Showing posts with label Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writing. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Informal, not illiterate. Copywrighting Translation

 There's certain rules copywriters can laterally apply to their own writing, other times there are not.

Mass communications of action towards a specific work of art, Or communicating academic concepts of specificity, gatekeeping within those fields do matter though.

Another means of understanding a copywriting technique is the informally to make sure one performs as intended from the sceptic, yet to not skip out of the illiteracy.

From General and specific, if one hopes to publish oneself, that copywriting towards a target someone is something to consider with all the ideas that are floating around. Crafting towards the centre of that, becoming informal to the point of connect, not to invite antagonism.

That's the interaction with the public.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Proud of pretension, Tension to compel.

What is the point, going ahead, being a leader. Where things don't end to work. Where all the things lead into the land of where it's all community this or community that.

The start of a community, though, is one where Community's of practice that lead into fresh ideas. With every idea of status leading into a new pretension. From one moment of which to lead into the moment.

From the flat moments, everything where there is no conflict, there is no propulsion of our ideas into a new direction.

What a spark, what an incitement, what a pull.

Not obsessive compulsive disorder.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Editing Commercial sinkhole

All this Meta

All this 'Powerscaling'

All this 'Practice' Of a system that's making supple and demand that's broken with a platform that refuses to add any curation. All part of the course with learning to be sceptical of performance metric advice.

It's like a carsoul, around and around. Status and green grasses behind, yet it's never that simple.

Performance metric advice, any craft. Is quickly populated and then left again.

It's called social, status, and affiliation are now gamed for interruption advertising, not craft media. Really is a sinkhole. Power scaling to metrics is imponderable and incomprehensible.

'Scuse my rant.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Towards the end : Term

"Define your terms"

To display a coherent thought, consistency and cogency,

Animated personal and relevant messages, as S.G could write.

At the moment, though, the term the boundary of general of all the emergent conceptions to the specifics. Where we divine our own ideas. Into cultural copyist of the entertainment of our art.

That of genres that are outside, and into the terms of the inside.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Negative capability

The concept, negative capability. Looks like nega-phobia has its negative perks! Double reverse.

From the way we go with our ideas were to start, there's a trusting of intuitions that will be leading towards the end of life.

This animist principle of putting the scene turn of the even and the character first is the time when things go through rhythm and repeat, taking new versions of the cellular structure of creation.

Being an artist and of making something out of nothing with the imagination. It's a matter of diving and combining, then, at a moment, it happens.

Trust it.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Parasocial Loneliness

24.22 of Pete and Pete

Customer service, friends, can't be made with the modern fable. "I can only treat you like a customer and myself the vendor, that's the way it is."

How do we get grinded within serviceability. Despite the accessibility of commercialism, still the accessability has made everything into more rougher bits. Over and above genre.

Is this how relationships work? Hustle to be the perfect instrument, seo spam and then only to be a commissioner to the commissions. It's always that game, where there's the popular trends towards the next thing. Regardless of the axiology of hustling high pressure of giving the most trending entertainment to what one wants, no demand, merely another product serving to our feet.

Scientific management, that's the thing that treats us like the silliest entertainment product. Only expecting a producer to come pick them up for the next adaptation.

The product the hate-filled anti-LGBTQ pundit
The product for the pleasure of a pin-up
The product for the next advertiser

Business's and logo's can only care about performance metrics, and the immediate logical postivism of the next gig.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Ockham's Razor > Commercial/Communicative Writing

One of the principles that could be for force communication. The strongest impression. The razor that is reflected from the bally to the internet, still it's relevant to match of the message to the user recipient.

Simplifying the elimination of the nuance,

Simplifying to explanation without sacrificing the integrity of the concept.

It's one of the things to understand concepting with what to increase the response of the message. Apparently, It's to help penetrate the age of scepticism reality is in to induce a click, a benefit to the prospect. The salesman craft of immediate response from the carnival before and the carnival before.

