Showing posts with label Character. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Character. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Goldcat Cappy Ultima

 The connection with the more of the desires of it's all connecting into one place of a FabergĂ© egg, it's all in the bag.

Shine cleaning glimmers of Status, all sibling into a connected point of woven fabric of container. Deliverer of Dreams to a new fruition of being. How dandy it all is!

F___ me i could roll around this like litter.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Reverse engineer yourself, bread and circus with Cappy

 Cappy will hum to himself.

"Learn to be a hack, will save your life.
Shoveling same patterns and handling the litter.
Give the people what they want.

Learn to be a hack, save a life.
Doing the counting and making the measures.
Providing comforts for what you will.

Learn to be a hack, Save a life.
One person out there needs to be comfortably numb.
Trap or not you're heeeeeereee~

Never commit to a point of view
Create the blandest stew.
Cardboard yourself a none-way.

Never get artblock agaaaaaain! Never get artbloooock. Never get artblock Again yeah!"

Sunday, February 16, 2025

You consider yourself a god Kyro?

With the oily scent of an engine that holds honour. With the desires to bear the life of all automations, we take for granted.

Such a tradition, that puts us all in awe for a moment, efficiency. Interlocking with the repetitive specification union of all our hopes then making a mean that make civilisation and our laws, into complexity of all our known ideas interacting.

Arrogance or an acknowledgement of our status? You'll be reshaped into something that will into our earth. Wired into, wired into ribofunctional mutant non-attachment.

Not wiring wrong, or right.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Red Numbers Cappy

Such a means to build an empire, the results don't fit the goals.

Is it okay to cheat within a system that does not care that you will justify, in its own terms, horrible?

Blame the rationale, blame the work, blame the game. Friggity scratchies! Can't be bothered, can't be A******. Everybody's doing it efficiency. It's all the hot stream of direct satisfaction that everybody wants.

All the hopes of leathery goodness that's meant to deliver that squeak?

Eh, what a system, eh?

A golem cleaning the lower restrooms. It's truth of what it serves.

That treasure.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Frustrations of a other place: Twitch

What came to me with that couch?

Did I see an embarrassment? Failed Irony? Insight that are my creativity ain't going to be rewarded by the financial goals of ad driven sites?

All rhetorical questions. Yearning for imposter syndrome, within fictional entertainment.

There could be a billion reasons for a single view on my channel, and they could be a much more. Ain't my job to probe why. Pretentious meeting simulator within network television. That's mass media. There goes more attention to a sloppy crypto ad.

Getting off twitch has been a boon, oversharing is exhausting.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Cappys books

"The Cappys way"

"Scratches bustle."

"Did not see that meow!"

Bob Cappy knows the deal when giving the public the adoration he wants, he goes and plays to their desires and wants to the most showcatship degree.

His customers and visitors give their reports. Some negative, some positive.

"Always at the guardrail, then beyond!"

"What a stretchy mindset, he says, treating everything and everyone as a prospect for his scrabbly ventures. You'd best watch your back."

"He's got the ticket, lord Jimmy

What remains of his guests and his hustle remains to be seen of the entrepreneur.

This is BBC news, at four.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

A busy hack I am

It is the world of artists, and the world of hacks.

To be reduced to a mindless vendor selling commodities, and to be taken with millstone of the world of all its spectacles. Two pulling each other apart and back again.

That's the desire of the machine, and desires of the master that I drone and break free from.

From the commercial cack to the romantic madness of the loner. I see you.

The gigs down the road, I should go down there to rumble.

Let's rumble.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Theos Substance







Saturday, December 21, 2024

Attraction/repulsion paradox/ Validation axiologist

 Defining the axiology of the customers, the competition, the distribution. Got me thinking.

Getting really specific with the axiology of determining what the positive is what the profession ahead. What is my first profession is to be called a cartoonist, an artist of identification that determines. A certain, tender truth.

To feel like an artist, to have no external axiological validation. Somehow, it's a win-win. It's going to be how to win-win when certain games out there don't need to be played. The game of constant social media validation. Ugh, it will be forever played with the status role games, so it's to be seen. With the meta of free views, always an odd spectacle.

What is my paradoxical creation? Well, it's a monster.

A dateable monster, one that I found entertaining enough to hold my interest. That's it, of failed irony, one that's become another thing.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Theo's Snarl

There is a case with all of this, after the accident of trying to take over, it ain't going to happen, they always have a plan B. It's always a plan b.

 Theo has a disconcerting past, a past of condemnation of appetites that are most hidden to the usual eyes. Asheal pushes past him out of his wheel-chair, within his own smirk as the Greyhounds look.

Venture did not go as planned?

"Don't you dare spare your look, son. Or no time with your friend in the lord's eye"

He frils wave down as he marches right past, a long air of silence as he brings his word towards Castella, having to do it on his footpaws.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Idea notes Theo For Zhangku

 An angry Theocrat strongman, that through Castella's sinecure.

Redlines and such with my work. Then the artist suggested that I'd work with a inverted red cross. Since I'm the art director and he's the honest hack. I'd have to do my best version.

Bio, physical matter, All, that offering with is with the holiest of fears, of what is the occult that he never entertains, which is now.

A peast, a pastor, and methologist of the covenant. Down the holy ladder, then up.

