That's it, everybody is fishing for attention to covert into money, and it's the growing undercurrents where it's all socio-political again.
Friday, February 14, 2025
Another fanart. Citizen as product.
That's it, everybody is fishing for attention to covert into money, and it's the growing undercurrents where it's all socio-political again.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Clarification of Intention : Non-Fiction
That was the moment where I had known, that these attempts of writing that I'm trying to think clearly, even if it's for myself.
Even if it's all newspeak and conspiracy, I will only believe a few that are backed.
Like how social media is a training ground for popular publishers. At least the literary publishers are honest about delivering an audience.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Frustrations of a other place: Twitch
Did I see an embarrassment? Failed Irony? Insight that are my creativity ain't going to be rewarded by the financial goals of ad driven sites?
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
My feelings with the pokemon base
What am I to do with the most commercial property, with the popularity of the publisher leaving high SEO and cease and desist letter within its wake. Nintendo itself not being a friendly business when it comes those who love the franchise. What a love-hate relationship.
Back in the mid 1990s I was chirping “Clefairy” As a young'un, I was making silly games with the Pokémon and role-plays with a teenage, now today it's gone with all the time.
There's no denying of it's impact with the culture, even with its commitments and ideas reflected with the modding of other monster-trainers within the action genre. With its own trace into the card-trading scene which someone in my family does disclose unpacking on a streaming service, what a market.
Matt and Trey have made a tiring satire of how overcommercialization it is, and I can only resonate so much. Since Children's media will always be more commercial than adult stuff. That's simple arthritic. Jaded as I was back being a kid, it's now time that my engagement cannot be serious over such harmless fun. (Got the that clip of a long essay of chinpokemon From those ambulance chasering writers. (WW2 Reference cw, If I could make an essay of those tired writers.)
That's what fandom is, It's not an amorphous blob to nitpick with, only through the little pit could civil conversation of the entertainment product could be had. It's been friendly enough. Hopefully they are critical of inequitable business practices to help melt the scepticism.
This mysticism of what is our fandom will still remain, and it's time we acknowledge the scepticism. Of our, what will be done with our cultural remnants of this big empire will have to be made into something new, without their eyes. They will be pin-up artists making them alternative versions down under, whether that it's prosumerist meta or not. I reserve my contention with the big-publishers, rather than the freelancers.
Expect to see more, and for those making something new. Block out it's noise if it ain't to your taste.- We are the fragments of the SEO and impressions made afresh. Collecting ourselves into new communions.
(Oh, the poke-hunks are better than whatever Nintendo publishes, fight me on that. Poke hunks spin-off? My favourite Graphic novel by Bryan Tybalt was based on Sherlock Homles.)
Friday, February 7, 2025
Peppa Pig Surprise
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Thank you twitch for the paradoxical name
I'm a mixed man about it.
Made the difference towards a Llama to a Couch.
With irony failed I felt the most tension with imposter syndrome, then I didn't manage, then I broke down and restructured right back up. This was my entertainment persona.121212
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
My autism, Why I wear it
ers out there who view my art hours as imperial conquest to plunder.
From this sweary rantaphon 13:50 Bringing back an old classic.
Of course, as I critique, there is some naive human who will be taken into work experience that will be pushed through the wringer.
The squashing within it all. A most strange fetishisation, the simplification of the human as resource.
Not a mark of sympathy, yet one of self-preservation.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Internalizing private property
Naive kid back then.
There were a play I was bad at, stuff that I was obsessed with getting 'selected' stuff that I'd be a star, with words I didn't understand. I failed and chocked.
All part of the process of working in front of a crowd with stage fright.
Understanding personal property and items with a present someone winned within a Christmas present, a present of a toy piano. It came with sounds and noises, my young brain wanted it, and I wailed. There was no intention, then it was given towards me as a gift.
That was the last time, filled with the town with the concept of who had all the blocks.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Back when with concept artist was thing of entertainment industry activity. Dynasour ( will take these down on request.)
I’d like to blame the language a lot of the “first” art instructors and voices used that internet-age artists came across. Concept artists, guys two or three deviations away from gnomon DVDs that worked on making alien guns for Halo or something"
The concept as been a means of drawing attention, and it's now become an industry complex. Something along the success with all that to matter. With all trying to find to magic wand., that where a time was there. It was publisher bait, and it was like a corporate gym in the flavour of its business. It's a race to the bottom to be selected for an industry gig, which was it's high status.
So to be selected there's something to be jumped though, it sold its courses, and it did not teach much other than to be churned.
Elwell moved on and was only the good teachers there. It's all gone now.
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Grandads Retirement Blues
Foggy memories become clear, then back again.
offline day, minimal engagement. Still a stream with a failed graphics card update.
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Lil Scrappy
Kid back then with entertainment is given is taken, a special thing. It's not like I'm learning the hoops to jump through with today. The industry, what we do today. At least there is the art. Then there is the commodified slop.
I know too much, and that Lil'Scrappy knows too much too. From Five years old, it goes on. Those memories now fragments.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
They still haunt
The made a mark, not a market, at the place a moment without commercial value, or a bit. Exhibiting the mastery of the craft regardless, bringing the story of the craftsman towards the point of what we may call art, with its own restrictions.
Don't ever expect a gravy train for an artist.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Naturalistic Atheism
All the SEO adult entertainment roulette. I've described the behaviour of people reaching out there, all axiological arguments leading in towards a centre.
