Tuesday, February 11, 2025

My feelings with the pokemon base

Skintilla, One of the Twitcher streamers who are couched. Now for my feelings. Oil pastel paintings bring me back.

I have been the most jaded kid, and I have been the most enthusiastic kid. Fandom and hated does that to ya, let me tell ya. Ambivalent-dom? Nah, My relations are alright now.

What am I to do with the most commercial property, with the popularity of the publisher leaving high SEO and cease and desist letter within its wake. Nintendo itself not being a friendly business when it comes those who love the franchise. What a love-hate relationship.

Back in the mid 1990s I was chirping “Clefairy” As a young'un, I was making silly games with the Pokémon and role-plays with a teenage, now today it's gone with all the time.

There's no denying of it's impact with the culture, even with its commitments and ideas reflected with the modding of other monster-trainers within the action genre. With its own trace into the card-trading scene which someone in my family does disclose unpacking on a streaming service, what a market.
Right now, a pack for something to be opened, with a surprising act.
Hearing about this overcommercialisation of this merchandise. It's no surprise though.

Matt and Trey have made a tiring satire of how overcommercialization it is, and I can only resonate so much. Since Children's media will always be more commercial than adult stuff. That's simple arthritic. Jaded as I was back being a kid, it's now time that my engagement cannot be serious over such harmless fun. (Got the that clip of a long essay of chinpokemon From those ambulance chasering writers. (WW2 Reference cw, If I could make an essay of those tired writers.)

Since to such with the over-exposure and the familiarity, so the dignity began to dissipate with the poke-hunk community, brushing with many a controversy as the lack of structure as let us be like this.

That's what fandom is, It's not an amorphous blob to nitpick with, only through the little pit could civil conversation of the entertainment product could be had. It's been friendly enough. Hopefully they are critical of inequitable business practices to help melt the scepticism.

This mysticism of what is our fandom will still remain, and it's time we acknowledge the scepticism. Of our, what will be done with our cultural remnants of this big empire will have to be made into something new, without their eyes. They will be pin-up artists making them alternative versions down under, whether that it's prosumerist meta or not. I reserve my contention with the big-publishers, rather than the freelancers.

Expect to see more, and for those making something new. Block out it's noise if it ain't to your taste.- We are the fragments of the SEO and impressions made afresh. Collecting ourselves into new communions.

(Oh, the poke-hunks are better than whatever Nintendo publishes, fight me on that. Poke hunks spin-off? My favourite Graphic novel by Bryan Tybalt was based on Sherlock Homles.)