Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Ex Nihilo/Ex Post Facto

To make something completely new and to make something completely before, well what a difference.

Attacking the origin of our cultural creation, coming from our Western Latin zeitgeist.

From myth means story and story means beats or the scene, shall we affect the process of our creativity into intuitions codified into or our own mediums. Yet to create something fresh and from the ascribed behind ness. Are those things coming into being.

So it exists, responsible or not. As the existentialist say, existence precedes essence.

From the novelist is the fandom/cover, hackneyed artist. (Paradoxical, yes it is. I am it myself.) Every pre-illustrated design being copied within the algorithm, to feed or to lead. Engagement in what?

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Delirium overload, Weird Art Celebration


Critics may not get the joke, or niche, and there may not be a cult following.

It certainly counts as something new, though, like the experience of capturing old age within armed and delirious.

What a wise fool, a contradiction handling a incoherent absurd world. It all means it's a way to find meaning though, that's the Waiting for Godat that this aspires to.

Accursed farms as done a play through of this work of art part 1 and 2. I can't help this could be misconstrued as ageing gracefully.

Our old age will come to use, be prepared for it.

So will the weird, obscure art be brought to light.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Pretentious Hack

Who'd you trust? The honest hack or the pretentious one who calls himself and artist, wanting his tantrum taking seriously. 

The taxi driver who delivers, delivers you weird yet still on the point, or the one somewhere different where it completely does not work. Believing him the 'artist'? Despite the creativity being a liability.

Such is a retrospective of Doug Walker's the wall, the review that labour'd a risky commercial expression. It's bad.

Other that the complete contradiction of it being a love letter, along with the lack of an attempt of a soft sociological point of view being expressed. Because its comedy, contradiction for amusement? Or not..

I'd care for the inconsistencies if this was such an insult to a work of art. It was a literary endeavour, Doug's was, unintentionally.

no. There are plenty of reviews on the pretentious review, that you may have seen. He won the race to the bottom.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

"Enjoy being obscure"

This is sceptics raise their objections. Wanting over familiarity.

Could all be an excuse to race to the bottom.

Obscurity is between the wayline of novelty and familiarity, it allows mobility and the prewritten prescribed orders, one that will lead in towards a new realm.

How much scary can it get that even horror has become a genre within entertainment in of itself. Such as these standards that ascend us from commodity to community, such a wrestle it is.

Oh, how they become such a tension. Where populism does not need defending.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Technocratic rushing

Welcome to the internet where everything is computational, where illustrators become into the fan service industry complex.

Postman then undertakes his own view in where have religious matters into the world of scientist and another's from another viewpoints from western society.

He gets to the nitty gritty of how a shifted the patterns. Pales in comparison to amusing ourselves to death with his points of Bread and Circus. A shift, into our understanding. Of qualitative and quantitative over everything else, from the technocrats view. From the shiftless view.

It ain't that simple, though.

It can't translate into religion, sociology and the fictional entertainment works. How its mis detects illiteracy as mis-computations. Why the direct response can't be the answer, measurement not everything. Drawing on the sacred/profane distinctions.

Some sources and others are, historically wrong and in the wrong place, has a loving resistance fighter end though.

Thats his idea, not sure if he understands it fully though.

3 - 5 stars

Monday, February 17, 2025

Understanding popular publisher spec

The specifications left behind by popular publishers aren't necessarily better, but they are well liked for their well likeness. (Boorstin Complaint 1992 image magazine. Well know for his well-knownness.)

It's exposure still, overexposure from the Cthulhu effect from empiricism of the market.

Search the reasoning comma specifications making a machine of a vendor that is most untouching, do a mistake the machine from the Artists as our complications fold.

Merely that's what social mass advertising wants, to be universally liked within the c-suite that shows a single number going up.
What a short term system it is. Only organized commune way will go out.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Another fanart. Citizen as product.

HpComic, With the lack of demand I was picked with the infinity of e-begging, had to approach him with extreme compassion.

 That's it, everybody is fishing for attention to covert into money, and it's the growing undercurrents where it's all socio-political again.

Will always hold whatever way to reach for attention under suspicion.

Sure enough from thr mos cynical to the most optimistically believable, shall another post pass.

Gotta understand how important credability is.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Least exhausting way possible

Mizaki on the others.

Finding curation and a home for one's own artwork is going to be an imperative for the creative seeking not to exhaust himself, to balance his dreams with his own craft and it's demands of the body. It's all within the management of the trials to come, and to survive the oncoming duress of it all.

There's a time when one feels the tiredness, the exhaustion, it's a skill that can be learnt, and it seems to be forgotten with what burnout society has left us.

