Tension 》 release/interpassivity which is the point of fictional entertainment in its brute reductionism, applied into dominion and monopoly over the social media.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Mindless attraction, Mindless repulsion reduction. Gambling and the desire machine.
Tension 》 release/interpassivity which is the point of fictional entertainment in its brute reductionism, applied into dominion and monopoly over the social media.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Careless Leftovers
Monday, March 3, 2025
Hourly media game, professional =/= personal
The problem with certain trends that if you don't follow them you get ostracized. Such as a hoopla and the Pokémon phenomenon.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Not sexualising Jaimes trans Medicalism
As a cisgender man, who's gay. Reading testimonies via trans, expecting solidarity with representation within their entertainment.
Listening to other trans in regard to the representation, such as council of geek.
Some don't seek medical intervention when doing transitions, with their medical scars and transitions being fetishes being not the answers, whatever the case. Their feelings matter and deserve a platform going forward.
Learn something new everyday. I'll learn more nuances as I go along.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Pretentious Hack
Who'd you trust? The honest hack or the pretentious one who calls himself and artist, wanting his tantrum taking seriously.
Monday, February 17, 2025
Understanding popular publisher spec
The specifications left behind by popular publishers aren't necessarily better, but they are well liked for their well likeness. (Boorstin Complaint 1992 image magazine. Well know for his well-knownness.)
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
My feelings with the pokemon base
What am I to do with the most commercial property, with the popularity of the publisher leaving high SEO and cease and desist letter within its wake. Nintendo itself not being a friendly business when it comes those who love the franchise. What a love-hate relationship.
Back in the mid 1990s I was chirping “Clefairy” As a young'un, I was making silly games with the Pokémon and role-plays with a teenage, now today it's gone with all the time.
There's no denying of it's impact with the culture, even with its commitments and ideas reflected with the modding of other monster-trainers within the action genre. With its own trace into the card-trading scene which someone in my family does disclose unpacking on a streaming service, what a market.
Matt and Trey have made a tiring satire of how overcommercialization it is, and I can only resonate so much. Since Children's media will always be more commercial than adult stuff. That's simple arthritic. Jaded as I was back being a kid, it's now time that my engagement cannot be serious over such harmless fun. (Got the that clip of a long essay of chinpokemon From those ambulance chasering writers. (WW2 Reference cw, If I could make an essay of those tired writers.)
That's what fandom is, It's not an amorphous blob to nitpick with, only through the little pit could civil conversation of the entertainment product could be had. It's been friendly enough. Hopefully they are critical of inequitable business practices to help melt the scepticism.
This mysticism of what is our fandom will still remain, and it's time we acknowledge the scepticism. Of our, what will be done with our cultural remnants of this big empire will have to be made into something new, without their eyes. They will be pin-up artists making them alternative versions down under, whether that it's prosumerist meta or not. I reserve my contention with the big-publishers, rather than the freelancers.
Expect to see more, and for those making something new. Block out it's noise if it ain't to your taste.- We are the fragments of the SEO and impressions made afresh. Collecting ourselves into new communions.
(Oh, the poke-hunks are better than whatever Nintendo publishes, fight me on that. Poke hunks spin-off? My favourite Graphic novel by Bryan Tybalt was based on Sherlock Homles.)
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Thank you twitch for the paradoxical name
I'm a mixed man about it.
Made the difference towards a Llama to a Couch.
With irony failed I felt the most tension with imposter syndrome, then I didn't manage, then I broke down and restructured right back up. This was my entertainment persona.121212
Monday, February 3, 2025
Transactional relationships, Fair weather Mutuals
All Vendors? Prosumer relationships.
Prosumer relationship everywhere.
Up and down. Constant commercial creep, constantly unrelenting.
All specification and no expression makes couch a hollow artifice
All specification and no expression makes couch a hollow artifice, that's what it feels. Game and player passionless cheapness.
All specification and now expression makes a couch a hollow artifice, perfunctory tastelessness that is checked out.
Grooming the metrics. Following smoke and mirrors. Into puffery of software static.
All, make me distress, stress.
Off for now. At least creativity and art remains.
Because perfect ain't the point, the work on spec ain't the point, don't make it the point.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Community of practice/Community of convenience
Unfortunately, hustlers have hijacked the term of commune, to make things of convenience and motivator being lured into the trap.
Copy-performers of status and affiliation, all for the interruption advertisers are adding to inundation. They're asking and hustling for it. Every moment to be converted into a measurement, lost without notice.
Everybody's too busy hustling for the next SEO event, such a game is an act is futility. Something I can afford to avoid, certainly deserving of humanity. Yet not my beeswax. Energy is the serviceability.
Too busy being a gas station, when it comes to direct response platforms, a gas station with trophies. (Quoting that from Stephanie Sterling.)
The praxis is ill-founded on a set of axis, and getting better at a feedback loop of feeding an algorithm. Not my problem if that's the game they want to play.
Guess with the few who want to enrol along with the ride, and not let others be absorbed by the pretentious mass media rush is going to be the course.
20-30 min read on communities of convenience , by Cory Doctorow. With cussing.
