Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Theo's Attraction

Heroic masculinity, supererogation in its bulk. With the desire to bring out the desire of strength that can taste so toxic, yet I'm willingly willing to drink, potty mouth as it's taken.

Gulp, how it's irresistible. I shall not fantasize about Kyro any further as he cleans my dirty dishes of this matter.

Such a humble job unlike mine where I have to deliver promises to the public as being an entertainer. Of these sweet little untruths of me and my sect, and mutuals. From that lake of psalms towards what was offered by Castelle.

Why can't it be with the ditch digger.

43.25 minute documentary of masculine exploration.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The limits of the burlesque genre

We've already covered Ted Goia's Dopamine article. With a ramble.

The erotized wish fulfilment has its limits, it's all part of understanding it for better taste.

Now for a book, Chuck Palahniuks Snuff. A story of a porn actress doing with a ending that feels like an in-joke of anybody into adult entertainment will get. Postmodern in its naughtiness. Its ending is an incomprehensible explosion that I won't spoil.

I'll devise the burlesque as the opposite of the slice of life. It's a non-genre of content that's more a style rather than a thing of itself. Its non-narrative touch means it can only attach to other plots in hope of supporting.

Its theme could only function as a support, yet it can't really support itself. It's simply explicit material on the contrary. We return to the intensity as a means to pulling attention and keeping it captivated.

Once could try to do a scene-to-scene analysis of Kim Kardashian's Selfie book, It's pretty much not what's intended though, ain't it?

A grade of progressive complications.

Slice of life non-genre marketing genre as been a marketing gimmick as a backlash of the 90s entertainment, it can only attach to romances and other non-violent genres of stories. It is the middle is what Alfred Hitchcock's 'Slice of cake' something the respects the entertainments' genre, it does its own thing though. The burlesque, could leak into dopamine culture with bad taste, the explicit could try to claim it's tastefully literate, yet lying about it could be a mere indulgent tease.

Several minutes of what not to do with a fetish/sex scene. Several years ago.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Edgy, both in experiment and jade - Novelty Burnout

1:11 of the most jaded definition, with not much principle of charity applied. I like em both definitions.

The law of diminishing returns must come when it's with ideas that become the middle and then at the edge, it's a dance that must be taken as part of the deal of what it means to be creative.

It's that time again, where the term of edgy is brought to court the necrophiliacs of whatever, those who are jaded with the genre's mediocre expressions. Now, that this is the period of novelty burnout is something to be predicted on the state that attention needs to be refreshed on new stimuli.

Cussy man makes cussy video on the cycle of what all this cool hunting hammer, of cool commercialization, rebel to normalization then out again. 2:21 Did I recommend the documentary The merchants of cool? 58 documentary.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Making Money Compendium - Summery and relinks - revideo

Fly free, numerical statistic, priceless money making advice shall be free!

This is the best collection of salesmanship on salesmanship I could curate. From previous into source.

I'm not one of those slick money making 'professionals' who try to squeeze out a meta. Commercialism of commercialism shall always be questioned.

Gurney has his own take. I'd say try to focus on attracting those to the Kevin Kelly's 1000 fan business model, or the smallest viable business model. 39 min.

Seth Godin has advice, of course of re-linked what he's written about exposure and working for free. They are two posts on money making. Good enough.

Also, there's a meta of money making that does not exist, if it does. Then every hack will be using it to its fullest extent.

To be a founder of a business model requires no reassurance, there is no credential. It's better to be an amateur than a hack if the salesmanship and copywriting drains into a gumption trap.

Repost of an old video, the metaphor of founding a new gym is the same of trying to add commerce to the illustration. To do what you love indulgently, then love what you do, maybe the risk. A clear, cogent benefit is the leap to earn it. To find the worth of such a venture.

Through that benefit, of loving what to do shall be where payment.

Further note, understanding contractionism will help demonstrate professionalism, With Ip (urge) here's a 40-minute rundown with a cussing title. The overriding clarity of communication is one of the perks of such useful fictions. 

Don't forget that how to make a handshake deal to work. To make sure the rule of law ain't undermined. Don't let contractionism turn one into a warlord/mafia don. Be confident, not arrogant.

The legal industrial complex may serve the needs for freelancing. Agreements should not be under any illusions.

