Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Friday, March 7, 2025

Stepford Wives

Ira Levin has made a parody of making humans into robotic products succinct.

As with the creep of obedient worker robots obsessed with housework and obeying masculinity, welp, there's a feminine theming along with a dig towards how such a creep could be effecting others.

Chaos to Order here.

Chuck Palahniuks take with this creeping, status ( which shall be a neutral construct ), shall be the fun start of how this culture will have its impact. Even if it's remade commercial twice.

Nice touch on the monotony acting at the end, really strikes at the subtle horror of it.

Cough education industry complex. It's rote machinations, promising careers that lead towards no self-direction.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Technocratic rushing

Welcome to the internet where everything is computational, where illustrators become into the fan service industry complex.

Postman then undertakes his own view in where have religious matters into the world of scientist and another's from another viewpoints from western society.

He gets to the nitty gritty of how a shifted the patterns. Pales in comparison to amusing ourselves to death with his points of Bread and Circus. A shift, into our understanding. Of qualitative and quantitative over everything else, from the technocrats view. From the shiftless view.

It ain't that simple, though.

It can't translate into religion, sociology and the fictional entertainment works. How its mis detects illiteracy as mis-computations. Why the direct response can't be the answer, measurement not everything. Drawing on the sacred/profane distinctions.

Some sources and others are, historically wrong and in the wrong place, has a loving resistance fighter end though.

Thats his idea, not sure if he understands it fully though.

3 - 5 stars

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Snorting the strategy. Critique and considerations.

Aaaaah, inspiration p***, you can't help those hot showers even though they are selling is merely control. This 

Except being picked by a system is not what this is about, it's altering it, of bending societal control. Well what is called strategy, be patient, such a simple concept explored in multiple riffs which is to be accepted.

First, gotta give thanks to Seth for making me start this blog, there's no denying he works for investors within a b corp. Yet it's certainly a good placebo, as he describes. Even if it may not influence my thinking, the internal story feels like a dazzle.

His thinking of blueprints, feedback loops and the way of business models and leverage are all well and good, stuff they should teach freelancers within entertainment to help watch their business. He repeats his famous blog posts, and it reads like a string of unconnected blog posts, little snippets of thoughts for the uninitiated, this is a style you're going to have to get used it.

It's a morale booster, yet that's all it is. Enough to control the work schedule, out of all of it could be negatively categorised a self-help from the era of salesmen and it's hacks. I'd recommend Seth's Godin The Practice, and his entire free podcast series to figure out your own opinion. There's still learning to be had, be aware of the baggage, as much as part as I bring mine.

There's always going to be a societal need for this, given how much the lands are filled with swindlers in this day and age.

Already he went from those suspicious rags-to-riches stories regarding apple, which is a point against the book. Claude Ai too, meeeeh. Haven't needed to use it to clarify my thoughts.

Oh, and intuitionism, stuff not written down and systemised will always be part of business models, it's about transactional attention that of the service industry. Till it's outlived. A bit too much scientism and unsympathetic for the concept of revolution. It all feels like a CEO point of view may have overtaken him, he does his best to try to hide it though. Goes into the last part with talks about the free market (Which flew right past my head) then onto talks of a carbon tax and with community action.

To quote

"Entrepreneurship is like one of those carnival games where you throw darts or something.

Middle class kids can afford one throw. Most miss. A few hit the target and get a small prize. A very few hit the centre bullseye and get a bigger prize. Rags to riches! The American Dream lives on.

Rich kids can afford many throws. If they want to, they can try over and over and over again until they hit something and feel good about themselves. Some keep going until they hit the centre bullseye, then they give speeches or write blog posts about “meritocracy” and the salutary effects of hard work.

Poor kids aren't visiting the carnival. They're the ones working it."

When will this non-profit business last? Until I die. Afford what you can to avoid the ad creep.

Fair share of disagreements and agreements entering within the commercial field.

See you for the next book you'll publish, Seth. These will all be added into the syncretic domain. Nothing like getting bashed with the same marketing rules over and over till something clicks, ah, those on-the-nose themes.

