Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Trying not to caricature

Tried not to caricate Elon Musk.

Oh well, it's been in entertainment from its inception. Try not to get angry at somebody who has destroyed a distribution for artists/entertainers along with Steve Bannon, bsky. Out of the frying pan...

Did well even though I'm more of an idealist with my romantic drawings not that complicated, like I needed an editor.

Even with the charity through romantcism, he still gets an uncharitable treatment within my zine.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Manage and own the effort

Art_Of_Arthy Furrath thumbnails

Since we only get so much effort in the day and the outsider of will only get its impression. A simplification of ockan's razor, to eliminate adjective reasoning, is required.

Or if it quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

If it looks like a specification, it is a specification. 

Anything others shall be considered creativity and art. One or the other.

Best to make it with where the effort is distributed where, the inner effort and the outer impact are aligned accordingly.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Grmmmph, Masculine love Coping.

Goppers emote scribble for 40doodles commission. The cartoonish gurn reversed.

 I've appetized my appetite for essays and thought, be a previous way, are trying to comprehend terms like cultural commodity, standardisation, regression of taste. All the previous forms to compartmentalize into Kyro before his radicalised. All for a character that's forced into the category of a market that I haven't done much reading into.

This is my entertainment now, I'm stuck with my characters with them as a cure to my hyper-romantic masculinity love. It's all an attempt to cope with all the ways of being single, hopefully it's a healthy way. Can't peacock myself in one of those furry meetings. Some longings of my previous pencil draughtsman into the hopes of another.

Oh, it is human to dream. To be something else.

My autism and benefits are the solvency for these passion projects, let's go.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Collaboration Danny Theo


Started a collaboration with Francis Boyo, I tried my best with being direct with minimal reverse-engineering with the project scope.

The first time a flirt is interpreted, with the scribbles dictated, the moment of Geo seeing Danny at the moment of an affection. Then the busts are used to see proportions.

The bounty of this is that I have things in a means of repeatability, for better or worst. This may align with commercialized consistency and other ideas worth bearing when it comes to the idea being edited, the sanctity itself having been, at least I can answer what it's for.

The intent being that it's for a comic series, where the consistency is made to serve to user if providing an illusion and verisimilitude of what is called a 'story'. Yes, I'm a storyteller, Even though narrative thinking has been glamourised into the McDonald's of Hollywood. This useful fiction has its uses as a heuristic.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

kyros frustration and Blender WIPS

"Comatose banality are the thoughts that come over me when I think of the dream. Between humanity and an artifice of arousal.

Arousing the slumbers of things that retreat into the night. After the dark, after the sobering days today. When it's remembered, I feel like I'm being torn apart then put back together again.

What is it like, to fulfil a million instructions and orders like you're nothing. To be pulled apart then put together like a toy car. This skull and human feeling is the only thing I have left with the artifices left by Castella.

What a fuggin life."

Me blending it up to make a head model 

This is what peak figure-it-the-fug-out looks like. Grant About and Bran Sculpts.

Standardized models to draw from, I've yet to learn retopoligize. It's a start though. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Creative collaboration Zhangku

Rough quick sketches of scribbles, suggestive as it was. This is how explicit I'll go.

Decided to become an art director again, a conversational director. Hiring another illustration because I love the furry community. It's a NSFW illustration, so I won't be posting it here.

Scribbles and gestures with no categorization of right and wrong is what's this place best for, so here it goes. That's a way writer's block goes out of the way, with play.

If I was going to direct paint over interventions, make sure the easy-to-fix corrections are done beforehand, at the early stages where the vision director's vision can align with the illustration. Some freelancers are masochists and make me concerned. Be sure to know when to call.

Zhangku is a trusty, bara adult collaborator.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Thumbnails/animatics, the part where you spot sunk clowns

I even use Play-Doh men to get the ideas down.

 I started classy with my work, working with thumbnails. It's okay to go clownish at this stage since it ain't going to be showing in the final art piece. No references are needed, it's to get the bad ideas out to sort through the good. With emotion and layout out of the way, progress can happen.

So to start, even without any reference is needed. The scene turning is harder to articulate than the drawing itself.

No inhibitions, just go through it.

Same thing that clean up artists do

@PrinceOfShroom on a twitter thread on low rates of Hazbin

Movies do it too, embrace to sunk clowns.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Art direction/patron Scribble

 Yep, these are the rough doodles I gave to 49 doodles, before we began.

I don't know if my art direction is too Draconian or too loose, so I gave some instructions.

When are revisions enough? When is it not, it's all guesswork. You've got a plan, yet in the venture of the internet there is no plan now.