Origin of the term. 34 sec
( Off-tangent, So that's why a lawyer works on the presupposition of bad faith, the copywriter works on the presupposition of non-remarkability )

Consider the business guess, which business guesses and models that will work with the privatization and monetization that is both fair and generous. Write a business guess, then follow. The creative zeitgeist ain't lead by such matters. Beware how this will undermine the intentionalism it.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Artifice of Remarkability

"Advertising is a tax of being unremarkable." said Robert Stephans. Founder of geek squad. Shall that be questioned? Robert even pushed authenticity line even if it did not apply to professionals. Dirty little secrets when it comer to advertiser who manufacture 

Yeah, it can be questioned with its remarkability.

Even remarkability has an artifice.

People lie about this, to save face and to exploit the time and attention of others, who knew?

Hackneyed payola, of parasocial relation that's brought --------------to the centre of it all, no disillusions entering this rat race of social congregation circulated by nepo babies. Or that's how I, you, everybody who'd want it too for how this cannot be tracked. With the age of scepticism creeping into here.

48 video on the start of such a line of pedagogy.

Prosumer Remarkability sounds suspicious.

(At least Seth once discussed payola, to be even. He's honest in his contradictions.)

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Kyro's Job

Another duty for the high and mighty weirdo, weird'n aloof, as he takes his way of being an inquisitive dog. One hiding might that almost makes me growl.

This errand feels like a game now, he's gamified it, hasn't he? That rascal, that poshy toshy. Tha-

Ah, I'm at the sight now, no hidden surprise at the river station. Good, none of them will show up. I feel my health, I feel my rage, this power I've got now as these thugs have noticed that I'm cleaning after Theo's messes, what a doozy. I'm the bodyguard, the brute, the thug lifing Theo's after payments and regrets.

Swinging the shield for the threat of disarmament and to reclaim what's Theo little mistake. Electricity tingles as the fists elbows do the disarming, knocking out the lackeys that with minimal alarm.

Easy errand, easy day. With not a scratch, they didn't bring any golem disarmament.

Fake video games, horror and creepy themes. 1:55 hours. You're right, videogames have a influence. I've even done these sketches as part of the idea.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Authenticity Dive

1 hour 25 min

Now its another video that made another thought on the idea of subjectivism and the way it's limited manner of bringing value to the clientele and audience that it's meant to serve.

What does it matter, to the self-determination of the production costs, if it's too unserviceable, it won't resonate.

Eventually, with the interdabbling of ideas, the rejigging them into new forms brings a new glade.

This is what happens with reference and its embrace. Things can't come from abstract expressionism so they are refined with the storm of ideas coming out.

They become apart from the creation process. It's the consistent tracking of the twists that life does not wait, yet throws. That's the mark on the culture.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Style constrast/Scene Directing notes

Another meta-style doodle.

Greg smallwood's style contrast on style consistency. One that's a style on style.

Dabbling with the style contrast is an advanced technique. Illustrators can use that's out of this world.

Another one on the focus on form, though, can show some creative cracks.

Steve Lieber has brought interest into a scene that is crucial to storytelling.

Another one
6 min on style testing before a large project undertaking is done. Clip studio with using models to fit, if the model does not fit the intended stylization choice of illustration, then blender, and other alternatives can be explored.

5 min on more details, there's going to be more.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Comradery at questionable prices

Pedagogy and the magic networking of merit, with a Ponzi triangle holding a friendly mask. What can go wrong?

15.37 On the commodification of relationships behind paywalls.

Esprit de Corps at a price, keep that In mind. There are those who prey on social alienation and the way the internet makes that with a costly parasocial relationship.

A parasocial relationship that offers a nebulous business relationship, with it being a frustrated vendor-to-vendor. At least that. Keep those videos in mind when Garoshadowscale sells 500 of advertisement payola.

These free social services treat you like a product unless one is using it as an extension of their business, Who is the benefit?

Anybody who does not watch out for the mutual business/funding interests are not friend material.

40 sec meme on relatability

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Sinacures of ambulance chasing

Oh no, react streamers are rising up!

Is there really such a living of the direct response marketing? Merely saying whatever the market of attention and time wants, then deliver it and run?

You could complain about the reaction streamers, yet they exist of these platforms for a reason. They're cash cows for the platform. Even with such a behaviour, there's always going to be long tail, so even then. It's not worth such a lottery.

These people will continue to attract a low-effort audience to their tenures. This circle has been amplified by advertisers within this response rut. Another reason to not trust SEO. These are easy audiences. Too easy.