Oh, such a skill an entertainer has of a musician to hold a guy for the next surprise, and the pay-off.

This is not expressing simplification for the sake of it too.

Such maxims of direct response may fade, yet the first impression shall remain. Simplify it down.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Horizon of Expectations

 Horizon of expectation , that's a new concept! It's of the undercurrents of our collective subconscious.

The question of the first impression, all crystallised into a fine amount of constellations of dreams and symbols made into certain impulses and intuition. Connecting into a social purpose given.

Weaving in and out, it's discursive circles that are meant to serve an honest hack's work. Deliberate within the intention. The distinction of between professional/hack could be and entirely non-realistic. Commercialism is brute. Being a hack for the right reasons, oh ho ho Tautologies are unfortunately unpersuasive for deals too!

Let's leave the business/economic questions, divining into one of the things that fuel under creativity. So many other than monetisation.

It's one of the things that ain't epitomised by.

One of the tasks of the freelancer to connect with unsympathetic users.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Heteroglossia : On Genre

 As with my dabbling with languages, terms come, expressions neologised as concepts crystallise, reflecting "in terminology" of yesteryears. Moving on with Heteroglossia.

Weaving the linguistics, from Arch-genre, to Sub-genre, to various stages, to the formation of our meanings and back again, it's a literary marvel to behold.

With that of the meta-in-of-itself that can defy any generality and specificity. Such a means of commercial editing shows that show which to either capitalise on attention and their hold.

What concepts, what ideas, what stuff no copywriter can uphold. Yet, with me and others being the enlightened within discursive circles. This is why the literary entertainment could be the highest form, which will always be better. Nothing is that memorable from that quick-shot place of dopamine culture.

Sure, whether these concepts will funnel towards are fictional entertainment, retaining into concepts of our culture is another matter. It's certainly been a fine, literary dive.

Such terms of sociological understanding, Even though the concept of the horizon of expectations will be needing its out post of understanding. Despite it sounding like a final fantasy villain.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Action Deconstruction


We poetry in from the start of western civilisation of writing, when everything is articulated as poetry from our thoughts.

When it comes to entertainment, there's a moment when a poem and a satire becomes a biting commentary within the genre that's talked forever to come, with one of the ones that stand out and critique the genre. Along with doing the edge work with the creative soul lashing out.

There are plenty of war games that are indie that hit hard, yet not like this one. One where the entertainment is subverted into a what is the master of art and the mastery of the human soul. On a most spiritual transcendence shall it be triumphant.

The favourite part of the game is the quotes other than the out-of-moment realistic condemnation, including the deserter ending.

How will the spectacle be the thing, though. Commercial Spectacle-driven vs Literary Character driven, does it exist or not with these productions. Did it the art still exist.

The character contradictions are shown with the accusions below. This is negativity used to help use 

 To quote from the wiki-quotes

  • How many Americans have you killed today?
  • There is no difference between what is right and what is necessary.
  • If you were a better person, you wouldn't be here.
  • It's time for you to wake up.
  • Squad commands are unavailable when you're alone. No one can help you now.
  • You are still a good person.
  • Can you even remember why you came here?
  • This is all your fault.
  • Do you feel like a hero yet?
  • To kill for yourself is murder. To kill for your government is heroic. To kill for entertainment is harmless.
  • White phosphorous is a common allotrope used in your slaughter at the Gate. It can set fire to soldiers and the innocent civilians they are trying to help.
  • It's Konrad. He did it. All of it.
  • Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two conflicting ideas simultaneously.
  • You cannot understand, nor do you want to.
  • The US military does not condone the killing of unarmed combatants. But this isn't real, so why should you care?
  • We cannot escape anguish. It is what we are.
  • If Lugo were still alive, he would likely suffer from PTSD. So, really, he's the lucky one.
  • Adams blames Walker for Lugo's death. It's his fault they didn't leave Dubai when they had the chance.
  • Walker's obsession with Konrad has brought nothing but destruction—to Dubai and his squad.
  • There is no escape.
  • Life begins at the other side of despair.
  • No one can help you now.
  • Collateral damage can be justified, if the gain outweighs the cost. How much do you think Adams and Lugo are worth?
  • Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you.
  • I exist and I find it nauseating.
  • Walker and Adams have served together for many years.
  • You can't go home.
  • If the Radioman now speaks for the 33rd, then what happened to Konrad?

