Showing posts with label Essay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essay. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Mindless attraction, Mindless repulsion reduction. Gambling and the desire machine.

Tension 》 release/interpassivity which is the point of fictional entertainment in its brute reductionism, applied into dominion and monopoly over the social media.

I bet, with all the hackneyed work of what is deemed hackneyed now with circularity farmed for shareholder fixation, do we see it.

Desire machine that entertainment designs.

Essay of addiction by design, or compulsion.

1:09 hour

What a sensation, motor operations made unpersuasive, that's the hope for the effort.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

My feelings with the pokemon base

Skintilla, One of the Twitcher streamers who are couched. Now for my feelings. Oil pastel paintings bring me back.

I have been the most jaded kid, and I have been the most enthusiastic kid. Fandom and hated does that to ya, let me tell ya. Ambivalent-dom? Nah, My relations are alright now.

What am I to do with the most commercial property, with the popularity of the publisher leaving high SEO and cease and desist letter within its wake. Nintendo itself not being a friendly business when it comes those who love the franchise. What a love-hate relationship.

Back in the mid 1990s I was chirping “Clefairy” As a young'un, I was making silly games with the Pokémon and role-plays with a teenage, now today it's gone with all the time.

There's no denying of it's impact with the culture, even with its commitments and ideas reflected with the modding of other monster-trainers within the action genre. With its own trace into the card-trading scene which someone in my family does disclose unpacking on a streaming service, what a market.
Right now, a pack for something to be opened, with a surprising act.
Hearing about this overcommercialisation of this merchandise. It's no surprise though.

Matt and Trey have made a tiring satire of how overcommercialization it is, and I can only resonate so much. Since Children's media will always be more commercial than adult stuff. That's simple arthritic. Jaded as I was back being a kid, it's now time that my engagement cannot be serious over such harmless fun. (Got the that clip of a long essay of chinpokemon From those ambulance chasering writers. (WW2 Reference cw, If I could make an essay of those tired writers.)

Since to such with the over-exposure and the familiarity, so the dignity began to dissipate with the poke-hunk community, brushing with many a controversy as the lack of structure as let us be like this.

That's what fandom is, It's not an amorphous blob to nitpick with, only through the little pit could civil conversation of the entertainment product could be had. It's been friendly enough. Hopefully they are critical of inequitable business practices to help melt the scepticism.

This mysticism of what is our fandom will still remain, and it's time we acknowledge the scepticism. Of our, what will be done with our cultural remnants of this big empire will have to be made into something new, without their eyes. They will be pin-up artists making them alternative versions down under, whether that it's prosumerist meta or not. I reserve my contention with the big-publishers, rather than the freelancers.

Expect to see more, and for those making something new. Block out it's noise if it ain't to your taste.- We are the fragments of the SEO and impressions made afresh. Collecting ourselves into new communions.

(Oh, the poke-hunks are better than whatever Nintendo publishes, fight me on that. Poke hunks spin-off? My favourite Graphic novel by Bryan Tybalt was based on Sherlock Homles.)

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Community of practice/Community of convenience

Unfortunately, hustlers have hijacked the term of commune, to make things of convenience and motivator being lured into the trap.

Copy-performers of status and affiliation, all for the interruption advertisers are adding to inundation. They're asking and hustling for it. Every moment to be converted into a measurement, lost without notice.

Everybody's too busy hustling for the next SEO event, such a game is an act is futility. Something I can afford to avoid, certainly deserving of humanity. Yet not my beeswax. Energy is the serviceability.

Too busy being a gas station, when it comes to direct response platforms, a gas station with trophies. (Quoting that from Stephanie Sterling.)

The praxis is ill-founded on a set of axis, and getting better at a feedback loop of feeding an algorithm. Not my problem if that's the game they want to play.

Guess with the few who want to enrol along with the ride, and not let others be absorbed by the pretentious mass media rush is going to be the course.