It's merely entertainment, it's merely a distraction, go to have rest'n recovery with the sleep opportunity offered.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The dissappeared blogs, From monetised whispers.

 There are "meta" blogs, trying to game the algorithm, or attempts for dominion and failures, like cheating and such.

Now it's gone, with writing things to be made into the robots, then there are gone, deleted. Files of information that are left into the wastes of lost-media.

Creativity for creativity's sake ain't celebrated, there are left to rot into the forgetfulness of our times, lead into a most profanely disservice that's made into emptiness.

Yet all of this time. That all this task to be made with a priceless intent, one that is to push forward and honour a desire to give our own selves to aid others.

So yes, do go and make an honest living, that living shall not enclosed with the little spindle of creativity that come forth here.

I'm not monetizing this.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

The deep end, Sophomore

Creativity means, within the genre and what is professing, something must be different.

That's the point, the point of exploring new craft. It's going to be deep at first, internal if interest the out of the outerest. Where the murky depths call out for a pearl, a pearl of wisdom from the foolish shallows.

Best to eliminate all sophomore and oxymoron wish fulfilment.


Even if the exceptionalism burns, it's axis is different.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Call to Transaction on the long tail

The long tail of the wandering golem with his work, of not riding the raid of 

" Come on, Say it. Say the celebrity endorsement for the performative metrics."

"Could anyone _____ ownership of the metrics with my twitch channel to get affiliate status? I've been on the swallowed by the long tail of streaming. Since my work specialising in bara entertainment, not twitches entertainment product. Too exhausted and exhausting to do SEO or click-through rates. Call me if interested."

"See, that wasn't so hard, wasn't it? Will you want to work for twitches advertisers with that kind of call to action, the transaction. One from the battlefield of Babylon and the boardroom of modern business."


I sputter to the spectre, a more direct Call To Action.

"The most direct way is to give Twitch the metrics that it wants, open to anyone looking to share ownership and seeing if I can get affiliate, call me for community action."

"Anybody want to collaborate in making me affiliate? Here my stats, call me."

"Good, Simplify, so the back in the room get the message reaches the ones in the back."

"Please, you're direct care of your audience into my small channel will be a great help."

Friday, January 17, 2025

Frog f'd alternative cover

Tempting fear of being overlooked and seen, with the amount of a feud. Between beast, human, and golem. The creations that wrap us.

Hate never changes
Love never changes

Then It does.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sufficient for the day: Damnation of Mediocrisy

Sturgeons Law

 To hold out towards the next step. 90% could be seen a worse condemnation of this ballpark statistic, The example of the vase expanse is okay. Not remarkable or worth commenting on.

Mediocrity could be all the amount worse due to how bland and unremarkable it is. Memory sinkhole'd into nothing.

What happened to all the memes? What happened to the previous social media, and the other platforms that go into the wastes.

That sink of such a statistic is a means of where all the failures lie, where the uncertainty happens to rest.

Quickening timespans. Things will have to slow down here.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Beautiful wastes of time

Not all wastes of time are created equal, there's the point where the contemplations set in, and the time with everything that happens.

Even the interruptions, oh, they to be cherished.

Ain't that where the wastes of time happen, though? Seeking utility there as well. With the exploration, entertainment, and other times that get swallowed up in multiple tabs, then back again.

As if reverse engineering it all can be matter'd. Cannot calculate it.

Means it's intrinsic, that can be a use, or well, the 80% percent of chance between instrumental/intrinsic once a moral philosopher said. (Sam Harris? I don't like that philosopher.)

Saturday, January 4, 2025


Back when with concept artist was thing of entertainment industry activity. Dynasour ( will take these down on request.)

"the average internet user views art as such a linear, non exploratory process which can only “improve” or “regress”, like it’s a little skill meter from their video games. Really a shame

I’d like to blame the language a lot of the “first” art instructors and voices used that internet-age artists came across. Concept artists, guys two or three deviations away from gnomon DVDs that worked on making alien guns for Halo or something"

The concept as been a means of drawing attention, and it's now become an industry complex. Something along the success with all that to matter. With all trying to find to magic wand., that where a time was there. It was publisher bait, and it was like a corporate gym in the flavour of its business. It's a race to the bottom to be selected for an industry gig, which was it's high status.

So to be selected there's something to be jumped though, it sold its courses, and it did not teach much other than to be churned.

Elwell moved on and was only the good teachers there. It's all gone now.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Delivering something somebody wants to read.

Conversations are meaningful, conversations can't happen to those under high demand. So, what is dms for?

