Monday, July 8, 2024

Payola'd not our dirty word

What if there was a system that allowed one to reach the masses with ease? A system where both medical research and political messaging could be used to hit people in the streams of consciousness without much effort?

That's what I can do, when the entire world of distribution can be towed and made into control, It's a system where raw monetary force is where it's heart is. Where the environment for the word to spread with all its memetic confidence to be made for the world. Ain't that a charm? The way my agents can operate through these currents of glitz hub that can make you be paid attention overnight, of those little expensive moments of considered thought no wrapping with such deliberation.

Stars over what is dramatized, stars over our wellbeing, stars that bring us to a whole new world, famous or infamous, anybody will do it to die of exposure, or die of obscurity. To life in its fluctuations, to be remembered then forgotten.

Ain't it a way to support your church, Theo? The world will see if this investment will work.

I only ask for a return. For this economy I give.