Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Ruthless Direct response = Logical Postivism

 As these view others through analytics where one must figure out how to get a return. That's a reality check.

Social media Is simply a means to logically positive the publishing companies from the world to see if this is a viable means of publishing. For the mass-advertiser. So it comes to that moment that can it be compatible from the Eros positivism from others.

There's no direct way to hack it, it's only a direct way to tell a producer or a commercial publisher this is viable.

It may not be though, unsatisfyingly, that's why being famous for fame's sake is infamy for infamous sake.

None of it matters, it's all data to be scraped from the top. Logical Postivism is their method of thinking, and it may be out of date with all the others like the philosophers who abandoned it.

Urgh, Guardrails are going to be off.