1. Vendors or well-published artists/writers are looking for transactions, I try to keep it concisely instrumental. With the burden of adcreep with social media, give honest hacks what they want. Ah, the service/entertainment industry. Well, make every word and illustration count.

Feedback loops to business and farming commissions, oh dear. Keep it transactional.

2. Any meaningful conversations within reason. Can only entertain so many relations with the input.

3. Any gift and experimentation. With no expectation, like a poem, or a reflection.

There is only so much that can be explored, where is the line between sharing and oversharing.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Ockham's Razor > Commercial/Communicative Writing

One of the principles that could be for force communication. The strongest impression. The razor that is reflected from the bally to the internet, still it's relevant to match of the message to the user recipient.

Simplifying the elimination of the nuance,

Simplifying to explanation without sacrificing the integrity of the concept.

It's one of the things to understand concepting with what to increase the response of the message. Apparently, It's to help penetrate the age of scepticism reality is in to induce a click, a benefit to the prospect. The salesman craft of immediate response from the carnival before and the carnival before.

Oh, such a skill an entertainer has of a musician to hold a guy for the next surprise, and the pay-off.

This is not expressing simplification for the sake of it too.

Such maxims of direct response may fade, yet the first impression shall remain. Simplify it down.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Art Blender

 Neil Gaiman's Wife said of the art blender.

How things are left within our artifices and articulations.

A spectrum of things that are deep down to our ID and opinions, where the murky depths will happen. What part of ourselves will be identified? Our name, signature, pattern, semiotic, design and our own ideas that shall leave a trail, a trail behind of an inner legacy. Only published the articulate shall it be noticed.

Even with the biggest articulation with politics will they be left in the traces with our own artwork, it's meant to be left to the backs of impressions and into our patterns when done.

Only with this off-sync marks shall be left as amalgamations will be the totality. Another epistemology within art, a another view of coherence.

(Happy holidays btw.)

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Three Nick'n Nite Audiences : Physco-Graphic ghosts

48 min of a huge documentary marathon for you to consider.

Analysis of the communities to make money, monetization of entertainment, it never changes

Three circles of reassurances, reassurances that an artist must not seek with his own way, there from the Nick'n Nite audience analysis of getting a return on their project There's overlapping magistrates and movement, only to the point. Where these to be watched out and treated/punished accordingly.

Such an overlap is to be brought into social media of what people engage with. With engagement rate and all that vanity is brought towards 'platform' with all that commercial slew.

Such is the taxonomy of commercial entertainment.
  1. Wholesome - Toxic Positivity

    There these circles who treat positivism that things will get better, not somehow, WILL. Only a matter of time, no realism, no whateverism. Things are always bright-sided! Nope!

    The thing where this can get beyond such prudence shall not entertain such a thought. Where all the ides shall be lent with the ideas of into the realism.

    All yet a probing of radical dependence becomes nihilistic in of itself.

    Such as the iconclastic Dyna Soar's though say (Nsfw poster, do keep in mind.)

    Dyna Soar🦕
    I take an antagonistic stance towards the usage of the word “wholesome” in art. reactionary brain poisoned zoomerism
    December 11, 2024 at 11:08 PM
    it’s full of self flagellation too

  2. Escapist - Fictional archetypes/Sexual formalism

    Ah, the other side! With their own drawings of the archetypes of the other ways of seeing the Jungian archetypes and such. Till the face that with ab testing things get prurient fast.

    Look in the light, with dreams not being accurate as we talk of the other things happen the best. A world realer than it could be within its own.

    Then in a moment, it's gone. Is this the fiction now? It's not that such a reassurance can be found.

  3. Ironic - Satirical/Irony poisoned Paradox - poisoned

    So taken by the incongruity of their paradoxes and contradictions for jokes, they end up not handling with the punching towards the up/down. Who knows, Everybody is illiterate except us. Well, not really. Wearing contradiction is indeterminate as a status symbol.

    Such a matter as the comedian cannot touch make a difference with a difference itself, the ways with our comedy is going to be another aspect of how to handle the amusing ourselves to death.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Visual Algorithms


This comes from a new rulebook, comes with the extreme relativist rule. Such a shame! Utility and non-utility that is made. Things that serve the duty of the artifice.

Oh, it does come with experience and all that jazz. With all this standardisation and genreification of codes that are to be followed for each project and all the way for stylistic mimicry, uniformity and dissonance. It's all in the intent. Into the service of the writing it shall.

If there are no rules, utility, duty?

Well, a well-written scene could be made. That what Shawne Coyne said. Something that's holden to the attention to the idea, to use being there to the subject matters.

Of course, this is an animist sentiment.