Showing posts with label Comedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comedy. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2025

Swap it out, NDA

Can be used within the entertainment industry.

There are terms that silence others, including those who make work that matters. Check and delete and see if they agree.

Turn a non-disclosure agreement into a full disclosure agreement, wuzzah!

See if they agree, it works like that.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Amusement carasol

 Laughter loops that take us. There's reason that those whose profession in amusement don't deserve respect from other professions. Since amusement cannot work within law, health and financing.

Such is a natural property of the communicative medium, the message of the medium won't be learned from a book rather than a cartoon TikTok

Clowning for the sake of clowning, cleverness for the sake of cleverness, buffoonery for the sake of buffoonery. Such a way that goes around and is the silly status roll that goes nowhere. The publishers and it's trail of SEO, of the status that follows the most and leads to nowhere.

If that idea leads to new ones, that so be it.

If there's no direction and only amusement, then that's a warning sign of the narrative at play.

Amusement ain't resistance, not the "need to laugh or you'll cry", it has character like the rest of it.

When copywriting/business negotiation, don't amuse and communicate.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Cruel Clown show

What a show that will others believe they're owed entertainment. Owed amusement, owed kiddie pool play.

Such is a means that will never end, of large waves of attentions economies that will move in and out, with much whimsy.

Fame, Infamy, and Attention Economising. It all happens at once, performance metric hallucinations shake like winds. Commercial platforms yearn for it, long for it, and call for it.

Now, I shall quote, as we go through this circles.

Dyna Soar 

"One of the worst things that can happen to an artist is becoming unintentionally famous on the internet. Nobody is in control of it, and when it occurs it’s a completely destructive force that endangers you and your work due to the nature of the majority of people online. The macrolevel behavior of social media is sick and twisted and directly/indirectly pursues the suffering and torment of others as entertainment Doesn’t seem to matter if you “embrace” momentary celebrity or not. It will punish you, hunt you, grift off you, and make up stories about you regardless. There is a sense of entitlement from the viewer that they are owed entertainment constantly from you. That all work you do is immediately “open source”, available to anyone, and ready to make a buck off of. Any rejection of this is considered elitist and antisocial, and the acceptance is considered “selling out”. You can’t win and in general, nobody I know that has had the spotlight thrown on them really wants that. We all know it’s horrible."

If you haven't already, you can look of Signifiers in documentary of the entertainment industry. Or, with how social media is treated like one.

FD signifer 1:12 with racism content warning.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Everybody fishes for a sinecure/Performance Metrics

 Users act nonchalant about the performance metrics, yet it's the business models work. How do they express is clearly, the distribution.

Making money may not be the point, yet the relationship that does not betray one another business is a relationship to be trusted. One of the conventions of business is no-comedy or clownery for a reason. No incongruity or contradictions for a reason.

The less amusement and more ruthless, the better. The less the genre signifiers towards amusement, the better. Believe of contribution with that motivation comes in mind.

Training and Performance Metrics, Ouch!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Booper Cam Danny


Ribbit, this is really awkward, i apologise! You look like a big mushroom from this distance.

So close, like a big snooter, erm, is this how romance happens? Through awkwardness?

Croak, it's an eternal moment that's granted to us, it's not going to last. I'm sorry.

I said it again, ah, ah, this ain't creepy, right. Yet in all the most intimate moments, things seem to most blind with love. Oh, how juvenile it is. Hope my nail ain't scraping.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Booper cam George



Yeah, erm, I'm close, Can't see you.

So now that you should look around.

Or something.



Quite the snout breather, right? I don't understand romance. It happens, then goes away, you can't justify it the moment as those intuitive feelings shine through with the moment that shines in a moment like this. How in fiction, I could dream of it, it's here now.

Friday, November 29, 2024

It's already too late; I'm unhinged*

 *Not it's categorised as a derogatory slur, irrationality is now part of the process, as Quine would opine. 

Whatever thoughts that come out, come out from one or two. I'm going to have to tell you in my most irrational, and all the irrationality matters and I control of my indeterminacy of it all, Is this marketing? I'm making a mark here ---------->.

Here I go -----------------------------------------
                      ------------------------------> 🛋🌟 Woosh

Thursday, November 14, 2024

You can mew it!

The scene of a auditorium of what the global glob made by the Silvers, the fat cat is on the stage, a living embodiment of allegory. Then he claps, dramatic.

"This infinite opportunity of the golden cat, with a lifestyle of the lines of mews for all the one that can see. In front of all the audience of eager mouse and cats.

You can MEW it!

Mewstler life! Mewing for extra scraps up the daisy chain of the tip of the tops! Burn the way towards a 20 hour perfection of ultimate winning! Don't be a loser, a sad loser of anti-business, be a mewer! A MEWER! Soul crushing grinds become soul-fulfilling grinds! Mewww! Grind-'n love! Grind'n love like a scratcher, grind'n mew it, grind'n mew it.