Did he use AI for the bookcover? Oh gosh, the paranoia has got me.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Heteroglossia : On Genre

 As with my dabbling with languages, terms come, expressions neologised as concepts crystallise, reflecting "in terminology" of yesteryears. Moving on with Heteroglossia.

Weaving the linguistics, from Arch-genre, to Sub-genre, to various stages, to the formation of our meanings and back again, it's a literary marvel to behold.

With that of the meta-in-of-itself that can defy any generality and specificity. Such a means of commercial editing shows that show which to either capitalise on attention and their hold.

What concepts, what ideas, what stuff no copywriter can uphold. Yet, with me and others being the enlightened within discursive circles. This is why the literary entertainment could be the highest form, which will always be better. Nothing is that memorable from that quick-shot place of dopamine culture.

Sure, whether these concepts will funnel towards are fictional entertainment, retaining into concepts of our culture is another matter. It's certainly been a fine, literary dive.

Such terms of sociological understanding, Even though the concept of the horizon of expectations will be needing its out post of understanding. Despite it sounding like a final fantasy villain.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Humans as Resource : Ponziomics


This book.
Well, ignoring the Orwellian normalised speak (Double-think? Double-Talk? Merely call them paradoxes or thought-terminating clichés.), this is honest reporting on a phenomon that is distinctly western.

Infinite opportunity, Endless chain, pay to play, Recruiting Mandate, Bottom-To-Top. Travelling to what a swindle within a salesman of cons and it's hacks. It's merely into the epitome of the specification of entertainment, to the human's as exploitable product, and to be made to follow and dancey jig. Scientific management, into this.

Or resource, managed to be exploited more and more into empty sinks line with perverse incentives, now that's a thought.

Same music, same old jig of the times that were happening to the atheist movement that occurred with this, mlm-fication of certain 'friend' groups of attention deposits. Where the return ain't going anywhere if one ain't treating it like a business.

When Robert takes from eastern figures such as Hannah Arendts again, I don't think I expect much. It's the reporting to apply it within the fields of these bad 'business' models. (It ain't a business model, it's a cult of money going into a black hole, made by dishonest betrayal and the hackneyed 'exscuse' of selling a product.) The Cult masquerading as a Profit-making venture is the negation of the negation in regards to logical success.

That's the reality of what in industry now.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Boondocks, Downtown

Aaron McGruder, By essays of the storyteller.

He had a run with the syndicate and then did two series as a showrunner at Hollywood, with the conclusion of “Don't quit your day job.”

It really shows the political entertainment, for better or was being a product of it's time, with the effort made to capture 2000's suburbia. One that leads from peace to gags made of demand. He aimed his entertainment at the people of colour. 

When your themes are political and on-the-nose by design, you jump in head first without many paradoxes. Into the fray of the experiences of the time, and then out of it. This is more symbolic in its portrayal of the arch-types envisioned. It's part of the territory. You f around and found out being an iconoclastic with that being a brand (or anti-brand brand,) then deal with the controversies.

The better controversies, stuff that can change the culture for the better. Likes talk of copyrighted content and the stuff happening within the war, over the commodified entertainment, the industries and yet-another-electorlism take.

Stuff that won't go into full, again, it's part of the territory of such a contradictory position, he did is best. "artists that are allowed to do what they do for the point of view to make something worth consuming" or as he'd say.

He tried to process his anger through the gags. Through the artwork that have been crammed through the crunch and unrealistic deadlines at the end of the fourth season. Let it stand the test of times of the discussions of art that challenges audiences.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Burnout Etymology, Excess Toxic postivity.

Byung Chul Hans book, The burnout society. is a book on essay.

Self-exploitation, normalised and taught with victim blaming along with the uselessness. More concepts to be made into the mindset of a dismissed philosopher.

Such names like Nietzsche, Hannah Arendt, and Foucault are brought in. Yet this is a reaction, a constructive reaction to the self-help industry complex. Stuff that Seth Godin wrestles with.

Yeah, I hate it with all my heart with when a Professor/influencers that teach their students with 'professionalism' 'passion' 'down the line' in attempt to normalise overwork and overtime. There's a reason that it's not natural within law to not extend over it.

