Saturday, September 16, 2023

Pt 2 of the react streamers, Jack Vs Sssniper.

I find the hairline doing superior!

Another dip within the ever-shifting calculus of fair-use, work and content.

Another content farm of freebooting.

12 min

Yeah, YouTube likes these videos.. Wonder why?

Jack is correct to call this out as Non-tent. Doing the holy work of a connoisseur by calling this work.

I wish him the JJJacks in his endeavours of building a career on reacting to reaction videos.

There's a thing to take away from YouTube's indifference, I'm not sure if they even have watched her videos:

  1. These middlemen are content hoarders, they don't care and will only notice the top of the crop if they are appealing to the advertisers here, along with the celebrity industry complex and the top of that. So you may want to cut out the middlemen.

    They want to no provide art, but only provide a mass quantity of content overload till one is frazzled.
  2. They will only notice those who pull and hold the attention, whatever the means necessary. Affixing it to make it automatic and not intentional. A mass slurry.
  3. They see the one critiqued in question as a product;an asset, only as a means to sell attention to the highest bidder.

This is a meta.

The short-form, quick fast content that these advertisements want.