This book.
Well, ignoring the Orwellian normalised speak (Double-think? Double-Talk? Merely call them paradoxes or thought-terminating clichés.), this is honest reporting on a phenomon that is distinctly western.
Infinite opportunity, Endless chain, pay to play, Recruiting Mandate, Bottom-To-Top. Travelling to what a swindle within a salesman of cons and it's hacks. It's merely into the epitome of the specification of entertainment, to the human's as exploitable product, and to be made to follow and dancey jig.
Scientific management, into this.
Or resource, managed to be exploited more and more into empty sinks line with perverse incentives, now that's a thought.
Same music, same old jig of the times that were happening to the atheist movement that occurred with this, mlm-fication of certain 'friend' groups of attention deposits. Where the return ain't going anywhere if one ain't treating it like a business.
When Robert takes from eastern figures such as Hannah Arendts again, I don't think I expect much. It's the reporting to apply it within the fields of these bad 'business' models. (It ain't a business model, it's a cult of money going into a black hole, made by dishonest betrayal and the hackneyed 'exscuse' of selling a product.) The Cult masquerading as a Profit-making venture is the negation of the negation in regards to logical success.
That's the reality of what in industry now.