Thursday, June 27, 2024

Addiction to self-help, Gambling addiciton by design.


Addiction to the Milton Friedman amoralism, to prosumer transaction of a direct response advertiser, such is the world-view to be dismantled within this book.

Where the socioeconomic systemic problems of our culture are to be seen with the prime example of commercial design of the casino. Which is the epicentre of all the mindsets, from financial coercion to the point of self-destruction.

An industry, that grows more mindless as it industrializes. With its cogs of hedonic treadmills of suspension of entirety to the point of gambling, it's self-help suffering the consuming paradox in the later chapters. Self used to climb in the addictions, and self-help to be used to climb out. What a paradox, the only self-help is to not play and gamble.

Youch! The ending goes into this western design philosophy, of what to do with this contempt-enduring science seen from the outsider.

Within this rabbit hole is non-existent, a world of games that is pried open in a fascinating exposé.

How does this reflect social media design, of video game design, and of the way and movement of the corruption of user interface design itself. With the consumerist transaction, the product to sell to shareholders, whatever it takes to stack the gamble in their favour.

Let it be revealed.