Thursday, August 8, 2024

The covenant

 Theo once served a magical order of holiness that is made of an ancient code, with the moral commandment that he followed within his chamber. Every day, once thin, he'd have a minimal meal and served his big paws together in a mighty prayer of such as the Covenant, freeing his body of such otherworldly desires.

A thin and proper, he used to serve within the stone prison, because he was such a naughty dog. He had to be tempered with, up until. The lake that brought him such matters.

Magic missile books and the ways of certain Sparkurgy ways, handling the stars into the hearts of their incantations. With such a matter to the wands, they could out-rival the firearms of today.

There the nuns made him chaste to the ways, with many covering cloth of such restrained locking of such appetites that he could contain, except within bed.