Showing posts with label Scene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scene. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Reverse engineer yourself, bread and circus with Cappy

 Cappy will hum to himself.

"Learn to be a hack, will save your life.
Shoveling same patterns and handling the litter.
Give the people what they want.

Learn to be a hack, save a life.
Doing the counting and making the measures.
Providing comforts for what you will.

Learn to be a hack, Save a life.
One person out there needs to be comfortably numb.
Trap or not you're heeeeeereee~

Never commit to a point of view
Create the blandest stew.
Cardboard yourself a none-way.

Never get artblock agaaaaaain! Never get artbloooock. Never get artblock Again yeah!"

Sunday, February 16, 2025

You consider yourself a god Kyro?

With the oily scent of an engine that holds honour. With the desires to bear the life of all automations, we take for granted.

Such a tradition, that puts us all in awe for a moment, efficiency. Interlocking with the repetitive specification union of all our hopes then making a mean that make civilisation and our laws, into complexity of all our known ideas interacting.

Arrogance or an acknowledgement of our status? You'll be reshaped into something that will into our earth. Wired into, wired into ribofunctional mutant non-attachment.

Not wiring wrong, or right.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

A busy hack I am

It is the world of artists, and the world of hacks.

To be reduced to a mindless vendor selling commodities, and to be taken with millstone of the world of all its spectacles. Two pulling each other apart and back again.

That's the desire of the machine, and desires of the master that I drone and break free from.

From the commercial cack to the romantic madness of the loner. I see you.

The gigs down the road, I should go down there to rumble.

Let's rumble.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Theo's Snarl

There is a case with all of this, after the accident of trying to take over, it ain't going to happen, they always have a plan B. It's always a plan b.

 Theo has a disconcerting past, a past of condemnation of appetites that are most hidden to the usual eyes. Asheal pushes past him out of his wheel-chair, within his own smirk as the Greyhounds look.

Venture did not go as planned?

"Don't you dare spare your look, son. Or no time with your friend in the lord's eye"

He frils wave down as he marches right past, a long air of silence as he brings his word towards Castella, having to do it on his footpaws.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Between ribofunk and what is commodity is not a paradox, it ain't easy either.

 The process of producing value for the prospective other-kin within the Glitz, the wisps, the rust and the lost. Commidication adapted from the analysis for the rogue analyst and theorist, along with big mogul of the techno-ribofunk fusion. So they'd work to the end of a process where souls are made to spark our condensed energy.

This monetization of energy has been named: Omni-commodification, to the process of all things to made into sellable matter.

All this studied Axiology has been refined by Castella, with further legislature by the Minister within England. Coolhunting is the all encomposing net where social and capital pools, where to social condition connects with what's glitz.

Yet, with the Ribofunk, shall of matter ascend from the measurable number.

(Some of these notes will need revision there, that's what free-writing is though, writing without fear - Couch Gregor)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

On-gaku our sound : Too late for what?

Aya: Good luck

Kenji: Good luck for what?

There's a scene on On-gaka: Our Sound on the piece of performance, that it's still a gig-economy and that the strategy of being picked, Luck have nothing to be made as those when it comes to doing it as a hobby.

When keeping it in mind of the mental fulfilment, the selfishness could be a virtue of self-love with the means of hobby being the only piece of sanctity with the amount of work.

Or, so with the performance with Our Sound

8 to 11:15 of this 36:20 min essay for the source

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Theo's Conglomerate Praise

Doodles from memory really show the most rudimentary of semiotics of my character.

Fancy ball Party, mid 20s.

"It's important that the silvers, along with its name, promote overall social being while de-escalating misunderstandings of the southern tensions of are guidance."

Everybody attention was aimed at him, internally there was a form most foul that wrestled within a sea of forming horror.

"As it's important to keep my faith within the ley lines, all conduits are guided by one. To my extent, I'm his wisdom and a messenger. For all of us bestow our benevolence."

He blushes and stammers a bit, all the most perceptive are able to see his shake up. He continues, "is this the price to pay?" He thought.

Out of the black tendrils of his brain, a beastly face of corruption emerges, hidden within.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Theo's mega church response

Cameras up in two minutes. Do the roll, put the lights on.

The announcer of the crowd of a thousand, and the broadcast of several people for this entertainment to our senses. This meaning into the cardinal of our authority, Theo!

The choir comes out, the organs pant an inexhaustible blow, the sheets of the holy land and mantelpiece. Yet there's a meaning to make the whole world to watch. Fumbles at the drops at the worstime.

Also, did he have no clothes?

The cardinal had no clothes? Why?