Then right back down amongst Castella's graces.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

A Zealotic Fossil

 "You are a annoying artifact of craven desires, interlocking with the rings of a ageing, sexist oafish retreat. The wolf skull rock " Castella continues.

Theo Slumps in his chair as he is made to be another's spectator.

"You don't think, you don't do, you leer." A production burden of cases and crash-outs. Good luck with me covering my a** this time when it comes to your entertainment shtick goes."

"What so wrong with getting public attention? To hold it, the take care of it." Theo Slumps in his chair.

"Shameless, really, too shameless"

Thursday, November 21, 2024

A joke/contradiction, now meaning.

 Apparently they stole my moustache.

When the beliefs system based on paradoxes contradictions and whatever is serviceable at the time fades. Why are you left with, it's a thing something to hold until a bouy to be consistent with.

This simple sign of of meaning is to be held onto for the days ahead with what could be on the surface a long term plan or guess.

How is this a gag, entertainment, or a clown show any more. You can't wear a clown suit when it comes to a business dealing. Especially when one has to deliver an audience from one place to another with the platforms holding their arms up and not going to do anything. (I know Couch Gregor, You're not meant to entertain anything other than get paid first, yap yap.)

Yet how is it that Twitch's celebrity endorsements vs understand the impossibility of reverse-engineering virality. You can't magic wand away a mystery.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

You can mew it!

The scene of a auditorium of what the global glob made by the Silvers, the fat cat is on the stage, a living embodiment of allegory. Then he claps, dramatic.

"This infinite opportunity of the golden cat, with a lifestyle of the lines of mews for all the one that can see. In front of all the audience of eager mouse and cats.

You can MEW it!

Mewstler life! Mewing for extra scraps up the daisy chain of the tip of the tops! Burn the way towards a 20 hour perfection of ultimate winning! Don't be a loser, a sad loser of anti-business, be a mewer! A MEWER! Soul crushing grinds become soul-fulfilling grinds! Mewww! Grind-'n love! Grind'n love like a scratcher, grind'n mew it, grind'n mew it.

Mew mew mew into a hole and out again. Blow it out of all the kibbles."

The crowd goes crazy.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Hopkins Contract with C.M

“What a show am I going of pull, if all things are being equal. Will this little rinky-dink warehouse of fancy furni be recognized?”

“Yes, you will be seen as the way it's going to be respected.”

“Good, then urr, could you excuse me while I'll tell my golems that this place will be done up and good, my fair clients are going to be waiting.”

It's a contract to the fair dome of all the business ventures that are placed into once box, the capital of golem tokens and for the tastes of a special audience.

I really, special audience with really special demands.

In his ledger, he knows what is to be done, after the call.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Fat cat Cappy : reasons

 When you stare in the abyss, you either become the monster, or the cat monster. Little warmongering pest of contradictions that is meant to bring conflict. Well, Drama to the fiction.

That's the traditional concept of what is an antagonist of a traditional, western story structure. I'm following that.

A archetype of business, the cost of living that likes the growth of a business model interwoven with the gangster genres that inspire it. Status seeking with a traitorous desire. Since I've made him into anthro-kind it's more likely going to be a status thing within the world now.

Well, It ain't compelling if they ain't drama.

Different from Theo, Who's more of a father playboy.

This is an archetype of business! Of Apollo.

These characters are made-to-order, I'm not sure if I can expand the cast or eliminate for it. Ernie Bushmiller managed to do it with three.

24:40 Min of a sensational playlist.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 Every time and being is deserved a chance. A chance to speak out. From every desire of need for justice for problems left unsolved.

Of all things, the angst of not being in line with industrial conspirational within the bricks, shall shine the gems of another wave, of the cogs that shape into human.

Humph, all authority shall be questioned, so it's the best to treat the unquestioned as guilty first, sweeties. The work of all to the most determined shall be treated under suspicious eye, that all cops are C****.

Friday, September 27, 2024


To separate and be apart with two loves, then to a moment to know what intimacy and a personal life to feel again. Ah, what I was to do the work. The simple meaning to find interest is what I'm going to discover.

They say it's like the hedgehog paradox, getting close is painful, yet what things could happen through a facial astral projection.

Oh, the way of the work.

I can't be separate and same the way it takes for it to reach somebody, in the blonde fuzz of Monday morning, so blissfully lazy.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Full Dysmorphic Torture room!

 Conflicts, sometimes the cake can be eaten, especially within the abstract paradoxs within the mind. All to find the dimensions and it's shades.

The paradox of bigorexia and smallorexia coexist, forming a new concept, the pushing and pulling of body issues, of a reason to bring internal hate within.

My characters have them as thus:

Couch Gregor has it as a doorman, George has it as a ghost, Danny as it's dance partner, Theo as the underearth, Kyro as the superman, Asheal as the creeper, Jaime's the sharp pain.

Ah, physicality going down into my writing. When the body will have to be pulled into every bodily direction because of it.

Friday, September 20, 2024

No filter

Loose lips sink ships, or to go, sink a secret group of commandos.

The idea to take an idea to the world will be the death of mea, the idea that will conflict with life as it's my duty to explore everything.

Within the street of the that haunted upholstery to the wet puddles of Downing Street with a fried crawler for protein. It'd taste like chicken for the normal humankind. Must be eating several more.

Bulking cycle.

What are you going to do for attention that feels earned and not a gift.

Hope it does not let out.