Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Vain glory oxymoron

There is the worst schedule in the world, within the libertarian dystopia, it could be one's own.

Still thinking about how vain-glory this Stockholm condition to capitalism is, Insecure status roles lead to lying about work-schedules that and the exploitation of passion an industry addicted to mass-market advertising.

What a way to indicate as little passion and to creative industries.

A pull the ladder behind oneself.

Greg Capullo has been... lying about his work schedule, and there are others who lie about their work-hours too. Only with my sensitivity with a physical coach and my own.

These syllabuses of others life will never translate into your own, regardless of the truth. Should not degrade into Tik-tok Clip farming, edited for SEO.

Professionalism is whatever they want it to mean for them, including getting dominion.

Since then, He may have back-peddled, yet this advice will all crop up again like the Bulgarian training split, it refuses to die because sex sells.

‪Colin Spacetwinks‬ ‪‬
"to this day still cannot wrap my head around direct market comics pros and them not just being relentlessly exploited, but frequently being eager about that exploitation, proud of their exploitation, instead of once ever thinking "the way our bosses treat us is ****** up"

this Justice League America page by Kyle Baker came out in May, 1991. It is 33 years old and you still see comics pros enthusiastically acting like this

the only group of creators that i think ever act this ******* eager to get ****** over instead of acting in their own interest against their bosses and publishers is like. Y.A. fiction writers

*** still remembering when BOOM! only paying $50 a page for artists for awhile was *a publicly known thing* and plenty of comic artists were still going "yeah i'll take that job". you'd get better pay for far less work doing a handful of SFW fursona headshots on a twitch stream

comic pros are so frequently a very strange combo of being incredibly prideful but simultaneously having very little self-respect or ability to act in their self-interest"

‪Matt E. Reals‬ ‪‬
"You'll find the exact same attitude with many people working in creative industries, like animators and video game devs. Stockholm syndrome for capitalism coupled with insecure narcissism for the own status, I'd say."

Cheryl Lynn Eaton
Sorry to log back on and jump into being depressing, but...for what? 1995 is not returning. You are not going to become Capullo by sacrificing friends and hobbies. You cannot become a rich man via comics anymore. And you don't have to sacrifice your health or a social life to be a great artist.
October 24, 2024 at 9:18 PM
Imagine breaking your back and stressing yourself out for poverty. Baby, that is INSANE. You have a better chance getting rich with scratch-offs. I am so serious.
If you love comics? Make comics. Make them on the side as a hobby. Do not expect to become rich from them. Yes, even if you are incredibly talented. And fast. Also, the industry doesn't give a **** about you. Because NO industry gives a **** about employees.
And I'm not saying this to be mean, but to prevent another me. Big-name creators giving advice on breaking into comics is like a Boomer who bought his million-dollar house in 1974 for $20,000 giving real estate advice.
You go to a Capullo or Lee for advice on the artistic process. Perspective, shading, breaking down a stellar action sequence. They are BRILLIANT. Don't go to them (or ANY '90s/'00s star) for advice on how to get rich or get on Batman in 2024. They don't know.
100% this. Their skill is largely (and will likely remain) unmatched. They are artists in every sense of the word. But they do not know - and can never know - what it is like to start in their industry *now*.