Showing posts with label Thriller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thriller. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Red Numbers Cappy

Such a means to build an empire, the results don't fit the goals.

Is it okay to cheat within a system that does not care that you will justify, in its own terms, horrible?

Blame the rationale, blame the work, blame the game. Friggity scratchies! Can't be bothered, can't be A******. Everybody's doing it efficiency. It's all the hot stream of direct satisfaction that everybody wants.

All the hopes of leathery goodness that's meant to deliver that squeak?

Eh, what a system, eh?

A golem cleaning the lower restrooms. It's truth of what it serves.

That treasure.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Theo's Snarl

There is a case with all of this, after the accident of trying to take over, it ain't going to happen, they always have a plan B. It's always a plan b.

 Theo has a disconcerting past, a past of condemnation of appetites that are most hidden to the usual eyes. Asheal pushes past him out of his wheel-chair, within his own smirk as the Greyhounds look.

Venture did not go as planned?

"Don't you dare spare your look, son. Or no time with your friend in the lord's eye"

He frils wave down as he marches right past, a long air of silence as he brings his word towards Castella, having to do it on his footpaws.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Pr liability: Theo

"What a burden, young sapling go into tiresome weed trees."

That was Castellas ramble as she sorted through the harassment documents, and the billing provided by her accountant. Her office at the chapel taking into expenses of embarrassments.

"To what gives negative traction from a morally righteous cult, now it's party damages." She thought, then bringing out the stamp of it being done, what she hired a pr lackey to spin doctor all this away.

"His ******* shan't be published all over the glitz hub. That's for sure, he does that enough for his fan, or parachute community"

Thursday, August 1, 2024

It's business or be business'd

Those on these sage holders that passively aggressive those into SEO seduction because it's all about capitalising on that attention then selling the mass advertising interruption.

It's not my business doing copywriting for these platforms, are not my jam. They should be copywriting for me.

My competitive business model means that I'm treating these sage holders as my numbers, not the other way around. Taking the media literary know how to see the game and manipulate it to the ways of making it work for me.

The market is not in it for my revolutionary ideas that Castella will grab her jewels for!  

That c***.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Theos reflexive purity

 Within the whole centre works, a deal that he can't take it within his prayer room. He had an early thought of making a deal.

"What a delight! I was out of this mess, punch the nun and get out of it ditch it, no stay close to the holy code and god and the rapture of our beliefs. What a way to get there first. No, follow and make your own religion to a whole that allows you to dance naked to others and have your own way! What a way to worship the lord is through the act of love-making. To the act of sexual profundity with the man, to th- the w****s that shan't infect me any further. " His quiet ramblings resting on the mirror. Holy lights that move beyond his lither form as he moves and tries to rest such a fever.

A rest on the bed with a frail expression, mutterings under his breath.

"The other dealings that are made, this bordem and pent-up sensation of such a deathly marriage, It's s****** it's you though, and is all blasphemy!"

"Do it!"

"Never will a do it a thousand choirs and hold me to that."


Monday, July 8, 2024

Payola'd not our dirty word

What if there was a system that allowed one to reach the masses with ease? A system where both medical research and political messaging could be used to hit people in the streams of consciousness without much effort?

That's what I can do, when the entire world of distribution can be towed and made into control, It's a system where raw monetary force is where it's heart is. Where the environment for the word to spread with all its memetic confidence to be made for the world. Ain't that a charm? The way my agents can operate through these currents of glitz hub that can make you be paid attention overnight, of those little expensive moments of considered thought no wrapping with such deliberation.

Stars over what is dramatized, stars over our wellbeing, stars that bring us to a whole new world, famous or infamous, anybody will do it to die of exposure, or die of obscurity. To life in its fluctuations, to be remembered then forgotten.

Ain't it a way to support your church, Theo? The world will see if this investment will work.

I only ask for a return. For this economy I give.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Don't breach the Brand Guidelines

What is this, an decedant law of of revelry? Hes ordered double the good for his parties! His smarmy little cult that's brought to the end of getting the charm of others.

Charm to get right through there skulls, into my head with that cocky grin so he courts the favour of what he scorns at is "legalese", legelese and rules are important! Does he know the ramifications if he messes with what holds a fair new soceity?

Soceity filled with toy uwu and no ambition.

Naughty f***heap 

Total ****head.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Imposter syndrome ain't in my business model

I approach all the woods where all the records of what was once where, and that barrel of that fire, it's what makes us all and now is gone of mindless service to make it's the

Sometimes c*** has to be done in order for the crud to be pushed by the wayside.

