Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Jaime's Ruckus of 1:00 pm

There are Bobby's goons at the backlot, and there is a dropdown of a shadow.

Danny Frog has taken up shotgun, that crossbow has taken. His talk of George has not got to him, though.

"What have you got crazy?"

"No, You pencil necked D*pS**t" He's ripped and gets rid of his dress, still keep the heels and the nails. He's got the slay, his hammer sparkling as several goons are shocked to the point, preparing their batons.

Bonk! Crunch! Swoosh!

The crunch of bone slapping on a side cage as they are crushed, shocked fear yet fervour of a run as there are no many, but twenty more as Jaime's adrenaline rushed. Then he brought the way it pulsed with electrical energy flowing.

A baton smacked his back, the brutality hitting his sway into the strut. It worked his way in a movement.

"He's turning that energy into slay energy!" Exclaimed to the crowd as he got to work. All over the open truck as the way happened. Then as the king goon when down. As a good held his back in punishment. He's about to get a rollicking.

Then he back head slammed the back of his nose, dazing the goon behind, as the goo. was about to land a blow, he twisted his hammer. Jaime slammed right into the spot.

"What the FFOOOWWWWK" The to O's making a comical exploding motion from the bubble, It head creating a dent on top of the inside of the truck carriage, ridiculous power demonstrated with the flying body, so the fight desculated with the infiltration.

"You got it done?" claimed the invoice of Danny.

"Yeah, Pretty bawlin."