Sunday, July 14, 2024

The 'gamers' demographic controversy P2: video essay G****G****

May go down the opinion over a thing that's still not died down, luckily this blog have not got comments on. I'll drive my view and then move on.

Post Morton of the 2016 blowout, and comments. Along with this being the main reason I can't take the gamer's demographic seriously because of such toxicity.

Time to see the post Morton of a gaming controversy that still continues to content farming. What happened, when my attention. Oh, what did Jim Sterling do? Cover this? This was my first discovery. Why does this hate circulate within the algorithm

8 min

Something about that? That gaming critic? Apparently a twitter exchange, what is this group? A hate group? Oh dear, let's join this atheist group calling them out. I'm an atheist now, granted because with the internet identity's form because of my growing existentialist study.

"Did here Kickstarter do well? Oh good, it's enough, and apparently the ones who tried to make it obscure, trying to capitalize off narrativizing with false exposés?"

Dirt digging along with bad faith argumentation by layman, the status game of them competing with the hottest new take to think they are the hero within a story, something they are stuck within by their video games.

The reason they got funding because of that character assaination campaign? I know they can't see that contradiction, oh well.

Videogame's brains, they are still there, do not engage.

Immature demographics are why predatory game designers design addiction simply to make a number go up, It's why I teach media literacy. We go back to the phil fish part.

This is especially how internet stardom happens, with opportunities happening within in instant.

This sums up my response.

Why should I have my sympathy for a prosumer identity when they are leaning in towards it, while entering with an ad campaign?

Gamergate Summary By rehash.

All my refutations and problems with the essay series, now gone (It was good run. Haven't been able to keep track. Apparently they've got a podcast now, wish em the best. This has been the most political, so I'll categorize it best within Essays.)