Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Collaboration Danny Theo


Started a collaboration with Francis Boyo, I tried my best with being direct with minimal reverse-engineering with the project scope.

The first time a flirt is interpreted, with the scribbles dictated, the moment of Geo seeing Danny at the moment of an affection. Then the busts are used to see proportions.

The bounty of this is that I have things in a means of repeatability, for better or worst. This may align with commercialized consistency and other ideas worth bearing when it comes to the idea being edited, the sanctity itself having been, at least I can answer what it's for.

The intent being that it's for a comic series, where the consistency is made to serve to user if providing an illusion and verisimilitude of what is called a 'story'. Yes, I'm a storyteller, Even though narrative thinking has been glamourised into the McDonald's of Hollywood. This useful fiction has its uses as a heuristic.