There is always going to be grass that's greener on the other side, one of social media's job is to amplify it.

28 min assessment on the reaction content. A measured response through the legalese. I am in agreement with XQC's commentary being equal to that of a barking dog.

Friday, February 9, 2024

It's hard to write an important memoir/slice of life

The unwrapping of trauma into a writing it into form is going to be tough.

11 min.

Going to have to be wanting it to describe a memoir that's important enough, only if it's out of here will I know of its importance to describe what's worth. Memoirs ain't the time you've been blocked from throwing a tantrum, it's a scar that once pulled. It unravels with pain.

Three scars, tender to the touch and internal.

Do they need a moment if they need describing.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Athlean-x Content farm = Mcdonaldification

14 min

Going to share some favourite fitness videos from Geoffrey Verity Schofield.

Content farms are one thing, (look at this one, farming for discovery.) It's mcdonaldofication of those and the bleeding effect that has on the industry.

Any act of generosity that follows some pattern online here could be a content farm. How does one get their business discovered? Not by the social media landowners. I really don't know how to get out of the content farm industry complex.

16 min another cussy one with selling out, from dishonest products to too many remote controlled zappable moments.

You're free to burn Couch Gregor if he sells a dubious brand deal, for I'd be the one calling it out with you, the former one.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Fanart/Fan Fiction defense

Influences from Bert, Ernie and Gutsman.

1.27 hour

 I've been critical of fandoms before, linking a blood knife article. This is a more measured response to it.

Other than Marcell Duchamp's work, the fountain of the creator Baroness Von Freytag-Loringhoven.

Especially the remark about troupes, this has been a remixing and reshuffling from the normative stream of tropes that last within the collective unconsciousness. With the hermeneutics that follow after.

With my Couch man, it's inspired by Eugene Sandow's, that advertising model and entrepreneur, these undercurrents will be discussed from the public domain and into the fan-art's area.

With a big whopping 'depends' Edges of genre definition and playing at it must show respect. It is copy, yet everything is copy if broadened. It's how it's twisted.

Could it be that it's pure copywriting? It's too insignificant. Watch for my evolving thoughts after these, as these narrative patterns get readjusted overtime.

Old Austin's 11 min video on why big commercial publishers don't want to touch fan art works.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Adding Gabe

Adding Gabe for those nuggets of wisdom and bass that slaps.

1.50 of him being a cool dude

Going to take learning in a horizontal-directional manner, with it going through other practices and applying it. You can only know so much storytelling and illustration you want to reverse engineer other practices, then learn to see another world.

Lateral learning, what can it do?

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Backlash of hype cycle

More data for the skeletal hull of my OC Kyros, what to do.

Bogswollop meme on video essays. I've got more for you to follow.

Collecting vids for more thought on the AI.

38 min documentary, to help make a rethink. Austin has been accused by Style jacking by Hbomberguy, yet he's the content farm like everthing else who has to build an audience.

This is going through a hype cycle.

Technology trigger to the highest visibility

It's likely there's going to be another AI push after this one, because I've been using shading assistant on my own work to streamline the CEL-shading process (with varying clumsy application) as that the ai? Is using this spell-checker AI too?

The moment you templetize a process, the moment it can be put into AI. There going to have to be skills that can't templetized, then It'd be put into ai.

This is the matter of normalization, and the Artificial generation will go through the currents, interweaving with our lives once more. The constant debate of copyright infringement will still continue, with the arguments over social status and tenures being in question once again, instead of doing the work.

To do the work, with more a better tools to the creative Zeitgeist will remain. With wabi sabi rust that will remain.

1:06 hour of the driving cause of this, convenience being served with the business model behind it, with an obvious bad guy.

Another 22 min take on the rise of junk data provided by this escalation. Leadhead, the postmodern analyst.

(Edit, fixed the links. When editing this on my smartphone it seems to delete the YouTube videos. That's some new information.)

Monday, January 22, 2024

Trading authenticity for marketability

Oh no, I've fallen into relatable comic's mode. One by BeanyTuesday


Another Comment I'd like to make on this one regarding marketability. 10 min

This is a question to see it from an art-director's point of view. Through all the one-upmanship games that happen in a flash of social media.

Something for-profit producers, direct response advertisers understand over the simon pures is this quote:

"Have you ever invested over $10,000 on an artistic project and needed to double the money?"

There's videos covered about meritocracy here. Now we've reached some counterargument of how the cookie crumbles.

