Showing posts with label Essay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essay. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Scopophobia - Negaphobia
1:22 hr essay of social horror.

Was my own lack of posting due to social anxiety?

Trying the self-examine why I was a lurker for so long has made obsessed.

Of the many ways to pinpoint a fear of creativity from comfortable hackdom; Two words.


This can and what makes a lurker a lurker, they're not a concern because there are a thousand things that a passive user may be doing to not publicise himself to the world, and that's okay. The moment he makes a thing a publishes towards the world, he holds a prospective responsibility to those which he can serve or not. To simply serve the idea of "I've made this."


From the storyomnics book, yet it reflects into certain trends such as 'cozy' horror.

This is from advertising and slice of lives, with minimal conflict and advertising purposes, at this moment though when a conflict happens. The story telling could inflict conflict that could be construed as a 'plot' or an intention sequence of events and character response/reacts to that.

Some audiences want everything to be nice escapist fantasy, yet that could be only an over-promise, so we could go and understand that this problem. As with postiphobia and neaturaphobia!

(Neologised those two phobias there, if you have a phobiaphobia, I understand.)

( Or, Theory time, negaphobia has been developed from mesmerism and animal magnetism, from to self-help trend. )

Friday, August 16, 2024

A proud hack job

 Cussy Condemnation by Jim sterling. If there was a return with the engagement rates. Or any return.

6 min

There is always going to be a demand for product, for mass consumerist product with standardised taste. This was the start of our developer quickening of our attention. With to the point of what happened to platform holders that making their efforts to capture the direct response within it.

How it is designed for 'live services' and the indie slush pile, only some show up with the effort, maybe there some gems in the commercial glut. That was the writing on the wall for me to leave the demographic.

Going to be this to the reading list.

Yeah, another rant.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Didn't imagine that-


Well, that was unexpected from the intended movements on the tablets.

What else am I going to do? Continue.

Creativity without a stream of attention is merely like that, once it gets around the way that all this SEO c***, and click-through rate. You merely want to find friends without all this hard searching, the effort it all for it to connect, with the obsession with monetizing everything.

With this money, I'm fine. I'm not sure if being selected by Hollywood or a studio art director is a complete fantasy. Don't social media make it tempting.

Media access of a stream of attention is something that maddens. The all-media of this writer must explore all of them that 'make it' whatever that means, as preposed by all this.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The 'gamers' demographic controversy P2: video essay G****G****

May go down the opinion over a thing that's still not died down, luckily this blog have not got comments on. I'll drive my view and then move on.

Post Morton of the 2016 blowout, and comments. Along with this being the main reason I can't take the gamer's demographic seriously because of such toxicity.

Time to see the post Morton of a gaming controversy that still continues to content farming. What happened, when my attention. Oh, what did Jim Sterling do? Cover this? This was my first discovery. Why does this hate circulate within the algorithm

8 min

Something about that? That gaming critic? Apparently a twitter exchange, what is this group? A hate group? Oh dear, let's join this atheist group calling them out. I'm an atheist now, granted because with the internet identity's form because of my growing existentialist study.

"Did here Kickstarter do well? Oh good, it's enough, and apparently the ones who tried to make it obscure, trying to capitalize off narrativizing with false exposés?"

Dirt digging along with bad faith argumentation by layman, the status game of them competing with the hottest new take to think they are the hero within a story, something they are stuck within by their video games.

The reason they got funding because of that character assaination campaign? I know they can't see that contradiction, oh well.

Videogame's brains, they are still there, do not engage.

Immature demographics are why predatory game designers design addiction simply to make a number go up, It's why I teach media literacy. We go back to the phil fish part.

This is especially how internet stardom happens, with opportunities happening within in instant.

This sums up my response.

Why should I have my sympathy for a prosumer identity when they are leaning in towards it, while entering with an ad campaign?

Gamergate Summary By rehash.

All my refutations and problems with the essay series, now gone (It was good run. Haven't been able to keep track. Apparently they've got a podcast now, wish em the best. This has been the most political, so I'll categorize it best within Essays.)

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Video Revisit P1: This is P*** F***

It's opinion essay time! Tw: Sexual assault, cussing and suicide mentioned within the video. I can understand the drama ahead, yet in the essay genre that's part of the course, I have warned you.

I must remember my brush with gaming culture, along with Tool times response to the feminist frequency series. Is the dust settled? I need to vent it out, within the blog.

How does fame work now, random waves of Demographics and Psychographics that woosh like ghosts through these calculations untold off.

This is where the entire definition of famous is to be inspected now. What was once defined by record companies and talent agents. It's another dimension, media access and distribution. Not it's decimated with a long tail getting longer, and filter bubbler getting more and more specific.

Famous? Infamous? Those distinctions are getting fuzzier with direct response driven into the end. This all turns into a game of status, creating attention pools and new demographics. For an ad creeping over to make it's commercial speech valid of the userbases, these are, data for conversion into money.

'Gamers' really don't know how much of themselves is a construct created by businesses to serve their money-making interests, and this interruption is seen in the prosumer demographic. Repeating in a circle.

After ten years, this has some insight. It reminds me of SSSniper wolf as a concept as everything wrong with YouTube right now, yet I don't know her as a person, it's with the audience as well. Always have those preconceptions, judged by the hand.

When the industry gatekeepers leave, it becomes a wild west.

(( They're still trying to capitalise off this with new videos denigrateing him into a lolcow status, don't engage, it's the first step of direct response. ))