Monday, July 15, 2024

Kyro's Excavate Job

Another mess by Theo

That darn dog left another mess for the excavator to clear up, it's a petty life to pay for him to clear his guard.

He knocked down on the flat and then, it opened, there was a man in his thirties, glasses, looked like he came from an IT college for him to work his appetite.

"You came to see the results," He said to the leathered robot, Ky knew he was hiding. His orange eyes could see various breaths, orange tinted like a distorted world of magic arcana. Several hooded baklavas withe loaded weaponry could be there.

"No, I came for Theo's friend." Ky blurt. Just then the nerd was not along, he had taken his shoulder and placed it in the back for protection, already a life was in the line as he brought the shield to protect the first shot. Already the other guys were not patient. Coming through at two pathways, two more soldiers, so he threw the nerd down and did his best to tackle the others.

He unzipped his jacket for one reason, threat defusal. There was an electrical, shock bam. There was his chest to crush it. To the shocked face of his assaulter. Such crunching is unconventional to the methods of Kyro, yet he persisted.
The cover of the door was not enough of the screaming nerd who was crawling off the two bodies now blown and knocked out with this special forces golem.

The other guy brought his desert eagle a mighty shot, supersonic bullet marching towards, yet his sacrum was untouched as he squeezed to the amazing of the crawling nerd. Slow motion, the bullet's tip flattened as it pushed, ricochetting with such intelligence it smacks the gobsmacked attacker's helmet, making him land flat on his arse awestruck, with the second shot pelting him.

"No way, Super orbital front thrusting deflectors!" Was his shout.

He opened the door, rushing forward, a naughty shot gunner had caught him. Right between the chest, yet to his dismay, crushed the barrel between again, just about as he had pulled the trigger. Unfortunately, the guy could not blow his load in time as the backfire sent him hurtling backward, right out of the shards of broken glass of the window, into the milkman's van?? Morning rounds are due.

Yes, it was loaded, he had been thoroughly M****

Threat gone, one pec at a time.