I can only see it and know to know be the toy/the product, figuring out what to post next day through the focus of the next thought. It's the romanticism of a destiny that leads me towards atheism. Is that the casui sui away of it all.
Even within a mad rebellion against fate, it's all an attempt for humanity, to define oneself as with our own attempt. With no the attempt to define immortality from it, with a point of view. Then what's the point?
Certainly with the neoclassical thought going away, I left when I could.
Monday, December 2, 2024
The fair visit
The fair ain't good, it's alright. Higher prices, I'm doing the visit though as there are scrunchies and a cat charity I donated for them. Scrunchies are life for the next effort.A will forever mis this artist's contribution, it's local love with the distribution of a gratitude cactus. He taught me well.
Despite my parent's joke of him not being paid much, Still made an impact. Those things that matter though.
Monday, November 25, 2024
i walked under a ladder, now it must become inspiration p**n
Two construction workers were having a ball, and I was walking my way back to the gym, and it's another day under the belt as it's made. I'm trying to run out of my gym-bro addiction by turning my two hours into an hour with fewer sets and more of a minimal routine, today was not that day though.
I had to walk under, they were hogging the mid-road as I stepped up the orange wires.
I'm reminded of obnoxious Gary Vee, on a podcast that's been led with a cult-of-personality, with various PR working on his name on the podcast of the Spotify, recommended to me. Well Couchy, I'm out of the nest! Please, no, I'm going to not need any guidance when there's this silly hustle-culture bustle, at least Seth was not that bade with such mundane advice, however commodified it was.
Not paying his workers for overtime, tsk tsk.
Then he's deleted.
Wow, if this moment that I walked under the ladder now I'm responsible to inspire for the sake of inspiration. Inspire! Burn the candle at both ends! Now! Spectacle.
I looked up silly superstitions now I spat on my shoe to disspell the symbolic burden of my shoe, dispelling the superstition.
Monday, November 18, 2024
Am I being too political?
First, It's my blog, I can write what I want.
Second, it's my opinion, one can have it, right? That's non-realist, and I want to write non-fiction. Talking society will always bring up politics.
Everything getting syncretic, even commodified entertainment is becoming to conflicted since drawing lines in the sand is what brings attention, anything for it. For better or worse.
Why am I drawing and doubting lines around a fig-leaf though?
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Latern parade againso
It is damp, reading a burnout book while there will be a parade. They will be a coffee back van, now they will be potatoes.
There wasn't any potatoes. Merely a crumb of a chocolate flapjack, chicken strips from a takeaway. It was still a good run though.
What a humble way of things to be reminded of, with the car and the blaring mix board of the radio going on. Vary the amount o bustle within the two hours and the moment in the takeaway, without the potatoes, was enough. Brought my memories back to five.
Most memoirs are merely journals, this is a journal of a happy moment and tradition of a that's bringing culture into a town with the marching band drums that shake my ears.
These multitudes of lights are points of illumination that bring us together. They said thanks for the cheer.
Monday, October 14, 2024
Sexual sentimentality? Prurient Paradox's, shouldn't be so
Why am I so harsh to sex work and pin-ups? Because I do believe that they can get better. That's why, maybe this love-hate relationship is because of my passion of it? It's certainly a matter of thing to explore a true self with all the lack of intimacy that means I'm doing to best to express myself.
It's all self-expression, If it's legal it's fine. Criminalization and other talks are to be another matter, including ABDL which is another matter entirely. Kinks are kinks, and the entire primal and elevated desires are to be expressed.
All it's into the rote expression of the industry as the whole, in terms of work being either what is a prostitute and what is sex work. Things are going to be addressed more maturely? Right? Even those that are drunk on SEO with the sex work must be doing it for a really, long, long time. Running with there business models that they may not take for granted.
Despite my criticism with the lack of labelling, it's simply not for me.
I can't handle the sex scene irrationality, it's ultimately unprofessional as a storyteller, and it's spectrum of genres that is meant as a device to serve others. Without writing, it's merely short-lived.
All industry complexes have their hustle culture, radical evils. What are you going to do with the clerks and merchants.
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Inktober/DrawTober Thoughts
Merely relaxing into the rhythm of doing work for me. Already did,
It's yet another trend where a stream of attention for people to pay attention to and to grow a following.
Everybody, what a stream of attention to grow a following towards solvency. I can afford to, with all the amount.
Even when the guy who stated cleared the copyright for the makers to sell their work, It's clear there's social capital involved to help capitalise on the streams of attention again. It's to show a little spot where the SEO lays, and that's it.
You are the product to advertisement product, and the attention economy is ontologically inseparable to the conversion advertisement these platforms support, with the prosumerism intertwined with its structure.
With the reporting on this, Mary Sue seems to do honest reporting. Oh boy, another copyright troll. Of course, into the antipathy brand which has mixed antipathy as a legal concept within legalese. I have mixed feelings of it being a useful fiction.

We are not 100% pure when it comes to these trends, either go in for the self, or the generosity of others. I'll most likely going back into the art-fights, due to the fun'n beauty. Yet self-sustainability is more important than from self-exploitation.
If I contradict myself, only if it's important.
It's a tactic, made to get hold of an audience's attention within these social media sites, it ain't for those who could afford strategy.