Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Hype of crunched fame

Too good to be true, the self-help assembly line lines ahead.

The continuing hustle culture of dysfunctional business models, the "work more hours" workaholic advice festers. The encrudification continues, with that mindset. Cissy link, a 10 min read. These content farms are only an admittance of the lack of imagination of the business customer.

The body knows exertion, exhaustion, progressive overload to a muscular degree, not and endurance. The systems of this paradoxical content farm of making money online is beyond the bottom of the barrel. The tailism is of what a herd of lemmings does, and this ability of creativity is a scarce magic.

Play naked hustle culture of hackneyed writing so transparent that it's invisible, Such a business of content-farmication is one of the by-products of the industrial era. Survival is now an excuse.

Always be vigilant of get rich quicker schemes, the hydra that will grow new heads.

29 min documentary on the AI content farm brain rot.

Cussy 6 min on a 9 year olds, this thing has been going since the time as gotten with the meta of get rich quick schemes