Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Monetization of all this of the jester, and the librarian.

More of my video feed of essays to intake.

 Rosen 1:16 hours of circles. Is it monetization for the platforms, or the self-efficent work of the creative?

Since commercial is connected with direct response of the market funnel, it feel intuitive, yet that's putting the cart before the horse.

Makes me consider how these incentive with a niche, yet the essayist or literary creator does not concern with capitalizing for pigeonholes and the mass, he creates with a clear motivating and intent. Oh, how it is simple that it's become yet another demographic to market too. The totalizing thing that these social media platforms is to log off.

23:15 On the dunking turning into an essay. Follow up to the Dan Olson's essay. Cussing.
All the part of becoming a conscious media consumer. These lol cows or content farms, put into another charitable. It is the simple following of a pattern of a formula that's leading into to a culmination of responses, for exposure, for the leading into a completely uncertain substance down a draw to lead into patronage.

What a dream, what a path, maybe this is a certain kinship that I can see with all this pattern making. Jesters entertain, jesters reflect, the jesters that are within all of us.

In ways of the argument, there ain't much a divide between the literary and entertainment. How the lol-cow, and the librarian shall look at each other. Let them separate, as the medium is till forever the message.