Sunday, July 21, 2024

Prosumer/Procustomer/Procommunity Video Revist

Going through the marketiniese there are words and definition as people aim for more mind share, memetical they occur and uttered, and brought together.


Forgive me, I may of uttered that word within the bsky discourse.

Treating others as products is easy as a spammer through the incessant hustle and the necessity, Milton Friedmannian in serving the shareholders and investors with no social responsibility. Hustle vendors and hacks. 

It's what the gambling industry is built on. Social media run on advertising is run by this consumerish design for herd organisation of status roles and what ehy want to be perceived as.

On the face, fulfilling and working with physical needs sounds simple, yet it's too simple and reductive, ignoring all the other things such as sociology and physiological factors of the mind.


Despite the transactional nature, This is more a patient professional makes with building long-term connections and being more helpful, yet also respecting the physical laws.

There's still a pernicious aspect of capital yeah, amazon does customer worship though ainnit.

As they way happens to moves, should there be customers in the first place?


Amatuars, Non-profits and freelancers rejoice! This is where the Zeitgeist, this where the communication of our times... Even if the monetisation does not come into, a sense of humanity is brought with the gift economy. Express to each other and to every need respected.