Showing posts with label Copywriting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Copywriting. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Placebo of worth

All the acclimation of the slippery slope of writing to bring the benefit to close the door. Suppose that's closing a sale, over this analogy, it's proselytizing the point of an essay.

That's luxury, and it's luxeness, with narrative thinking inside the participant with the social group they are supposed to impress. Used to sell 18th century imperialism with laces. Where does the time go with such an aspect of quality go from Hollywood now. Already covered now by Colbert.

Where the cost of time and attention, valuable, priceless commodity. Commodity fetishization of little of the brand as it is in the mind. The mind being attracted to the benefit provided, measurable and mystical.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

What lowers self-efficacy?

Tried drawing this shapeshifter, it changes.

Ah, Project resistance. So now with this collection of contradictions from Steven Pressfield and Seth, I shall bring my own take. The only one way to know how to self efficiently do salesmanship is from the gut.

Can contradict, that's how inertia works, though.
  • Lowering solvency.

  • Looking beyond solvency and lying about it.

  • Being a hack, without purpose.

  • Get distracted by reference/inspiration.

  • Falling for artifice for the short term, of our object of desire.

  • Seeking gratification.

  • Waiting, waiting, waiting.

  • Fearing of being upstaged.

  • Upstaging everybody.

  • Obsessing for reassurance.

  • Response rates.

  • Navel Gazing indulgence.
  • Whining

  • Social media grooming

  • Not enough paradoxes

  • Too many paradoxes

  • Indulging in prosumer salesmanship

  • Having 'friends' that bankrupt and burnout.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Theo's honest rules of clerksmanship

He's written it down, as he slumbers.

Working with the epistemological limits, a mindless antibiotic marketing body of work that is no more a clerk. A clerk who's built the industrial revolution. Faster and cheaper for tomorrow.

Some professions are intrinsically hackneyed: the fast food server of a franchised turnkey, the mass entertainer pin up artist, the pornographer, the shameless upstager, fan service and the copywriter. All serving the keys jangler.

As they've become producers.

Honest hacksmenship must remain with its dignity, or it becomes a grift. One can't make a friend out of the hack, only the benefit of the project they make.

When ambulance chasing the next cargo cult for their next flick, one understands they are hierarchical with the numbers game. What is this project for? The contribution toward the smallest viable audience. (Kevin Kelly 1000 true fan model) or for the benefit of the social media advertisers who are paying for the server costs?

Authenticity ain't it, the impression of verisimilitude and consistency matters. We dip into the lake of professionalism, then return for the short term. The only thing we ask for is dignity. Programming the animosity of tomorrow.

To ignore the illiteracy that is a true sin.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Edgy, both in experiment and jade - Novelty Burnout

1:11 of the most jaded definition, with not much principle of charity applied. I like em both definitions.

The law of diminishing returns must come when it's with ideas that become the middle and then at the edge, it's a dance that must be taken as part of the deal of what it means to be creative.

It's that time again, where the term of edgy is brought to court the necrophiliacs of whatever, those who are jaded with the genre's mediocre expressions. Now, that this is the period of novelty burnout is something to be predicted on the state that attention needs to be refreshed on new stimuli.

Cussy man makes cussy video on the cycle of what all this cool hunting hammer, of cool commercialization, rebel to normalization then out again. 2:21 Did I recommend the documentary The merchants of cool? 58 documentary.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Making Money Compendium - Summery and relinks - revideo

Fly free, numerical statistic, priceless money making advice shall be free!

This is the best collection of salesmanship on salesmanship I could curate. From previous into source.

I'm not one of those slick money making 'professionals' who try to squeeze out a meta. Commercialism of commercialism shall always be questioned.

Gurney has his own take. I'd say try to focus on attracting those to the Kevin Kelly's 1000 fan business model, or the smallest viable business model. 39 min.

Seth Godin has advice, of course of re-linked what he's written about exposure and working for free. They are two posts on money making. Good enough.

Also, there's a meta of money making that does not exist, if it does. Then every hack will be using it to its fullest extent.

To be a founder of a business model requires no reassurance, there is no credential. It's better to be an amateur than a hack if the salesmanship and copywriting drains into a gumption trap.

Repost of an old video, the metaphor of founding a new gym is the same of trying to add commerce to the illustration. To do what you love indulgently, then love what you do, maybe the risk. A clear, cogent benefit is the leap to earn it. To find the worth of such a venture.

Through that benefit, of loving what to do shall be where payment.

Further note, understanding contractionism will help demonstrate professionalism, With Ip (urge) here's a 40-minute rundown with a cussing title. The overriding clarity of communication is one of the perks of such useful fictions. 

