Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Work ethic granted/Self-defeating financially independent

The work ethic that's hidden, that's taken for granted.

Such is the work that's made with a haul that's plain drudgery, maybe with moments that spark interest, yet the rest is taken into account with the budget.

It's meant to hold a set of principles that are made, then look ho, it knocks again. Wanting more. Then with the time that's made to all the whole house that made with the artifice of modern society making. With our start to understand of our physical cogs moving into consumption that are built into use a consciously recognized.

So this is mass-constructed to the end that's made with us, guess that's call progress. Mass can't track the all-time.

This video helps illustrate my point of self-defeating financial independence. On a meta of making money online as indefensible. 8:35 cussy