Showing posts with label Creative Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creative Business. Show all posts

Monday, March 3, 2025

Hourly media game, professional =/= personal

The problem with certain trends that if you don't follow them you get ostracized. Such as a hoopla and the Pokémon phenomenon.

I will probably be missing out on the hourly Comics so I could only do a joke, not like it barely worked or had any traction. The surprise you pay to do something new.

Everybody talks about Brand even though it's not really a replacement for having a personality, one that talks as an end of itself.

Hitting specifications isn't a replacement for a personality.

So I miss this cargo cult, most likely for the better. Could not even understand it.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Indeterminate of pretension to convergence

What a complicated way to say focus. Yet logicians in philosopy don't pull there punches when talking there jokes to academics.

Such as the troubles of learning to forcibly focus, isolated and into the trials.

Not wanting to be picked, not being selected within the right place in the right time.

Merely sticking towards a Wacom screen and not looking at the second screen. Along with thinking as an unglamorous producer, then not. Wrestling with the plumber paradox.

A ditch digger though, what a method to loosen writer's block, to loosen it's holding.

Then, when it publishes, the body of work continues.

So what is ultimately sold to the advertiser on platforms is tension, distilled.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Technocratic rushing

Welcome to the internet where everything is computational, where illustrators become into the fan service industry complex.

Postman then undertakes his own view in where have religious matters into the world of scientist and another's from another viewpoints from western society.

He gets to the nitty gritty of how a shifted the patterns. Pales in comparison to amusing ourselves to death with his points of Bread and Circus. A shift, into our understanding. Of qualitative and quantitative over everything else, from the technocrats view. From the shiftless view.

It ain't that simple, though.

It can't translate into religion, sociology and the fictional entertainment works. How its mis detects illiteracy as mis-computations. Why the direct response can't be the answer, measurement not everything. Drawing on the sacred/profane distinctions.

Some sources and others are, historically wrong and in the wrong place, has a loving resistance fighter end though.

Thats his idea, not sure if he understands it fully though.

3 - 5 stars

Monday, February 10, 2025

A transaction first, a service/product

 Let's look at the Hierarchy of taxonomies, informal groups that organise to. Or belief systems that are made and secured into boxes.

Some people are so concise with their attention and time, then it becomes a matter of hurrying up towards succinctly and seeing the point of view from outside in. Because this is the way things are structured from the idea inside.

Simplicity towards complexity

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Least exhausting way possible

Mizaki on the others.

Finding curation and a home for one's own artwork is going to be an imperative for the creative seeking not to exhaust himself, to balance his dreams with his own craft and it's demands of the body. It's all within the management of the trials to come, and to survive the oncoming duress of it all.

There's a time when one feels the tiredness, the exhaustion, it's a skill that can be learnt, and it seems to be forgotten with what burnout society has left us.

It's merely entertainment, it's merely a distraction, go to have rest'n recovery with the sleep opportunity offered.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Individual Exceptionalism

"You're special, just like everybody else." Or so the saying goes.

Merely being unique and remarkable, a pioneer, does not mean you'll survive. Survival still an excuse, a product/service not worth preserving.

Having to make gruelling copy of high trending SEO topics, groomed to capitalized for an attention retention of an algorithm decided to appease them, and not the end-user. Such the wiling call of what is unique that is only going to be a point of tension that will not be leaded.

Only with the smallest amount of connection shall there be a light to understanding that the things that count, and the things that don't with this each of use in our selfish hideouts, lead out into a generous community.

Such a point.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The dissappeared blogs, From monetised whispers.

 There are "meta" blogs, trying to game the algorithm, or attempts for dominion and failures, like cheating and such.

Now it's gone, with writing things to be made into the robots, then there are gone, deleted. Files of information that are left into the wastes of lost-media.

Creativity for creativity's sake ain't celebrated, there are left to rot into the forgetfulness of our times, lead into a most profanely disservice that's made into emptiness.

Yet all of this time. That all this task to be made with a priceless intent, one that is to push forward and honour a desire to give our own selves to aid others.

So yes, do go and make an honest living, that living shall not enclosed with the little spindle of creativity that come forth here.