Don't forget that how to make a handshake deal to work. To make sure the rule of law ain't undermined. Don't let contractionism turn one into a warlord/mafia don. Be confident, not arrogant.

The legal industrial complex may serve the needs for freelancing. Agreements should not be under any illusions.

Origin of the term. 34 sec
( Off-tangent, So that's why a lawyer works on the presupposition of bad faith, the copywriter works on the presupposition of non-remarkability )

Consider the business guess, which business guesses and models that will work with the privatization and monetization that is both fair and generous. Write a business guess, then follow. The creative zeitgeist ain't lead by such matters. Beware how this will undermine the intentionalism it.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Artifice of Remarkability

"Advertising is a tax of being unremarkable." said Robert Stephans. Founder of geek squad. Shall that be questioned? Robert even pushed authenticity line even if it did not apply to professionals. Dirty little secrets when it comer to advertiser who manufacture 

Yeah, it can be questioned with its remarkability.

Even remarkability has an artifice.

People lie about this, to save face and to exploit the time and attention of others, who knew?

Hackneyed payola, of parasocial relation that's brought --------------to the centre of it all, no disillusions entering this rat race of social congregation circulated by nepo babies. Or that's how I, you, everybody who'd want it too for how this cannot be tracked. With the age of scepticism creeping into here.

48 video on the start of such a line of pedagogy.

Prosumer Remarkability sounds suspicious.

(At least Seth once discussed payola, to be even. He's honest in his contradictions.)

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Crossword excavation

Susan Haack, and Ernie Bushiller have done this thing with starting a project as a process. I find this methodology of creation a way to applied method.

It's the creation of a few dots around, forming the squares of what is completed. Clues that are discovered via the mise en place of the prior knowledge, newly constructed meaning though the puzzle of uncovering.

Shapes? Words? Bubbles? It's going to start somewhere. Merely with the pre determination of events that what is summoning comes forth. Mistakes unearthed, paid attention to, then left to the next thing.

All this internal passage of time is used out, through the many points of stream of consciousness, out with semiotics, design with varying degrees of imagination.

Done, no regress now it's shipped. The inverse tabula rasu of organized ideas formulated by the journey is revealed.

Nothing like a completed puzzle.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Is-ought authenticity conundrum

There is a descriptive to the prescriptive payment gap that a creative professional must face. That gap is made with emotional labour of creating value.

Because payment ain't received on a silver platter, not for most classes within this commercial world, except for the nepo baby's.

This is what happens when a fundraiser or determination can't hold that line of trust and view into the work, that offers a serve of the user. Right at the point of showtime.

With the normalization of influencers and trying to make everything relatable, and transparent for the sake of it. Scrounging everything for content for their own places. It comes to attention that the way we show our real selves illusory to the front face that is shown within media, sending the message.

Saturday, March 23, 2024


If you make a claim of importance; prove it. One of the first rules of copywriting. To cut back on the puffery, and not be coy about it. We are talking funds, important. Timer and the attention symbolically represented. That's been given beforehand.

Pretention, the imposter syndrome being the point one can feel to hit that moment, being the incomplete serviceability that has not been shipped.

If everything is bold, none of it is, down to a single point of an!

Friday, March 22, 2024

Exhibitionism, meta-traction

To show oneself around the world with one click of the mice, into the published button. This is this encouraged, by design, by the user interfaces we have.

How meant to gain traction from the social media that we put ourselves on. Then through the meta-harvesting. Using the exact same thing if we do as businesses and as socialites.

This methodology of courting is what we are designed for, it's ingrained in the system. The epistemology of the study of knowledge now has an economy of attention that is not watched, cared or attended to. It's a scarcity manufactured for the express interests of those who know nobody wants to read, look or socialize with them. The cycle goes round.

Be wary of the meta-traction.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Emergency urgency overload

This push of advertising is unearned attention, it's the hyperbolic that makes e2 = 0 breaking sales copy. With the boy cried wolf.

Unearned urgency, asap language as been appearing through the microblogging, and it won't be going away. This is the sidetracking off.
Of the direct response model.

The moment of a hobby to a profession, with the understanding of marketing, bookkeeping, job management, contracting, delegation and endorsement. All for a commitment.

That urgent wish with the push into the direct response, making it an emergency, does not urge direct response. It can cause less. Only the with a whisper can it push the strings of tension with the call to actions can lead the prospects to other side. Being honest with oneself and towards the others, because in the creative fields this is the stuff that won't pay off.

Resist with it and focus on the creative part, that's where the validation lies The numbers and metric will follow.

Emergency? Don't skim over the primia facia impression, make sure it's proven on first impression. Is it really a crisis?

What's urgent, what's important?
That famous distinction.