Anybody contributing it will move towards the downfall of society, from Ninja crying about it (with him still getting a commercial book deal, I don't look at his fanboys because I'll lose faith in humanity.)

The average user treated as a product for the these lying lifestylers swindles may be fooled for exploited overtime, anybody with experience who knows who to work for though, will leave and brain drain for better working conditions.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Semantic/Semiotic Ascension

Rest in peace Danial Dennet, discovered his death.

Sellars said "The aim of philosophy is formulated, is to understand how things in the broadest sense of the term hang together in the broadest sense of the term "

Wow, this books dances with physics and risks becoming a deepity when going against a deepity. I love it, this slither of a point of view is to be understood, even if it leads bouncing ideas of certain intellectuals, (such as P*****) i did enjoy revisiting these ideas, such a culmination of meta-understanding.

There is only the meta-philosophy, or even non-category philosogy. Let's not get too deepity in our literary work.

He blends physics terminology with naturalistic study with his conceptualisation. With an understanding of the intentionalism, derived and original as a passageway towards his argument for free will compatibilism. Intellectual stimulation that brings me back.

These concepts are going to stimulate me back again.

Now that's meta, such philosophy really show the strength of the written page medium-wise.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dialectical conflicts, dramatic writing

Despite the essentialism and certain explorations amongst character arcs, nobody's can explore conventional conflict. Realistic or symbolic. Lagos does it like no other.

This is for all the purpose of realistic/mimetic character representation, One it regards to writing conflict, which is the term to show other non-conventional means within the character.

Conflict, contradiction, complex, and paradoxes. How do you write it within a character that's both convincing? Such an expression that is proud of? Well, The amount of work it takes to make a creative tension. These polarities, how to articulate them have been a common theme from the Richard, to the Rico, and towards the Playwriter, Egri.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Robert mcgee to character, synopsis

Now, for his book on character

It's most likely the best book in regard to character development and arcs, is it the best? Not necessary, but it reaches out on top of the rest being on top.

Particular Chapters that stand-out are the complex character, The Symbolic Character, and the Radical Character within his chapters, his handling of short-form and long-form storytelling within the last chapter is captivating of how he dismantles Breaking Bad and Slave Play.

The distinctions between characterization, true character, character driven/vs event, and the setting and character. What little conceptual frameworks to comprehend and competence for the writer.

Not perfect with IQ or EQ, Free will and sense of selves with though are expertly summarised.

Synoptic Reading: McKee's Body of working, Ex-Hollywood screenwriters love-letter to the craft. My life and living with such pondering.

No wonder this was recommended to me in regard to understanding basic writing structure, these are merely anatomy references towards the dreams of a creative writer.

He's a scriptwriter, so naturally he's a bit biased. What he does is give the all-medium writer with the others. He seems to go an inspire others like all reverse-engineers do, and attempts to describe certain key concepts like the controlling idea used in further writing books forwards.

Any entertainer of non-fiction will have a shot, although the story grid reaches out on top in regard to editing one's draft. Oh, writing the natural way aligns as well as doing free-writing like this.

(Skipping all the fake show-don't-tell maxim, including the obvious Orwell praise, I'd recommend Snowball's Revenge if you'd like to hear my opinion on that. )

The Story Grid/Character/Writing the Natural Way > Dialogue/Story grid Pride and Prejudice:Act > Story/Action > Storynomics

Ignore the centirism, have at it.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Storynomics, the omnic dissection of brand

So when the ways of getting into our eyeballs, for return because it's money, it's always money. Other than the clarity. Robert McKee of course brings his take.

Like it or not, this is a business book, a keep-yourself-in-solvency book, a watch-your-business-or-somebody-else-will-book. The strongest moments at the start, where is comes with the disillusionment of advertising, both as addiction and as deceptive cunning. (Adcreep, Addiction by design, and Attention merchants are more comprehensive in this description.)

