Saturday, July 6, 2024

Mutant Indie production

Hail to little weirdos!

 This one is kooky with many diversions of many the funky dive. These productions have been going without the mainstream help, not that of a way of the factory of following, yet guerilla advertising made to help out the quirky little guys.

The collaboration, dedication of multiple writers and illustrators show to call of the fallen indie meddling that help the lower undercurrents that popular media can't touch

Right into how mainstream industries were avoided when the alternative entertainment was made. The self-industrialising self of publishing of a do-it-yourself kind of gusto that made titles. Yeah, it was capitalized on, like all indie titles. Yet it was a stubborn means of self-destructing on the net, of times past within mid-nineties. So this love letter to that time.

Learning curious concepts that I wished caught on, like crotch potato and ribofunk, with the outdated language and models of distribution, the spirit of the time hasn't. With zines being made and the consumer model of production being broken out more than ever.

Let the Zeitgeist of mutant play handle onwards, from each activist's and artists soul.