Thursday, November 14, 2024

You can mew it!

The scene of a auditorium of what the global glob made by the Silvers, the fat cat is on the stage, a living embodiment of allegory. Then he claps, dramatic.

"This infinite opportunity of the golden cat, with a lifestyle of the lines of mews for all the one that can see. In front of all the audience of eager mouse and cats.

You can MEW it!

Mewstler life! Mewing for extra scraps up the daisy chain of the tip of the tops! Burn the way towards a 20 hour perfection of ultimate winning! Don't be a loser, a sad loser of anti-business, be a mewer! A MEWER! Soul crushing grinds become soul-fulfilling grinds! Mewww! Grind-'n love! Grind'n love like a scratcher, grind'n mew it, grind'n mew it.

Mew mew mew into a hole and out again. Blow it out of all the kibbles."

The crowd goes crazy.