Friday, January 10, 2025

Cruel Clown show

What a show that will others believe they're owed entertainment. Owed amusement, owed kiddie pool play.

Such is a means that will never end, of large waves of attentions economies that will move in and out, with much whimsy.

Fame, Infamy, and Attention Economising. It all happens at once, performance metric hallucinations shake like winds. Commercial platforms yearn for it, long for it, and call for it.

Now, I shall quote, as we go through this circles.

Dyna Soar 

"One of the worst things that can happen to an artist is becoming unintentionally famous on the internet. Nobody is in control of it, and when it occurs it’s a completely destructive force that endangers you and your work due to the nature of the majority of people online. The macrolevel behavior of social media is sick and twisted and directly/indirectly pursues the suffering and torment of others as entertainment Doesn’t seem to matter if you “embrace” momentary celebrity or not. It will punish you, hunt you, grift off you, and make up stories about you regardless. There is a sense of entitlement from the viewer that they are owed entertainment constantly from you. That all work you do is immediately “open source”, available to anyone, and ready to make a buck off of. Any rejection of this is considered elitist and antisocial, and the acceptance is considered “selling out”. You can’t win and in general, nobody I know that has had the spotlight thrown on them really wants that. We all know it’s horrible."

If you haven't already, you can look of Signifiers in documentary of the entertainment industry. Or, with how social media is treated like one.

FD signifer 1:12 with racism content warning.