Monday, June 17, 2024

Sacred Golden Gooses

Xxsniperwolf along with the content farm debacle, with what happens when making money overrides everything.

Relaxing how that with this is shows the motives of a business to pursue commercial safe interests, if only not from the mendacity of it. The profit and is so naked would be at least more respectable if it did not have to do it is like a public relations gig.

This cauldron where the best ideas reach to the top ain't much a fantasy, yet it's a condemnation of the way things work, I could complain about it, yet it's no use. So this invitation of attention and remarkability deserves no traffic, other than mockery.

Maybe that's too much, too. This represents the direction of content creation. A product to be as friendly to the advertisers as possible.

5:16 with violence

The best thing about these money-making machines is that it's best to ignore them, adopt its terms for business physics work, the art is what's happening behind the scenes despite these circles. Automation and videofication of entertainment will be meant for others.

Or welcome to the machine, as Doug Ruskoff could announce.

Nothing personal, merely business right for them? That's why the gangster genre in storytelling will always can stomach it.

2:45 video essay on the entire debacle.