He grinned, though, grinned for all his authority to see.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

George is cute

The woman scours the cameras and pictured littered within here basement, there are Pictures of the buff llama all around the place. She desired to make it better than the last, the last picture. That one with the big booper in front of the door, it's one that's going to make a prospect fawn.

 "That gym coach.
That could reach a fine price in the black market, I know. The acquired market for a rare price. Scarce with the amount of times that are mind."

She does a humble little grin, humming a fine tune as she organises all the photos into a folder. Then he returns to his computer.

"Ah Bob, we've got things to catch up, how's the business?"

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Bowsers Grunt

 These bowsers within The dimension of the heave-core lifting culture. Deep into the bulking cut of the way the strongman routine as grown obsessive with his kind unsure.

This is only twice his bodyweight, what's wrong with him? He could rip a clean Triple and then some with ripping to the bar, pure adrenaline no go. He was thinking about his kid's high school worries.

He's never had a long term relationship with his wife, how is he going to give his advice for his son?

Another sip of his protein shake, another set.

Friday, August 9, 2024

So ****erish are Theo's will

Kyro meditates in bed, only thinking of his master.

What happens when the stereotype of sombody who defends the worst vices of a sex industry happenns to hide it on his pedestal?

Where's the respect and dignity of a such a naughty obsessive that only perpetuates the comic side? What a defiler of the flesh market he makes it!

F****** furrys!

I'm sure some of them can see the light, what can make an old man so dark a shadow?

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Pr liability: Theo

"What a burden, young sapling go into tiresome weed trees."

That was Castellas ramble as she sorted through the harassment documents, and the billing provided by her accountant. Her office at the chapel taking into expenses of embarrassments.

"To what gives negative traction from a morally righteous cult, now it's party damages." She thought, then bringing out the stamp of it being done, what she hired a pr lackey to spin doctor all this away.

"His ******* shan't be published all over the glitz hub. That's for sure, he does that enough for his fan, or parachute community"

Thursday, August 1, 2024

It's business or be business'd

Those on these sage holders that passively aggressive those into SEO seduction because it's all about capitalising on that attention then selling the mass advertising interruption.

It's not my business doing copywriting for these platforms, are not my jam. They should be copywriting for me.

My competitive business model means that I'm treating these sage holders as my numbers, not the other way around. Taking the media literary know how to see the game and manipulate it to the ways of making it work for me.

The market is not in it for my revolutionary ideas that Castella will grab her jewels for!  

That c***.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Kyro's conspiracy kink

It was normal within his barracks. His old collection though, shows a hint of another wise different mind. It's locked within a journal within the secret compartment of his sleeping bay.

"Being crazy, behind the curve of socially trendy theories. It's perhaps because of this you're an golem interloper."

"The previous likes of a castle with plenty of people murmuring poison behind my back, a vision of mistrust. Conspiracy was neolgised to hinder and sow division between the three kinds. All that dissenter artifice, to help the opulent."

He knows that a handshake deal is not enough

Monday, July 22, 2024

Theos reflexive purity

 Within the whole centre works, a deal that he can't take it within his prayer room. He had an early thought of making a deal.

"What a delight! I was out of this mess, punch the nun and get out of it ditch it, no stay close to the holy code and god and the rapture of our beliefs. What a way to get there first. No, follow and make your own religion to a whole that allows you to dance naked to others and have your own way! What a way to worship the lord is through the act of love-making. To the act of sexual profundity with the man, to th- the w****s that shan't infect me any further. " His quiet ramblings resting on the mirror. Holy lights that move beyond his lither form as he moves and tries to rest such a fever.

A rest on the bed with a frail expression, mutterings under his breath.

"The other dealings that are made, this bordem and pent-up sensation of such a deathly marriage, It's s****** it's you though, and is all blasphemy!"

"Do it!"

"Never will a do it a thousand choirs and hold me to that."


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Theos party arrangements

Seems that [REDACTED] has managed to bring in guests of highest value into our B
rickenshire, maybe I'd be able to pull of the city and able get to know the scene as these go. All part of the networking event within Brickenshire!

Let's see what happens when the get a load of my double shotgun party exploder! They don't know how much action my ways can go with these times, to show who has to holy might within this Town.

Boom Boom, and then, party with a handy ipad track of classical in the background. Ah, such a show-off, am I going to far? I'm going a bit crazy yet I can't stop now.

List of required items:

  • Cookies and Cream cake designed for twelve people < Main event
  • Custard'n Cream for nibbles
  • Fruit platter
  • Some Brandy
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Cider
  • Additional Parfaits and a platter of sandwiches

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Old lady demographic mine

There's a new wave of old people, they all use the internet, and I'm in it!

This artificial generated pipeline that they give served with their attention economy is a gold side gig, to the direct response that pays for itself with a minimal effort, and a few clicks and drags.

