Saturday, August 17, 2024

Grmmmph, Masculine love Coping.

Goppers emote scribble for 40doodles commission. The cartoonish gurn reversed.

 I've appetized my appetite for essays and thought, be a previous way, are trying to comprehend terms like cultural commodity, standardisation, regression of taste. All the previous forms to compartmentalize into Kyro before his radicalised. All for a character that's forced into the category of a market that I haven't done much reading into.

This is my entertainment now, I'm stuck with my characters with them as a cure to my hyper-romantic masculinity love. It's all an attempt to cope with all the ways of being single, hopefully it's a healthy way. Can't peacock myself in one of those furry meetings. Some longings of my previous pencil draughtsman into the hopes of another.

Oh, it is human to dream. To be something else.

My autism and benefits are the solvency for these passion projects, let's go.