Then it comes for advice for branding manager on how to evoke an attention-pulling device of taking the gift of attention, then giving a gift back. For this thing that's forever contested and many-definition thing for profit. Trying to argue to attempt for more humane advertising campaigns, campaigns to get our attention and to talk about its products. Another intake of the escapist stories to storyfying into our cultural consciousness.

Is this growing another hydra of attention mercantilism with our own. It is a crawling of our consumerist undercurrents, to be made into the prosumers into proprietary rent-seeking behaviour? Ownership creep at the very core? (Rhetorically)

Well, we have a challenge to be vigilante with our user-interface design, then.

Useful definition in regarding brand vs authorship, to identity. It's aimed at Cheif marketing officers and reveals such a mindset, with the (er) ai endorsement to the end. That's where it started to peter off.

Syntopic conclusion (Include the amusing ourself to death.)

As the physical law of cost-benefits comes within, so will be the incentive for 'more' with this articulating into our business philosophies and materialistic desires. Business is about turning humanity on, will the science of the cost is about turning those off. All to our capital and basic trading of a profitable trading.

The freelancer can have its uses of primitive branding and calls to action, constructive. Yet with the entrepreneur they will be times when more and more layers of markingtese, expected returns and beauracratic weaving. Ah, the industrial age of workerfying and ownerfying, all to make our systems!

All the markingtese that will still have its credibility due to one metric. For, cost, for benefit.


oh how has it's ad creeped into our social fabrics.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Internal Marketing Physch

Hey, you a business user or not a product. Nothing is free here with ad creep going up. Then numbers, you have to measure because everybody humble-brags there monetization here, and it's Para social delegation. You're driver of a status role of feeling famous rather than pursuing the craft.

Assume the right things if they aren't responding, they are protecting there workloads and time, it's all very priceless commoditys! You want to have that. Everyone is busybusybusybusybusybusyierbusybusy, probably busier than you.

Making is easy, publishing is hard, marketing for any meaningful stream of attention to you're platform for being relentlessly helpful and long-term connections certainly is from that marking books.

Marking books, marking, you're so lonely you'd have to study marking book, marking.

A mark in peoples to be remembered and that's it. A mark for you're morale. Gotta build a platform, or not.

Influencer influencer influencer


So what of it with this book? It's obviously commercial, yet it does it right it working in the public.

However, monetisation and profit may never come. He does have prudent assumptions there that certainly will to something, I'm not sure if it's a fame recipe (because that's always changing.) It was something that of a dire truth how having a platform that sell's copies is only the way these commercial companies come in.

Having the money flow is only a set-up for the shiny card within the commercial world. There is no plan on getting famous though, not once I've found. It will break the internet.

Lower than "This is marketing" and Herschel Gordan's Lewis's copyrighting book, yet I don't think its that bad on salesmanship. 

Will the email advice go out of date right about now? It feels like it could. Be wary on any fantasy growth 'meta'.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Internal Battle for concept positioning


Forgot about this book when I was doing copywriting. Of course is a book, a marketing book so it proudly proclaims. Wow, so no wonder that podcast was called "Everybody hates marketers"

Thing about the branding/individual strategy of the freelancer in understanding how to be the best in the world of something is what is made into the mind of the user in picking one for trust and attention, this goes into the why somebody may select.

That's what started the niching up/down trend of selective actions and behaviours that are designed to be pleasing to somebody, not everybody. I can see why this influenced Seth Godin's specifics and he knowledge of graphs to the point of emphasizing remarkability. What a way to make a difference when the author did not like one book and he went ahead anyway, or so I've heard.

"You can't go from here from there" Chapter has a sobering poignancy of the Swimmers body Illusion that is made. With certain places in people's mind cannot be reached today, of how numbers distract with fanciful cogs of status beckoning of a greener tomorrow.

If I'd rank it, not as mind-wrapping as Seth's "This is marketing" book and Jason/David's Rework.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Tim Grahl online character study

Now, nothing like studying the industry standard of publishing by studying a jaded book marketer. So they hate our current economic system more than ever.

Short version: lot to learn with publishing and with Seth Godin, okay reverse engineering of storytelling. He's public relations, for better or worse. At least that's a friendly profession. < Yep, that's his site with his cussy novel name. Take an entrepreneurial role it seems.