Made saturated with cushion facts and sofa trivia! What furniture knowledge can i make it all about visual obsession?? 

You do what you can with a forbidden system to make money, know how hard it is to make money from consultation? Pimping out at Bobby's ain't what is, cunning subterfuge of predicting and aiding those to respond is.

Numbers and watching the old folk swoon! Swoon swoon swoonity.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Jaime's Ruckus of 1:00 pm

There are Bobby's goons at the backlot, and there is a dropdown of a shadow.

Danny Frog has taken up shotgun, that crossbow has taken. His talk of George has not got to him, though.

"What have you got crazy?"

"No, You pencil necked D*pS**t" He's ripped and gets rid of his dress, still keep the heels and the nails. He's got the slay, his hammer sparkling as several goons are shocked to the point, preparing their batons.

Bonk! Crunch! Swoosh!

The crunch of bone slapping on a side cage as they are crushed, shocked fear yet fervour of a run as there are no many, but twenty more as Jaime's adrenaline rushed. Then he brought the way it pulsed with electrical energy flowing.

A baton smacked his back, the brutality hitting his sway into the strut. It worked his way in a movement.

"He's turning that energy into slay energy!" Exclaimed to the crowd as he got to work. All over the open truck as the way happened. Then as the king goon when down. As a good held his back in punishment. He's about to get a rollicking.

Then he back head slammed the back of his nose, dazing the goon behind, as the goo. was about to land a blow, he twisted his hammer. Jaime slammed right into the spot.

"What the FFOOOWWWWK" The to O's making a comical exploding motion from the bubble, It head creating a dent on top of the inside of the truck carriage, ridiculous power demonstrated with the flying body, so the fight desculated with the infiltration.

"You got it done?" claimed the invoice of Danny.

"Yeah, Pretty bawlin."

Monday, July 15, 2024

Kyro's Excavate Job

Another mess by Theo

That darn dog left another mess for the excavator to clear up, it's a petty life to pay for him to clear his guard.

He knocked down on the flat and then, it opened, there was a man in his thirties, glasses, looked like he came from an IT college for him to work his appetite.

"You came to see the results," He said to the leathered robot, Ky knew he was hiding. His orange eyes could see various breaths, orange tinted like a distorted world of magic arcana. Several hooded baklavas withe loaded weaponry could be there.

"No, I came for Theo's friend." Ky blurt. Just then the nerd was not along, he had taken his shoulder and placed it in the back for protection, already a life was in the line as he brought the shield to protect the first shot. Already the other guys were not patient. Coming through at two pathways, two more soldiers, so he threw the nerd down and did his best to tackle the others.

He unzipped his jacket for one reason, threat defusal. There was an electrical, shock bam. There was his chest to crush it. To the shocked face of his assaulter. Such crunching is unconventional to the methods of Kyro, yet he persisted.
The cover of the door was not enough of the screaming nerd who was crawling off the two bodies now blown and knocked out with this special forces golem.

The other guy brought his desert eagle a mighty shot, supersonic bullet marching towards, yet his sacrum was untouched as he squeezed to the amazing of the crawling nerd. Slow motion, the bullet's tip flattened as it pushed, ricochetting with such intelligence it smacks the gobsmacked attacker's helmet, making him land flat on his arse awestruck, with the second shot pelting him.

"No way, Super orbital front thrusting deflectors!" Was his shout.

He opened the door, rushing forward, a naughty shot gunner had caught him. Right between the chest, yet to his dismay, crushed the barrel between again, just about as he had pulled the trigger. Unfortunately, the guy could not blow his load in time as the backfire sent him hurtling backward, right out of the shards of broken glass of the window, into the milkman's van?? Morning rounds are due.

Yes, it was loaded, he had been thoroughly M****

Threat gone, one pec at a time.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Payola'd not our dirty word

What if there was a system that allowed one to reach the masses with ease? A system where both medical research and political messaging could be used to hit people in the streams of consciousness without much effort?

That's what I can do, when the entire world of distribution can be towed and made into control, It's a system where raw monetary force is where it's heart is. Where the environment for the word to spread with all its memetic confidence to be made for the world. Ain't that a charm? The way my agents can operate through these currents of glitz hub that can make you be paid attention overnight, of those little expensive moments of considered thought no wrapping with such deliberation.

Stars over what is dramatized, stars over our wellbeing, stars that bring us to a whole new world, famous or infamous, anybody will do it to die of exposure, or die of obscurity. To life in its fluctuations, to be remembered then forgotten.

Ain't it a way to support your church, Theo? The world will see if this investment will work.

I only ask for a return. For this economy I give.