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Villainous/antagonist ≠ mesmerism

 Repulsion does not entail Mesmerism, not the fictional kind, anyway. Unless Hypnotism is a kink. Attractive Traits don't lead into positive ones. That's what is made for the tension to occur.

Such as the snake oil it could be, what antagonist force of a goal's want or desire is going to be made clear with the writing of the plot-structure and the character structure. Like with all things made with conflict, there ain't going to be any peace when. 

The anomie be it rising and foreshadowing, not within the anti-plot realm of jumping, static.

Attraction and the non negation really is one piano key being played.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Symbolic Libido, Hyper.

A quick Touch-down on a kink.

Etymologically, it means beyond, yet beyond is another way to say symbolism. Symbolism need the antithesis of the factuality to work, for the wish-fulfilment for the beyond ness. The one-dimensionality is the point with all the flatness. The part of legend, myth, and tales that makes a character part of the mystic, rather than what was a more non-romantic writing movement did.

The non-contradiction is the point. The Arch-typer of sexuality is the point, the 'other' is the point. For more reading on symbolism, Richard Mckee has it on Character.

There is no swindle, with what's displayed.

Sunday, November 3, 2024


Empathy: Identification, Worthiness. (People like us do things like this) Relatability. Pinnacle of axiology. A benefit to keep on. Helpfulness. Prospecting. Stuff that reminds us of use and 

Sympathy: Likeability, Attractiveness  The boundaries of axiological helplessness. A cost to keep on. Exploited.

Antipathy: Dislikeable, Cynicism, and Pessimism. Worthlessness. The antithesis of axiology. Repulsion, The boundaries of axiological cost. A burden. Cruft. Sunkeness. Exploitation.

As Tension is brought between empathy and antipathy. The but of it, and not therefore. The contra of the protagonist, or the antagonist.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Pursuit of literary entertainment/The medium

This is what Harlen Ellison with all his attempts to play of works, that was his end goal.

Literary Entertainment. Is it an oxymoron, or a paradox? Literature does not need to attract or repulse, he simply needs to pursue with the distinction into the world of metaphysical creation into the world where when need to see it. From the raw intuitive impulse, into an idea and into a medium.

Edutainment is a thing that we have to wrestle with, the paradox of attention of the thing that draws the eyes is the thing that can detract from the message and themes.

Well, the attention economising of everything for influencer ad creep has always been a thing, makes the analogue experience of picking up a book then reading it. The medium with what matters of where to place and select which has the learning increases.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Semantic Satiation and Ruducto ad Absurdum

Reverie of all those blips.

 Repeating something that won't make sense, tautologies that in its circularity don't make any sense.

Tick tock with a fad to trend, to trend to norm, then mimetically it all travels and normalises into a concept within our culture.

Are the repetitions deliberate? Or not so? Reductio ad Absurdum is used within comedies all the time. Moving into a farce from parodies. First time has it effect, second time it's expected with half the impact, the 3rd is a absurdity.

Yet the rules of three do form a pattern, where the connections make way, it can go either way.

The law of diminishing returns comes all the same.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Narcissist Mythopoetic

Theo, Diagnosis of his contradictions with his story.

57 min essay

Since when pathologizing has reached a myth, poetic symbolism used to sell a story of defeating an arch type of evil. It's all myth though, it's dream-like of wanting to believe of the stuff behind the ideas. If once a theory of the mind, the soul, made into the intellectual call to actions.

