Saturday, July 20, 2024

Theos party arrangements

Seems that [REDACTED] has managed to bring in guests of highest value into our B
rickenshire, maybe I'd be able to pull of the city and able get to know the scene as these go. All part of the networking event within Brickenshire!

Let's see what happens when the get a load of my double shotgun party exploder! They don't know how much action my ways can go with these times, to show who has to holy might within this Town.

Boom Boom, and then, party with a handy ipad track of classical in the background. Ah, such a show-off, am I going to far? I'm going a bit crazy yet I can't stop now.

List of required items:

  • Cookies and Cream cake designed for twelve people < Main event
  • Custard'n Cream for nibbles
  • Fruit platter
  • Some Brandy
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Cider
  • Additional Parfaits and a platter of sandwiches