself and struts in heels on the stage!
3?: What? I heard his kneeling pose is that of an Olympian! He caresses his calves and knees like a demon on ice!
2?: That's right! A total show-off, how will he entertain us next?
1?: Something that will be the talk of the town! That's for a sure!

Laughter is bellowed out as the talk of the town is admired, but the camera zooms in on the statue.

The statue beak moves, the eyes anxiously looking to the dreamer. A haunting utterance is heard.

You're not an ornament!

You're not an ornament!

You're not an ornament!

Kieron wakes.