We are dealing with a platform that can't keep track of all the items here, so that metric, that one simple measurable metric is the thing that's going to be an impression.

Meaningful, contribution, even a benefit? Not necessarily, it becomes more as more the commercial the philosophy the industry gets.

Some people confuse in your face vulgarity as authenticity though, with that, being polite and serviceability. Another way to lie about it to drive customer traction, which is marketing artifice in of itself. The narrative of tantrums has been used.

They see it how it is, through extreme service and maximization. Even authenticity has its marketingese.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Prosumer Hackneyed undercurrents

Soul brothers tracks his work again on voice acting with non prosumer advice on voice acting. His entire worldview on landing professional gigs. An in-your-face comedian who can do a serious show on voice acting.

Slight quibble on tired at around 9, the best charitable interpretation is not burning out on a sensible sleep schedule. Slurred, sleepy voice acting does not translate well to more gigs.
10 min on making online money, still holds up to being timeless, maybe the mike catalog, he's updated it within the comments.

His typical use of the word of prosumer has some ring to it. It's what's most of these social media platforms excel in, giving and encouraging a cycle of commitment of catered spaces. One where they make the users do all the work.

It's going to be more and more now with algorithms and inflated expectations of AI, self publishing is going to continue. With one of the reasons there's a blur between proffesional and amateur now.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Bigorexia Storytelling Syndrome

 Found a gem of knowledge. (with all the calls to action) and without that useless maxim of showing and telling! Correct me if I'm wrong.

13:00 min on project scope

Beats that want to be scenes, scenes that want to be sequences, sequences that want to be acts that want to be subplots, subplots that want to be the entire story! This when the excitement of the project supersedes the prioritization.

When the beginner starts cartooning. That's the sync of writing and illustrating. With how much writing can apply to scenes, those scenes need to be illustrated or skipped. Naturally, the inclination can be more, instead of better.

So, dive in, here's another.

17 min on trimming scenes

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Twitchs 18+ retraction

Who called the twitch Tos Retraction?

At the date of fourteen December of this year, history was made.

Apparently, a topless streamer Morgupie tried to game the hackneyed twitch meta. Then the artistic audience policy happened.

Twitch let go of the art gates, allowing artistic nudity, then pulled it back the moment the hate raiders and advertisers got their way. Deciding that they shall get the curation on the front page.

Here comes the blame game.

Well, they're a business, amoral with their direct marketing. That has a more singular direct response to gas station up their core audience. The real culprit here is the mass advertisers harvesting the attention. They are given first class treatment and will coarse those who want to make a living on streaming to appease them as well. They will do whatever it takes.

I'm supposed to help reinforce the skepticism of the core audience of twitch here, make them feel right. Yet that ain't the case, including the readers here. The hate raiders could also to be blamed because twitch has no guardrails for them. The prospective audience for the mass advertisers are the trolls and teens. Speaking of demographics and psychographics.

Artists themselves, the least to blame. They did what twitch did with the vague guidelines, then tested the waters. Then the twerk and AI streamers came, that is a whole can of worms, and I'm like twitch blaming them in their blog feels like a copout. Of course, some naturally went to UWU territory, others followed the rules. That's a reflection of Twitch though.

Their response rate on this is worth noting, there are a plenty of hard-working professionals that don't get the curation from the platform they deserve. The advertisers for mass approval from the core audience is telling.

Penguinz0 10 min summary of the aftermath, cussing included.

(Don't read the comments btw)

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Autism self-identification Alex Comment

This made me think about my condition, hour, and ten min. It's a deep literary dive with continental philosophy. Sussy on Foucault, it sparked thoughts, though.

This wasn't a self diagnosis. My parents told me I was autistic, making me sheltered from the social constructed ontology of the placebo/nocebo state that it was in. So that I got a living based on that via my government.

It's all on that, couldn't imagine a life without it not, not sure if it's good if i had replaced that with hackneyed work rather than sheltered work. I guess it's for my own good.

Yet what for? Right now, when I scroll X/twitter, and stream on twitch, there's still pressure to compete for attention and shout. All for payment for direct response. To consume and hustle for a little mindless push.

Is that my autism, or is it something ingrained within all of us? We are goldmines. So skepticism is justified.

Like a mobile game developer trying to make their games more addictive to make an immeasurable result, they can't help it, they are on a hedonistic treadmill. So it helps to be more wary as we goes on.