20-30 min read on communities of convenience , by Cory Doctorow. With cussing.

It's more IP than community. The certain dragon I critiqued earlier falls in the category.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Specification of desire


Antitheses of representation, aren't we?

Weather on attempts on deciding which and wherever specific to our own manners, it is all guided. Guided in the way that is into the intense of marketeers. Profit mongers, where rats in the maze are prodded with little tips of pleasure.

So it is, forever the race to the bottom. I'm sure they justify it in their mind, despite harder to emphasize.

That's not to invite the antagonism of the wall of scepticism we all face in our duty to lead or sacrifice all self-determination to the subservience of the dollar.

Searches the Dominion under such measurement. Too big to care.

(Another rant, merely seeing lack of curation)

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Amusement carasol

 Laughter loops that take us. There's reason that those whose profession in amusement don't deserve respect from other professions. Since amusement cannot work within law, health and financing.

Such is a natural property of the communicative medium, the message of the medium won't be learned from a book rather than a cartoon TikTok

Clowning for the sake of clowning, cleverness for the sake of cleverness, buffoonery for the sake of buffoonery. Such a way that goes around and is the silly status roll that goes nowhere. The publishers and it's trail of SEO, of the status that follows the most and leads to nowhere.

If that idea leads to new ones, that so be it.

If there's no direction and only amusement, then that's a warning sign of the narrative at play.

Amusement ain't resistance, not the "need to laugh or you'll cry", it has character like the rest of it.

When copywriting/business negotiation, don't amuse and communicate.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Cruel Clown show

What a show that will others believe they're owed entertainment. Owed amusement, owed kiddie pool play.

Such is a means that will never end, of large waves of attentions economies that will move in and out, with much whimsy.

Fame, Infamy, and Attention Economising. It all happens at once, performance metric hallucinations shake like winds. Commercial platforms yearn for it, long for it, and call for it.

Now, I shall quote, as we go through this circles.

Dyna Soar 

"One of the worst things that can happen to an artist is becoming unintentionally famous on the internet. Nobody is in control of it, and when it occurs it’s a completely destructive force that endangers you and your work due to the nature of the majority of people online. The macrolevel behavior of social media is sick and twisted and directly/indirectly pursues the suffering and torment of others as entertainment Doesn’t seem to matter if you “embrace” momentary celebrity or not. It will punish you, hunt you, grift off you, and make up stories about you regardless. There is a sense of entitlement from the viewer that they are owed entertainment constantly from you. That all work you do is immediately “open source”, available to anyone, and ready to make a buck off of. Any rejection of this is considered elitist and antisocial, and the acceptance is considered “selling out”. You can’t win and in general, nobody I know that has had the spotlight thrown on them really wants that. We all know it’s horrible."

If you haven't already, you can look of Signifiers in documentary of the entertainment industry. Or, with how social media is treated like one.

FD signifer 1:12 with racism content warning.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Snorting the strategy. Critique and considerations.

Aaaaah, inspiration p***, you can't help those hot showers even though they are selling is merely control. This 

Except being picked by a system is not what this is about, it's altering it, of bending societal control. Well what is called strategy, be patient, such a simple concept explored in multiple riffs which is to be accepted.

First, gotta give thanks to Seth for making me start this blog, there's no denying he works for investors within a b corp. Yet it's certainly a good placebo, as he describes. Even if it may not influence my thinking, the internal story feels like a dazzle.

His thinking of blueprints, feedback loops and the way of business models and leverage are all well and good, stuff they should teach freelancers within entertainment to help watch their business. He repeats his famous blog posts, and it reads like a string of unconnected blog posts, little snippets of thoughts for the uninitiated, this is a style you're going to have to get used it.

It's a morale booster, yet that's all it is. Enough to control the work schedule, out of all of it could be negatively categorised a self-help from the era of salesmen and it's hacks. I'd recommend Seth's Godin The Practice, and his entire free podcast series to figure out your own opinion. There's still learning to be had, be aware of the baggage, as much as part as I bring mine.