I'm not monetizing this.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Specification of desire


Antitheses of representation, aren't we?

Weather on attempts on deciding which and wherever specific to our own manners, it is all guided. Guided in the way that is into the intense of marketeers. Profit mongers, where rats in the maze are prodded with little tips of pleasure.

So it is, forever the race to the bottom. I'm sure they justify it in their mind, despite harder to emphasize.

That's not to invite the antagonism of the wall of scepticism we all face in our duty to lead or sacrifice all self-determination to the subservience of the dollar.

Searches the Dominion under such measurement. Too big to care.

(Another rant, merely seeing lack of curation)

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Performative Affliation, Underhanded Games. Desire for direction.

 You'll never know the direct games within the performance metrics unless you know the full record.

Many indie publishers working on the public side play the metrics, feed the algorithm, then try to save face by talking about how to excuse them.

Rachel Hollis is a perfect example, all the inspiration porn advice in the world yet does not hide the face that he married to leverage from Disney entertainment and then went to organising parties with celebrities.

We will never know if we use direct communication such as impack copywriting to make others more honest.

It's not all fun and games.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Swap it out, NDA

Can be used within the entertainment industry.

There are terms that silence others, including those who make work that matters. Check and delete and see if they agree.

Turn a non-disclosure agreement into a full disclosure agreement, wuzzah!

See if they agree, it works like that.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Cruel Clown show

What a show that will others believe they're owed entertainment. Owed amusement, owed kiddie pool play.

Such is a means that will never end, of large waves of attentions economies that will move in and out, with much whimsy.

Fame, Infamy, and Attention Economising. It all happens at once, performance metric hallucinations shake like winds. Commercial platforms yearn for it, long for it, and call for it.

Now, I shall quote, as we go through this circles.

Dyna Soar 

"One of the worst things that can happen to an artist is becoming unintentionally famous on the internet. Nobody is in control of it, and when it occurs it’s a completely destructive force that endangers you and your work due to the nature of the majority of people online. The macrolevel behavior of social media is sick and twisted and directly/indirectly pursues the suffering and torment of others as entertainment Doesn’t seem to matter if you “embrace” momentary celebrity or not. It will punish you, hunt you, grift off you, and make up stories about you regardless. There is a sense of entitlement from the viewer that they are owed entertainment constantly from you. That all work you do is immediately “open source”, available to anyone, and ready to make a buck off of. Any rejection of this is considered elitist and antisocial, and the acceptance is considered “selling out”. You can’t win and in general, nobody I know that has had the spotlight thrown on them really wants that. We all know it’s horrible."

If you haven't already, you can look of Signifiers in documentary of the entertainment industry. Or, with how social media is treated like one.

FD signifer 1:12 with racism content warning.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Beautiful wastes of time

Not all wastes of time are created equal, there's the point where the contemplations set in, and the time with everything that happens.

Even the interruptions, oh, they to be cherished.

Ain't that where the wastes of time happen, though? Seeking utility there as well. With the exploration, entertainment, and other times that get swallowed up in multiple tabs, then back again.

As if reverse engineering it all can be matter'd. Cannot calculate it.

Means it's intrinsic, that can be a use, or well, the 80% percent of chance between instrumental/intrinsic once a moral philosopher said. (Sam Harris? I don't like that philosopher.)

Friday, January 3, 2025

Everybody fishes for a sinecure/Performance Metrics

 Users act nonchalant about the performance metrics, yet it's the business models work. How do they express is clearly, the distribution.

Making money may not be the point, yet the relationship that does not betray one another business is a relationship to be trusted. One of the conventions of business is no-comedy or clownery for a reason. No incongruity or contradictions for a reason.

The less amusement and more ruthless, the better. The less the genre signifiers towards amusement, the better. Believe of contribution with that motivation comes in mind.

Training and Performance Metrics, Ouch!

Monday, December 30, 2024

Delivering something somebody wants to read.

Conversations are meaningful, conversations can't happen to those under high demand. So, what is dms for?

1. Vendors or well-published artists/writers are looking for transactions, I try to keep it concisely instrumental. With the burden of adcreep with social media, give honest hacks what they want. Ah, the service/entertainment industry. Well, make every word and illustration count.

