Hey, you a business user or not a product. Nothing is free here with ad creep going up. Then numbers, you have to measure because everybody humble-brags there monetization here, and it's Para social delegation. You're driver of a status role of feeling famous rather than pursuing the craft.
Assume the right things if they aren't responding, they are protecting there workloads and time, it's all very priceless commoditys! You want to have that. Everyone is busybusybusybusybusybusyierbusybusy, probably busier than you.
Making is easy, publishing is hard, marketing for any meaningful stream of attention to you're platform for being relentlessly helpful and long-term connections certainly is from that marking books.
Marking books, marking, you're so lonely you'd have to study marking book, marking.
A mark in peoples to be remembered and that's it. A mark for you're morale. Gotta build a platform, or not.
Influencer influencer
So what of it with this book? It's obviously commercial, yet it does it right it working in the public.
However, monetisation and profit may never come. He does have prudent assumptions there that certainly will to something, I'm not sure if it's a fame recipe (because that's always changing.) It was something that of a dire truth how having a platform that sell's copies is only the way these commercial companies come in.
Having the money flow is only a set-up for the shiny card within the commercial world. There is no plan on getting famous though, not once I've found. It will break the internet.
Lower than "This is marketing" and Herschel Gordan's Lewis's copyrighting book, yet I don't think its that bad on salesmanship.
Will the email advice go out of date right about now? It feels like it could. Be wary on any fantasy growth 'meta'.