Yep, another dance of scientism. A complex, of unity of opposites of the fight of good and evil, and the contradictions of symbolic conflict, of old time. Solipsism, egotism, self-interest against the empaths, wage the wars!

All of an outdated physiological diagnosis. All attention to the attention god of direct marketing glamour mediums! All hail, beyond the complications of reality, people do still believe.

It reminds me that we are the minority of how these explode despite the fundamentalism, despite the foundherentism that I follow.

What contradicts self-obsession? Well, Self hate and suicidal ideation. All these are thoughts that intersect with reasons to reveal a more human condition we see with our own identification with others. The simplest definitions are going to be stuck around with that community. Guess it's not for me.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Forced to post, amidst the literary agent.

Look what I'm doing, avoiding a literary agent to pursue a non-profit career in public space.

Well, it's always there, got a blog post. I don't necessarily believe the agents are bad at finding opportunities, merely a neutral. Of course, they are meant to be made the whole place. If it's a backlog of plans on my mind.

If this traction is never going to work, at least I'd own the means of distribution and the attention to my place has been in a nice place.

Sometimes gentle thoughts of a civilisation that the ability to own the a little private sector of the net is nice enough.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Jump to Sex Obligatory Scene of Erotica

According to Lagos, there's four types of the conflict progression, static, jumping, rising and foreshadowing. Realistic/Symbolic characters encompass rising and foreshadowing to prove the main controlling idea.

There is a desperation, and the libidinal search. Even within illiterately, it's wish-fulfilment with all this kink-exploration. Indulgence, as all art is, self-indulgent or another.

Is it all oopity for anything long-term than a beat or scene, though.

The point of erotica as a genre is to get into the pleasures of the flesh first. That's what it is, it's what's on the wrapping package, for something to be subversive is going to be a supporting story of any subtextual element. Even then, when it comes to these flashes in the pan with intimacy, it's most likely remain as that.

The jump, though, is what I get what makes it anti-literacy. If it's all about the radical prude subtraction.

Prude-Sex addict/passion for passion's sake is what have you. The sentimentality with arousal is the point. Sometimes these response rates draw commercial publishers.

That's what makes it. What were you expecting? Clerk-matter. May as well lean into the exploitative aspects of the hiddeness, then move on. Some have compared it to horror with the frights.

Long-about way to say that this is a duck test for porn. I know it when I see it.

(I'll have to check the Hot Girls Wanted on the documentary in regard to the adult entertainment in the race to the bottom. There is always something with the sexual sentimentality. )

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Semantic/Semiotic Ascension

Rest in peace Danial Dennet, discovered his death.

Sellars said "The aim of philosophy is formulated, is to understand how things in the broadest sense of the term hang together in the broadest sense of the term "

Wow, this books dances with physics and risks becoming a deepity when going against a deepity. I love it, this slither of a point of view is to be understood, even if it leads bouncing ideas of certain intellectuals, (such as P*****) i did enjoy revisiting these ideas, such a culmination of meta-understanding.

There is only the meta-philosophy, or even non-category philosogy. Let's not get too deepity in our literary work.

He blends physics terminology with naturalistic study with his conceptualisation. With an understanding of the intentionalism, derived and original as a passageway towards his argument for free will compatibilism. Intellectual stimulation that brings me back.

These concepts are going to stimulate me back again.

Now that's meta, such philosophy really show the strength of the written page medium-wise.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dialectical conflicts, dramatic writing

Despite the essentialism and certain explorations amongst character arcs, nobody's can explore conventional conflict. Realistic or symbolic. Lagos does it like no other.

This is for all the purpose of realistic/mimetic character representation, One it regards to writing conflict, which is the term to show other non-conventional means within the character.

Conflict, contradiction, complex, and paradoxes. How do you write it within a character that's both convincing? Such an expression that is proud of? Well, The amount of work it takes to make a creative tension. These polarities, how to articulate them have been a common theme from the Richard, to the Rico, and towards the Playwriter, Egri.