Showing posts with label Milestone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Milestone. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

500 streaming bonaza.

500?? Why? Why. The tired must be there.

Another victory lap, this time it's with streaming. It's been sustainable since I've managed to do it with subjects I enjoy. The tension to perform to twitch algorithms designed to please the masses for advertisements was too much.

It did not feel as much as an overcommitment, rather as a low-effort thing that I was able to do. There was not much traffic though.

Funny how gamified twitch has become, with our own self-appointed brands the with the commercialism. All the lures it needs with the lottery winners on the front page. Another lottery, what a way to go.

Streaming more have made me more of a user than a product. This has to be treated as a business opportunity rather than a medium.

Won't count it as a lost day if I miss a day, though. This is more exhausting to raise the response rates.