It's more IP than community. The certain dragon I critiqued earlier falls in the category.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Deontological Division
What can be an excuse or not an excuse to selfishness?
How many hoops do you have to jump through to meet the minimum viable audience and to show the work?
(Going to refrain from copy'n pasting certain takes until ideas float along.)
Kim Myatt⁷
"You don't owe anybody anything, especially people trying to bully you with moralising. Making process videos and streaming is time consuming and sometimes feeling "watched" hurts the creative process. This take only hurts artists."
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Individual Exceptionalism
Only with the smallest amount of connection shall there be a light to understanding that the things that count, and the things that don't with this each of use in our selfish hideouts, lead out into a generous community.
Such a point.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
The dissappeared blogs, From monetised whispers.
There are "meta" blogs, trying to game the algorithm, or attempts for dominion and failures, like cheating and such.
Now it's gone, with writing things to be made into the robots, then there are gone, deleted. Files of information that are left into the wastes of lost-media.
Creativity for creativity's sake ain't celebrated, there are left to rot into the forgetfulness of our times, lead into a most profanely disservice that's made into emptiness.
Yet all of this time. That all this task to be made with a priceless intent, one that is to push forward and honour a desire to give our own selves to aid others.
So yes, do go and make an honest living, that living shall not enclosed with the little spindle of creativity that come forth here.
I'm not monetizing this.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Specification of desire
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Copism, metric hallucination vulgerisation.
Eternally locked in chasing high SEO in hopes for the magic dragon. Me-tooism. Into reification and the vulgarisation.
That's the swirl of the vulgarisation, that is the material, with so-so towards the rule 34 with it. It really is the capitalisation of trends.
Memetic do these eyes explore us. Copying a success repeatedly in hopes that it will come back again.
Thats familiarity, that's proven, that's the same packaged woopity.
With no understanding.
That's okay, it will never get better. It's the same metric hallucination of pop media that comes around, stays. Commercialism of sexual formalism.
Ultimately harmless and of corporations I shouldn't defend.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Performative Affliation, Underhanded Games. Desire for direction.
You'll never know the direct games within the performance metrics unless you know the full record.
Many indie publishers working on the public side play the metrics, feed the algorithm, then try to save face by talking about how to excuse them.
Rachel Hollis is a perfect example, all the inspiration porn advice in the world yet does not hide the face that he married to leverage from Disney entertainment and then went to organising parties with celebrities.
We will never know if we use direct communication such as impack copywriting to make others more honest.
It's not all fun and games.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Editing Commercial sinkhole
All this 'Powerscaling'
All this 'Practice' Of a system that's making supple and demand that's broken with a platform that refuses to add any curation. All part of the course with learning to be sceptical of performance metric advice.
It's like a carsoul, around and around. Status and green grasses behind, yet it's never that simple.
Performance metric advice, any craft. Is quickly populated and then left again.
It's called social, status, and affiliation are now gamed for interruption advertising, not craft media. Really is a sinkhole. Power scaling to metrics is imponderable and incomprehensible.
'Scuse my rant.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Amusement carasol
Such is a natural property of the communicative medium, the message of the medium won't be learned from a book rather than a cartoon TikTok
If that idea leads to new ones, that so be it.
If there's no direction and only amusement, then that's a warning sign of the narrative at play.
Amusement ain't resistance, not the "need to laugh or you'll cry", it has character like the rest of it.
When copywriting/business negotiation, don't amuse and communicate.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Cruel Clown show
Such is a means that will never end, of large waves of attentions economies that will move in and out, with much whimsy.
Fame, Infamy, and Attention Economising. It all happens at once, performance metric hallucinations shake like winds. Commercial platforms yearn for it, long for it, and call for it.
Now, I shall quote, as we go through this circles.
"One of the worst things that can happen to an artist is becoming unintentionally famous on the internet. Nobody is in control of it, and when it occurs it’s a completely destructive force that endangers you and your work due to the nature of the majority of people online. The macrolevel behavior of social media is sick and twisted and directly/indirectly pursues the suffering and torment of others as entertainment Doesn’t seem to matter if you “embrace” momentary celebrity or not. It will punish you, hunt you, grift off you, and make up stories about you regardless. There is a sense of entitlement from the viewer that they are owed entertainment constantly from you. That all work you do is immediately “open source”, available to anyone, and ready to make a buck off of. Any rejection of this is considered elitist and antisocial, and the acceptance is considered “selling out”. You can’t win and in general, nobody I know that has had the spotlight thrown on them really wants that. We all know it’s horrible."
If you haven't already, you can look of Signifiers in documentary of the entertainment industry. Or, with how social media is treated like one.
FD signifer 1:12 with racism content warning.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
This is free*
*Yet you are the product with the moment you engage with this platform
*Our User Interface will trace Interaction costs and lead you into the analytics designed to make you feel less status.
*Our ads will frustrate you with each preceding interaction like network television
*User Interface will frustrate with the desire to sell performance metrics with payola.
*Feel fomo or jomo within the popular IP/fandom crowds
*There are certain celebrity, influencers, content creators (not naming names ) That are as bad as the publishers they criticise. That reinforce the age of scepticism.
Forseeing the feedback loops and systems in place is what will be what I want.