I figured that be enough, interpretation wise I want the artist to do his own thing, the category of oneness. If I wanted to be enterprising to fit within a larger project, I'd make the one follow my standardization too for simple continuity reasons.

Only give oversight when needed, a mere donation for a bud. Sometimes it's better to be a patron rather than an art director. I made him do the call.

Background suggestions.

Finished commission.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Bobby's upholstery origins

Revision of this

When Bobby made his name within the local community, he could only franchise his successful venture. Providing shelter for the golem kind.

It got in early thanks to the family business, one that took blood and en
ergy to provide. With the handcrafted love of Danny's father company, Thumpers. Providing the best of place where privacy at home could be accomplished with a rest of the legs.

The distribution came for the daily newspaper, Bobby's wife knowing the buzz needed. Bringing his admiration and status up within the business news insiders and along with many entrepreneurial circles.

Work in progress of environmental design

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Ditchdiggers propriety entrance

Sit as Castella instructed.

Asheal awaits at the Silver Spirit park bench. Waiting for a potential lover to meet.

"Oh, this will be a new relationship, a relationship that's most professional. One that will help hearts.

What an odd set of circumstances, you do what you do for publicity.

I'm ready."

Machinery sounds approach, braking pots, gas exhausting and as it was gentle. It was his guardian. Asheal is nervous, and he turns around.

It's kyro's with his primal form. An excavator with a face on it, it's indifferent gaze scans Asheal, then it's crane moves open. Placing a pile of dirt on the ground. Asheal notices it and gasps from the pile of dirt.

"Oh, It's Lavender! Splendid! Such a charmer!"

Kyro's responds, with a blush. That comment gets to him.

"Uurugtgth!" The excavator said.

"Oh, don't worry Ky, you don't have to say anything. Just examine the view with me!" Asheal said.

A potential scene is with Kyro's longing for Asheal, seen from the perspective of Kyro. All from Asheal's bickering.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Kyros refusal to strip

Kyro's Looks in the suit in disgust.

(Suggestive themes CW)

The dance was smooth, the courtship was smooth, yet The casting couch could not care, she owned this arranged marriage. A meeting had to be made in Asheals office.

“So, am i to have this apron on, no clothes? Showing meal prep to a bunch of hungry gawkers?”

Ky said, a costume skimpier than his casual sleepwear being held in confusion. He began to question the romance. It's a strings costume, done live during meal prep.

“Yes, the board of investors, hungry as they are.” 

“Only in front of Asheal!” Ky said.

“Yeah, this part of the contract of your reanimation” Asheal said in response, trying to mediate.

Ky could not contain his anger as he refused 

“Really? Could you argue for what we stand for? Blurring the synapses and making the rot, this bigorexia of your veiled under some nebulous placebo? I don't know what sex positivity this is if it's so degrading.”

“It's a bit of a rom com escalation with all the a-b testing. The wisp board attention flows all the crowding there. They want it.” Castile said.

Ky squeezed his brow.

“They can shove that wisp testing right up there-”

“Will you do it, do it for me?” Asheal interrupted, Castelle noted, a smile going up.

“No. You perfected me as it is. Made this sexualized monster made for money shots and comedy.”

Castelle brought up her trump card the best one.

“You'll be out of your examination pod, you'll be able to sleep with Asheal.”

“No! Shove it you dirty seater! Not in the mood.”

Ky exited, Asheal shouted.


He was gone.

“Well well Ash, could you clean up this mess?” Castelle said. "Or I'll deal with it."

Aheal is worried.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Dumi's second life - New Oc

He tries to handle his vaping addiction, with cans of beans to help.

After advertising for the Wild summit, he takes on his hybrid form. Preferring the mobility of it. Transitions take from one hour, shorter if temperaments rise.

He works out, with what is provided by Gurner., along with a free room for him to sleep where better opportunities arise. Otherwise, he's stuck with Marcy.

Previous life a mascot intern for a college football team. A freak gym accident forced first aid soul transplanting within a 20 kg dumbbell.

Dominique being his real name, Dumi the cute mascot name. He does teamster as an off job to help pay rent to Marcy's landlord. Late twenties and still at it.

Initial brainstorming process, with uneven proportion.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Glitter Park view, A review of posting formats.

Here, I'm considering a starting scene for my work.

I don't have to write here all the time. Just little parts of myself, be it art or writing. So I'm considering other posting formats.

Essentially, work in progressess

It can even be a writing-only post, Especially on holidays where I may not have all the tools available to sketch.