Feedback loops to business and farming commissions, oh dear. Keep it transactional.

2. Any meaningful conversations within reason. Can only entertain so many relations with the input.

3. Any gift and experimentation. With no expectation, like a poem, or a reflection.

There is only so much that can be explored, where is the line between sharing and oversharing.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Axiological skeptic bag-getting

 With a reflection of the hawk tauh article. Nodes in the system really like to strike when the iron's hot.

That's a problem, ain't it?

"From potential prey to potential predator" Pump and dump, then a rug pull follows. It bears repeating with this ever-changing meta. Any tutorial hoping to teach the formula for virality and celebrity endorsements (Which commercial publishers want, they want to convert that attention into money. )

Forever, these public services are in a pickle. It's always a pain, and it's never free, any literate professional knows it ain't free.

There's this underlying anxiety and insecurity that if they don't tow the line, they're going to be ignored. Yet that's all part of the fear of being creative, All that article does in the haunting of the commercial publishing and the editing.

To live with the ghosts 🛋👻

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Three Nick'n Nite Audiences : Physco-Graphic ghosts

48 min of a huge documentary marathon for you to consider.

Analysis of the communities to make money, monetization of entertainment, it never changes

Three circles of reassurances, reassurances that an artist must not seek with his own way, there from the Nick'n Nite audience analysis of getting a return on their project There's overlapping magistrates and movement, only to the point. Where these to be watched out and treated/punished accordingly.

Such an overlap is to be brought into social media of what people engage with. With engagement rate and all that vanity is brought towards 'platform' with all that commercial slew.

Such is the taxonomy of commercial entertainment.
  1. Wholesome - Toxic Positivity

    There these circles who treat positivism that things will get better, not somehow, WILL. Only a matter of time, no realism, no whateverism. Things are always bright-sided! Nope!

    The thing where this can get beyond such prudence shall not entertain such a thought. Where all the ides shall be lent with the ideas of into the realism.

    All yet a probing of radical dependence becomes nihilistic in of itself.

    Such as the iconclastic Dyna Soar's though say (Nsfw poster, do keep in mind.)

    Dyna Soar🦕
    I take an antagonistic stance towards the usage of the word “wholesome” in art. reactionary brain poisoned zoomerism
    December 11, 2024 at 11:08 PM
    it’s full of self flagellation too

  2. Escapist - Fictional archetypes/Sexual formalism

    Ah, the other side! With their own drawings of the archetypes of the other ways of seeing the Jungian archetypes and such. Till the face that with ab testing things get prurient fast.

    Look in the light, with dreams not being accurate as we talk of the other things happen the best. A world realer than it could be within its own.

    Then in a moment, it's gone. Is this the fiction now? It's not that such a reassurance can be found.

  3. Ironic - Satirical/Irony poisoned Paradox - poisoned

    So taken by the incongruity of their paradoxes and contradictions for jokes, they end up not handling with the punching towards the up/down. Who knows, Everybody is illiterate except us. Well, not really. Wearing contradiction is indeterminate as a status symbol.

    Such a matter as the comedian cannot touch make a difference with a difference itself, the ways with our comedy is going to be another aspect of how to handle the amusing ourselves to death.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Snorting the strategy. Critique and considerations.

Aaaaah, inspiration p***, you can't help those hot showers even though they are selling is merely control. This 

Except being picked by a system is not what this is about, it's altering it, of bending societal control. Well what is called strategy, be patient, such a simple concept explored in multiple riffs which is to be accepted.

First, gotta give thanks to Seth for making me start this blog, there's no denying he works for investors within a b corp. Yet it's certainly a good placebo, as he describes. Even if it may not influence my thinking, the internal story feels like a dazzle.

His thinking of blueprints, feedback loops and the way of business models and leverage are all well and good, stuff they should teach freelancers within entertainment to help watch their business. He repeats his famous blog posts, and it reads like a string of unconnected blog posts, little snippets of thoughts for the uninitiated, this is a style you're going to have to get used it.