The way of the mechanics of the world, the business physics that function with this shows that our allies to our ways of the world who mutually respect our business decision, contractually, it's how we do it here. No recoup, no life, all this life dedicating to the craft of comforts and I can't give much time to projects who don't know how.

There it goes, burning the ****, least the credentials of my job that's happened.

Work, work, work, makes the mind go round. The moment one steps into glitzhub, there in a partnership to serve direct response to it, how they lie.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Bobby's Cush Bomb

Do I have a love bomb?

What I do you do to recruit, making it okay for others to join my place? I'm honest and don't patronize.

People lie about their solvency and fundraising. So my cold magic cannot be made into the other dimension. Into Glitz-hub was the way they could reach their fame, I'm like a talent agent now. It's how advertising works.

April's fools is happening everyday now, so the trust I give must be special. These are the magical artifice of business we must adhere too. Since you're selling, you'd best understand what it will do for our clients. Even if they are the demographics  of old woman.

The artifice of art is to tell stories of comfort, with true themes, not to con the misfortunate.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Smartphone Disfunctions

There's this weird smartphone mishap, that happens during the nights of the Bobby's upholstery, it starts to malfunction, still usable. Like some kind of spell that has been inflicted, I should get a new one.

No internet or communication, yet the torch app works. I don't get it. Distorted apps and error messages, lines on the smart screen, things that fizz out as the press of my couch thumb.

Vixona tells me to brush it off, yet I can't escape this feeling something about this place.

What is this place, has it made things dysfunctional? The corded analogue emergency phone is still there regarding everything. The emergency exit is there. Yet I cannot figure out what's right at times.

Yet the shuffling is heard.

I'll see if I can get this smartphone checked by the Smartphon shop.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

George - What did I do?

 Why did i eat that pasta?

Urgh, I knew that mushrooms was off when that influencer of wacky exercises, it's as wacky as his prose, his editing, and now his cooking.

Urgh! Was this a good partnership opportunity, this was meant for a partnership where he promised that he clear his path and stop with the silly workouts.

Now this is the moment where my career is going down the drain, blast it!

Blast it all! The drugs are still working, my head feels likes its on the other side, moving in and out of another place. Seeing rust hub and then another. I can't make images, gonna drift out-

Monday, April 3, 2023

The comfort house

It was going to be an ordinary gig. Get in, get out. Maybe that guy is enough to be trusted to pay the bills to even have a roof over the head.

Couch Gregor, a freelance body for hire. Has found an opportunity to work at Bobby's Upholstery as a full time employee for the frontman and odd jobs. A bastion for destitute golems.

Bobby, the human seller of the finest furniture.

What a choice, yet he's unaware of what his boss Bobby has to offer other than the job, other than what happens behind the showroom. It's a dark side.

Will he get out of this alive?

Can you trust that smile?

Monday, December 5, 2022

Ky's Chest trick

(Pec play.)

Castella, the casting couch, struts in. She does not give a damn. As she knows that it's her duty to check who's below her.

Asheal grins, the wheel chaired agent had a grin. There was a new bodyguard.

C: "Mmm, Honey What's this?" Castella grins back

Ash: "I found a jolly good match. From the junkyard comes a golden diamond. Do introduce yourself."

"I'm Ky, Kyros. A rehabilitated foreman. Made flesh and into the body of a mini excavator. I'm meant to serve Ash and his dignitarie along with the flows of attention in check. This is a contested spot. You know the deal."

Asheal, brought a bottle of root beer. With a most smug expression.

Ash: "He's also my lover, a win-win if I must say so. Please Ky, Can you show me the trick?"

K: "What trick?"

Ash: "It took us forty two trys to get it right."

K: "Oh, F*** it."

Ky, The giant of the room, has to kneel down to get it right, if Castella noted. There were redness coming from the silicone of his cheeks.

Castella eyes light up as Ash brings the cap of the root bear between Ky's pecs. he flexes them and like magic. The cap is a crushed piece of tin and flutters down the carpet.

K "Such an object, urgh."

Ash "Carbon woven chest of muscular fibre, it's quite a conversation starter."

C "Such a performance of your toy Darling! Pleased to meet you Ky, I assume the process of hiring him was smooth. Crown Jewels'n all?"

K "I'm not a toy, Queen!"

C "Do pardon my deliciousness then."

Ash "Yeah, Had to give an eye as a deal with by the Golemancer. He's back to normal for the time being."

K "Yeah, thanks for that."

C "Now, onto the deal..."

(Note to self, draw Ky Bigger)