Mew mew mew into a hole and out again. Blow it out of all the kibbles."

The crowd goes crazy.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

On-gaku our sound : Too late for what?

Aya: Good luck

Kenji: Good luck for what?

There's a scene on On-gaka: Our Sound on the piece of performance, that it's still a gig-economy and that the strategy of being picked, Luck have nothing to be made as those when it comes to doing it as a hobby.

When keeping it in mind of the mental fulfilment, the selfishness could be a virtue of self-love with the means of hobby being the only piece of sanctity with the amount of work.

Or, so with the performance with Our Sound

8 to 11:15 of this 36:20 min essay for the source

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Theo's mega church response

Cameras up in two minutes. Do the roll, put the lights on.

The announcer of the crowd of a thousand, and the broadcast of several people for this entertainment to our senses. This meaning into the cardinal of our authority, Theo!

The choir comes out, the organs pant an inexhaustible blow, the sheets of the holy land and mantelpiece. Yet there's a meaning to make the whole world to watch. Fumbles at the drops at the worstime.

Also, did he have no clothes?

The cardinal had no clothes? Why?

He grinned, though, grinned for all his authority to see.


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Theo is baby

Make me more important! More page space! More screen time, my audience needs to see ME! No other characters. Merely me! Only spotlight.

Your efforts are my only existence of ME! I require the attention you get through the effort of your work hours. All that ideas that are made through me. All you're lifetime and work-hours! Yes, give me all those are made.

It's productive? Productive or business or made to be made to all our desires to be made to make. Be my mad god and sssssseeeeervve ME-

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Pr liability: Theo

"What a burden, young sapling go into tiresome weed trees."

That was Castellas ramble as she sorted through the harassment documents, and the billing provided by her accountant. Her office at the chapel taking into expenses of embarrassments.

"To what gives negative traction from a morally righteous cult, now it's party damages." She thought, then bringing out the stamp of it being done, what she hired a pr lackey to spin doctor all this away.

"His ******* shan't be published all over the glitz hub. That's for sure, he does that enough for his fan, or parachute community"

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Internal Marketing Physch

Hey, you a business user or not a product. Nothing is free here with ad creep going up. Then numbers, you have to measure because everybody humble-brags there monetization here, and it's Para social delegation. You're driver of a status role of feeling famous rather than pursuing the craft.

Assume the right things if they aren't responding, they are protecting there workloads and time, it's all very priceless commoditys! You want to have that. Everyone is busybusybusybusybusybusyierbusybusy, probably busier than you.

Making is easy, publishing is hard, marketing for any meaningful stream of attention to you're platform for being relentlessly helpful and long-term connections certainly is from that marking books.

Marking books, marking, you're so lonely you'd have to study marking book, marking.

A mark in peoples to be remembered and that's it. A mark for you're morale. Gotta build a platform, or not.

Influencer influencer influencer


So what of it with this book? It's obviously commercial, yet it does it right it working in the public.

However, monetisation and profit may never come. He does have prudent assumptions there that certainly will to something, I'm not sure if it's a fame recipe (because that's always changing.) It was something that of a dire truth how having a platform that sell's copies is only the way these commercial companies come in.

Having the money flow is only a set-up for the shiny card within the commercial world. There is no plan on getting famous though, not once I've found. It will break the internet.

Lower than "This is marketing" and Herschel Gordan's Lewis's copyrighting book, yet I don't think its that bad on salesmanship. 

Will the email advice go out of date right about now? It feels like it could. Be wary on any fantasy growth 'meta'.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Theos party arrangements

Seems that [REDACTED] has managed to bring in guests of highest value into our B
rickenshire, maybe I'd be able to pull of the city and able get to know the scene as these go. All part of the networking event within Brickenshire!

Let's see what happens when the get a load of my double shotgun party exploder! They don't know how much action my ways can go with these times, to show who has to holy might within this Town.

Boom Boom, and then, party with a handy ipad track of classical in the background. Ah, such a show-off, am I going to far? I'm going a bit crazy yet I can't stop now.

List of required items:

  • Cookies and Cream cake designed for twelve people < Main event
  • Custard'n Cream for nibbles
  • Fruit platter
  • Some Brandy
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Cider
  • Additional Parfaits and a platter of sandwiches

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Jaime's Ruckus of 1:00 pm

There are Bobby's goons at the backlot, and there is a dropdown of a shadow.

Danny Frog has taken up shotgun, that crossbow has taken. His talk of George has not got to him, though.

"What have you got crazy?"

"No, You pencil necked D*pS**t" He's ripped and gets rid of his dress, still keep the heels and the nails. He's got the slay, his hammer sparkling as several goons are shocked to the point, preparing their batons.

Bonk! Crunch! Swoosh!

The crunch of bone slapping on a side cage as they are crushed, shocked fear yet fervour of a run as there are no many, but twenty more as Jaime's adrenaline rushed. Then he brought the way it pulsed with electrical energy flowing.