It's a morale booster, yet that's all it is. Enough to control the work schedule, out of all of it could be negatively categorised a self-help from the era of salesmen and it's hacks. I'd recommend Seth's Godin The Practice, and his entire free podcast series to figure out your own opinion. There's still learning to be had, be aware of the baggage, as much as part as I bring mine.

There's always going to be a societal need for this, given how much the lands are filled with swindlers in this day and age.

Already he went from those suspicious rags-to-riches stories regarding apple, which is a point against the book. Claude Ai too, meeeeh. Haven't needed to use it to clarify my thoughts.

Oh, and intuitionism, stuff not written down and systemised will always be part of business models, it's about transactional attention that of the service industry. Till it's outlived. A bit too much scientism and unsympathetic for the concept of revolution. It all feels like a CEO point of view may have overtaken him, he does his best to try to hide it though. Goes into the last part with talks about the free market (Which flew right past my head) then onto talks of a carbon tax and with community action.

To quote

"Entrepreneurship is like one of those carnival games where you throw darts or something.

Middle class kids can afford one throw. Most miss. A few hit the target and get a small prize. A very few hit the centre bullseye and get a bigger prize. Rags to riches! The American Dream lives on.

Rich kids can afford many throws. If they want to, they can try over and over and over again until they hit something and feel good about themselves. Some keep going until they hit the centre bullseye, then they give speeches or write blog posts about “meritocracy” and the salutary effects of hard work.

Poor kids aren't visiting the carnival. They're the ones working it."

When will this non-profit business last? Until I die. Afford what you can to avoid the ad creep.

Fair share of disagreements and agreements entering within the commercial field.

See you for the next book you'll publish, Seth. These will all be added into the syncretic domain. Nothing like getting bashed with the same marketing rules over and over till something clicks, ah, those on-the-nose themes.

Did he use AI for the bookcover? Oh gosh, the paranoia has got me.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

To be entertained by [_______]

Pick entertainment, of what holds the attention, then decide the path forwards ontologically.

Entertainment of ad-driven platforms to enter, to hold, all for the sake of it. Keep the cobra effect, all the perverse incentives. 

Whatever you pay attention too, is there any intent or is the attention being held with complete justification, all those impulses, seductions, and twists of the mental state. Hold us all in perpetual motions of patterns, locked into a sense of making mean in circles, reiterated into new cycles.

That's business, where the proved and new patterns made.

Race-to-the-bottoms cannot separate fact or fiction, from the entertainment that's meant to be fiction, best to avoid and work for such patterns, then move on.

Choose what holds you, choose the shape one becomes.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Self-Help = Naked On-The-Nose Benefit

I've got to the moment, If one was to define a benefit, this is a self-help. Of course, without the over-commercialised usage it's become. 

If the conceptual definition is to broaden it, this is what happens.

It can be to the moment that it's all self-defeating if it's called an oxymoron, with all the ways that be made. Should they make a genre of self-defeating aswell?

Nah, the way it could be made clear, the self-defeat and self-help industry complexes move together. With the costs of lending towards new books, the attempt to make utility a fetish that's made it. This utility has become another dependence. Will the boundaries be placed, the guardrails will happen.

Call the creative assertions with benefit, then the other hackneyed works self-service. (The morality of that self-service is another matter.)

With the bouncing of control and dis-control, woosh.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Commercial Chameloan

There's something that happens to publishers, and I can't blame them for the axiology, it's something that I have to be realistic as they fail in profits.

It's the opportunism and the perverse incentives that follow along with such a race-to-the-bottom, no surprise. The only clarity I get from these decisions that they want to be paid excessively well, beyond magnitude.

Beware of that type of person who will act sycophantic and then not move towards the self-care cost-of-living when it matters. That's the story we all live with. Only one story, though, others not reductionist.

When an indie publisher asks for a delivery of an audience with no strings attached (Or aren't they? Check the contract.) It's a gate keep for the right reasons, a question of utility that's made, sadly dreams aren't meant to be accurate, it's the antithesis to the accurate in order for them to work. It's the obligation of what is made afterwards and then onwards.

Sometimes the ruthlessness is not a negative aspect. Better consistent than a that. Using to whatever passion of belief system to serve happy amateurism.