This will cover is marketing career rather than his fictional writing career. Already relinked his podcast. Yet these are my thoughts of his article of getting onto the bestseller list. What a way to build his own publishing house and instruction within Shawn Coyne, it must be a stronghold at least with him advertising it on his blog.

Also, I've read his 1000 copies book, establishing his connection system with two fictional proxies that he's laid out.  I'd recommend Seth Godin's blog and his this is marketing book for any prospective freelancers looking for a way to play the long-term. As recommendations go with doing art making strategy, though, It is not bad. Especially of tailor-fitting the schedules. A positive self-affirmation at the end is a bit oopity.

What's a salesperson like him going to do when he has to interact with the public and sell his entertainment? Well, it's his mode of operandi, and he details how hard it is to publish rather than to make the thing. As a platform goes, which is simply a means to sell ones books/illustrations, he lays out his experience well.

Along with how to edit, congrats! He's using it a means to advertise the story grid publishing house along with courses to writers. Selling with testimony.

As with all reverse engineers, one still has to go make the thing then decide to market it though. Such troubles of luck is still a problem.

Yeah, once could say he's following a content formula in regard to the way of marketing, yet should be kept simple and nothing reiterated. It's like general physical preparedness, nothing elaborate, yet the rudimentary structure with changes that are continued. How he cautions new writers not to court commercial publishers is probably the best advice. Or pay the Faustian bargain.

To quote a screenwriter in making art for the public -

William Goldman

“Nobody knows anything... Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what's going to work. Every time out it's a guess and, if you're lucky, an educated one.”

Are people merely lonely now when they market today, in the world where it could be construed within the taxonomy of markingtese of branding. How to such individual identity won't be removed from our cultural consciousnesses anytime soon.

C'est la vie, we deal with ad-creep within our own special ways. Be a hobbyist, a freelancer, or a entrepreneur, all attempts could be made with the public image of the chief marketing officer with the interactions.

Haven't tried the rest of the courses, all this info I'm reading up right now is good enough.🛋️📓

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Dialogue Robert Mckees

I'm running out of morale for doing these. Bear with me.
I did say I don't have to do these doodles? Well I never.

There are parts that are made really work, and other things that didn't. Can't wait to check out character and action in this upcoming series of reverse-engineering. Is this entertainment series of learning worth it? I'll decide.

I'd choose story grid over this regarding storytelling staple.

He's continuing his idea regarding scriptwriting story. Going with Shaen's recommendation.

Also, these books seem to carry on to the end of formula and it's pattern of direct response to finding a way to work. Then it's creative tweaking, none of these reverse engineers pale in comparison. So what it's like?

Alright entertainment and analysis of scenes and conflict. Undergoing things that can make writing on the nose with exceptions to the rule. Notes from Charles Dicken at the end and along with means tell/show and handle exposition, Shawn Coyne having his influence of storytelling.

Skip the outdated non-sequitor show don't tell.

The tension he examines with the soprano's scene works satisfyingly. Is that how balanced conflict works and is catagorized? Fascinating.

Word rating of short-term boilerplate analysis . 3/5 out of reverse engineers, swamped it in notes and then moved on.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Mutant Indie production

Hail to little weirdos!

 This one is kooky with many diversions of many the funky dive. These productions have been going without the mainstream help, not that of a way of the factory of following, yet guerilla advertising made to help out the quirky little guys.

The collaboration, dedication of multiple writers and illustrators show to call of the fallen indie meddling that help the lower undercurrents that popular media can't touch

Right into how mainstream industries were avoided when the alternative entertainment was made. The self-industrialising self of publishing of a do-it-yourself kind of gusto that made titles. Yeah, it was capitalized on, like all indie titles. Yet it was a stubborn means of self-destructing on the net, of times past within mid-nineties. So this love letter to that time.

Learning curious concepts that I wished caught on, like crotch potato and ribofunk, with the outdated language and models of distribution, the spirit of the time hasn't. With zines being made and the consumer model of production being broken out more than ever.

