Sunday, July 7, 2024

I don't know James Rolfe either

"To confront your insecurities that you're not a filmmaker either." Dan Olson's video.

This is a response to the Dan Olson video. Along with that wavelength video, I don't give fine art, in its non-commercialised form enough, credit. It's really the conscious centre, providing dignity to the craft to make it considered art.

Even if James Rolfe has pursued filmmaking as a failed endeavour, he still was a filmmaker. That speaks volumes to the hackneyed content that's a barker for social media. No condescending, he wasn't a hack, he's been still making his work and even if it peters out, it will still matter as the skit show will continue.

The fandom though, the hate-watch fandom validate his existence, because those views for whatever will be turned into revenue. All publicity for the direct advertiser is good publicity, so the backlash to the standardized conventions of branding and direct response, which he states he's a brand from the start (Cine massacre productions). With Marketingtese and Legalese conventions being honoured.

These minute things are to be paid, unfortunately. He's had auteur control enough to mean that's it ain't a Hollywood scale of distribution.

He's done his best to become an author of his own destiny from the deserted trend of video game review as entertainment. Moving into the realms of nostalgia, memory and what has the curation of those dancing digital lines of code will do today. What a rush of games that this filmmaker has done, with not much profit, yet with heart. This is what it means to function within the world.

50 minutes of human articulation artifice that feels real, at the moment.

Following the showbusiness brand axiom of "The show must go on" still is a thing.