A baton smacked his back, the brutality hitting his sway into the strut. It worked his way in a movement.

"He's turning that energy into slay energy!" Exclaimed to the crowd as he got to work. All over the open truck as the way happened. Then as the king goon when down. As a good held his back in punishment. He's about to get a rollicking.

Then he back head slammed the back of his nose, dazing the goon behind, as the goo. was about to land a blow, he twisted his hammer. Jaime slammed right into the spot.

"What the FFOOOWWWWK" The to O's making a comical exploding motion from the bubble, It head creating a dent on top of the inside of the truck carriage, ridiculous power demonstrated with the flying body, so the fight desculated with the infiltration.

"You got it done?" claimed the invoice of Danny.

"Yeah, Pretty bawlin."

Monday, July 15, 2024

Kyro's Excavate Job

Another mess by Theo

That darn dog left another mess for the excavator to clear up, it's a petty life to pay for him to clear his guard.

He knocked down on the flat and then, it opened, there was a man in his thirties, glasses, looked like he came from an IT college for him to work his appetite.

"You came to see the results," He said to the leathered robot, Ky knew he was hiding. His orange eyes could see various breaths, orange tinted like a distorted world of magic arcana. Several hooded baklavas withe loaded weaponry could be there.

"No, I came for Theo's friend." Ky blurt. Just then the nerd was not along, he had taken his shoulder and placed it in the back for protection, already a life was in the line as he brought the shield to protect the first shot. Already the other guys were not patient. Coming through at two pathways, two more soldiers, so he threw the nerd down and did his best to tackle the others.

He unzipped his jacket for one reason, threat defusal. There was an electrical, shock bam. There was his chest to crush it. To the shocked face of his assaulter. Such crunching is unconventional to the methods of Kyro, yet he persisted.
The cover of the door was not enough of the screaming nerd who was crawling off the two bodies now blown and knocked out with this special forces golem.

The other guy brought his desert eagle a mighty shot, supersonic bullet marching towards, yet his sacrum was untouched as he squeezed to the amazing of the crawling nerd. Slow motion, the bullet's tip flattened as it pushed, ricochetting with such intelligence it smacks the gobsmacked attacker's helmet, making him land flat on his arse awestruck, with the second shot pelting him.

"No way, Super orbital front thrusting deflectors!" Was his shout.

He opened the door, rushing forward, a naughty shot gunner had caught him. Right between the chest, yet to his dismay, crushed the barrel between again, just about as he had pulled the trigger. Unfortunately, the guy could not blow his load in time as the backfire sent him hurtling backward, right out of the shards of broken glass of the window, into the milkman's van?? Morning rounds are due.

Yes, it was loaded, he had been thoroughly M****

Threat gone, one pec at a time.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Customer testimonial 3 Furniture adorer

 Testimonial comes from a model.

"I've created a temple of soft furniture, it's a cult that's made a successful inclusion of a couch comfort club."

She's firm and convicted, here gaze that of a fanatic into the camera lens.

"Why do you resist? Our couch pillows and furniture dens bring us back to being children, where we play forever. With adults to connect with our innocent side, something for we will be smothered."

Another satisfied customer!

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Customer testimonial 2 Couch Connoisseur

This testimonial comes from a model.

Another customer, this time a bloke with a warehouse in the background.

"I bought this for one thing, to fill my love of furniture! Had to file a divorce and my own house, who needs that now."

He chuckles like the reporter has the problem. There's a satisfied grin with his endorsement.

"Whenever solace is need, my top-down need for entertainment and comfort is provided by those furnitures, it brings! It helps! It placates any otherworldly desire from downstairs! Never had such a sweeter experience within my life."

He was getting excited.

"One sit, and you'll never leave!"

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Customer testimonal Couch Lover

 Now, let's hear our testimonials from our satisfied customer! Sandy smith.

"I've become an avid furniture collector, Bobby's models are so decent now. They treat me right."

It's made me come again and again, buying all their furniture and turning me into a collector. I've had a backroom filled of furniture and couches that my husband objects.

"It's all for the seats! Those delicious seats. Yes, my hearty recommendation."

Testimonial comes from a model.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The clown suit, bad themes

"Hey, I'm the pretentious thing not in a clown suit"

When a journalist, who has its themes explicit due to its literary non-fiction with its target audience being the trolls, the non-commercial variant of the spammers. It's treading on dangerous waters of a capricious audience with an unpredictable attention reserves.

One is serving a very unreliable audience, with the waves of attention impossible. If anybody could handle them, they couldn't.

A very selfish, narcissus mindset where they serve only the bottom. To the primal limbic impulse of involuntary allure.

Roger Ebert did a similar study when Matt and Trey parker decided to turn everything into a gag within this team America review.

When the entire theme to capture attention, the structure and logic is only a matter a time. Illiterate anodyne for the sake of it.

The numbness hurts, doesn't it? The more precise we aim our trust, the more precious it gets.