Let the Zeitgeist of mutant play handle onwards, from each activist's and artists soul.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Addiction to self-help, Gambling addiciton by design.


Addiction to the Milton Friedman amoralism, to prosumer transaction of a direct response advertiser, such is the world-view to be dismantled within this book.

Where the socioeconomic systemic problems of our culture are to be seen with the prime example of commercial design of the casino. Which is the epicentre of all the mindsets, from financial coercion to the point of self-destruction.

An industry, that grows more mindless as it industrializes. With its cogs of hedonic treadmills of suspension of entirety to the point of gambling, it's self-help suffering the consuming paradox in the later chapters. Self used to climb in the addictions, and self-help to be used to climb out. What a paradox, the only self-help is to not play and gamble.

Youch! The ending goes into this western design philosophy, of what to do with this contempt-enduring science seen from the outsider.

Within this rabbit hole is non-existent, a world of games that is pried open in a fascinating exposé.

How does this reflect social media design, of video game design, and of the way and movement of the corruption of user interface design itself. With the consumerist transaction, the product to sell to shareholders, whatever it takes to stack the gamble in their favour.

Let it be revealed.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Metaphysics of Quality

This was the 

When Robert's books have made you do an entire dive into the entire metaphysics of quality, even if it's a little libertarian at times. He seems to dive into the mesh of matter of the categorical deep sea dive. Pondering within his literary hooks into romantic/classical as a definition, he's there to think, think in the highbrow through the conceptualization provided.

Second book has a sex scene while delving into three anthropological currents and takes of the word quality to stretch the mind. It was three characters exploring the Victorian model progression of the stream of quality and how it interacts with society.

Yeah, mid-dictionary use I did rather than pride-and-prejudice, with its own treck. You come out feeling like you've learned something.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The limits of the burlesque genre

We've already covered Ted Goia's Dopamine article. With a ramble.

The erotized wish fulfilment has its limits, it's all part of understanding it for better taste.

Now for a book, Chuck Palahniuks Snuff. A story of a porn actress doing with a ending that feels like an in-joke of anybody into adult entertainment will get. Postmodern in its naughtiness. Its ending is an incomprehensible explosion that I won't spoil.

I'll devise the burlesque as the opposite of the slice of life. It's a non-genre of content that's more a style rather than a thing of itself. Its non-narrative touch means it can only attach to other plots in hope of supporting.

Its theme could only function as a support, yet it can't really support itself. It's simply explicit material on the contrary. We return to the intensity as a means to pulling attention and keeping it captivated.

Once could try to do a scene-to-scene analysis of Kim Kardashian's Selfie book, It's pretty much not what's intended though, ain't it?

A grade of progressive complications.

Slice of life non-genre marketing genre as been a marketing gimmick as a backlash of the 90s entertainment, it can only attach to romances and other non-violent genres of stories. It is the middle is what Alfred Hitchcock's 'Slice of cake' something the respects the entertainments' genre, it does its own thing though. The burlesque, could leak into dopamine culture with bad taste, the explicit could try to claim it's tastefully literate, yet lying about it could be a mere indulgent tease.

Several minutes of what not to do with a fetish/sex scene. Several years ago.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Danger of Amusement

 Amusing ourselves to death by Neil Postman, Another iconoclastic book

That essay from Huxley, from Neil postman along with entertainment as epistemology are to be ringing today.

Not with social media to this day. Some lessons are to be made with how this new technology batters show-business products for the advertiser to reach with a direct response measurement.

I look at all the streams and long tail of live-streaming, and it's all goes down to a slurry of what we would like to call entertainment. Go to apparently reach the top of more amusing than interesting. That is the trouble, boring entertainment, however paradoxical, is laid before us. Where celebrity has overtaken authority on absurd claims.

This has to be the best argument for the age of scepticism for copywriters. Especially the politics chapter. The amusing veil places growing mistrust on the public. Because entertainment is being putting over truth, epistemology, and justice. Such scepticism is used with healthy scepticism. With the internet today, designed for free use and not made for commercial speech.

The excavation of art into a show-business product continues.