There's always going to be a societal need for this, given how much the lands are filled with swindlers in this day and age.

Already he went from those suspicious rags-to-riches stories regarding apple, which is a point against the book. Claude Ai too, meeeeh. Haven't needed to use it to clarify my thoughts.

Oh, and intuitionism, stuff not written down and systemised will always be part of business models, it's about transactional attention that of the service industry. Till it's outlived. A bit too much scientism and unsympathetic for the concept of revolution. It all feels like a CEO point of view may have overtaken him, he does his best to try to hide it though. Goes into the last part with talks about the free market (Which flew right past my head) then onto talks of a carbon tax and with community action.

To quote

"Entrepreneurship is like one of those carnival games where you throw darts or something.

Middle class kids can afford one throw. Most miss. A few hit the target and get a small prize. A very few hit the centre bullseye and get a bigger prize. Rags to riches! The American Dream lives on.

Rich kids can afford many throws. If they want to, they can try over and over and over again until they hit something and feel good about themselves. Some keep going until they hit the centre bullseye, then they give speeches or write blog posts about “meritocracy” and the salutary effects of hard work.

Poor kids aren't visiting the carnival. They're the ones working it."

When will this non-profit business last? Until I die. Afford what you can to avoid the ad creep.

Fair share of disagreements and agreements entering within the commercial field.

See you for the next book you'll publish, Seth. These will all be added into the syncretic domain. Nothing like getting bashed with the same marketing rules over and over till something clicks, ah, those on-the-nose themes.

Did he use AI for the bookcover? Oh gosh, the paranoia has got me.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Beastification: How-to-edits are a trap

Nooo! Not you too Theo.
Video essay roll-call!

18 video of sloppification, or of paint by numbers and getting water condensation on the wings and falling in the ocean when. A young-un has a chestnut. 

Even though that the be the best version of yourself as the Anatta non-self. Especially works being an honest hack and non-artist.

Commercial network television of ad-run videos run, It's going to be a tighter grip on us all. Yeah, some opinions suck, don't they?

Those feedback loops of commercial editing that's how to 'hack' the net to spread the net of virality consultancy, merely don't work, they can't work.


I'd have to disagree with his games being the highest form of art, since it's fan-base hasn't matured to make civil, literary conversations regarding negative analysis to reach a higher understanding. Oh, and the toxic fanbase, yeah the toxic fanbase, certainly. Alliterate, Apolitical place with a lack of self-respect and interest.

One prosumer slop bucket. Only for the ones out of it Disco Elysium.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Action Deconstruction


We poetry in from the start of western civilisation of writing, when everything is articulated as poetry from our thoughts.

When it comes to entertainment, there's a moment when a poem and a satire becomes a biting commentary within the genre that's talked forever to come, with one of the ones that stand out and critique the genre. Along with doing the edge work with the creative soul lashing out.

There are plenty of war games that are indie that hit hard, yet not like this one. One where the entertainment is subverted into a what is the master of art and the mastery of the human soul. On a most spiritual transcendence shall it be triumphant.

The favourite part of the game is the quotes other than the out-of-moment realistic condemnation, including the deserter ending.

How will the spectacle be the thing, though. Commercial Spectacle-driven vs Literary Character driven, does it exist or not with these productions. Did it the art still exist.

The character contradictions are shown with the accusions below. This is negativity used to help use 

 To quote from the wiki-quotes

  • How many Americans have you killed today?
  • There is no difference between what is right and what is necessary.
  • If you were a better person, you wouldn't be here.
  • It's time for you to wake up.
  • Squad commands are unavailable when you're alone. No one can help you now.
  • You are still a good person.
  • Can you even remember why you came here?
  • This is all your fault.
  • Do you feel like a hero yet?
  • To kill for yourself is murder. To kill for your government is heroic. To kill for entertainment is harmless.
  • White phosphorous is a common allotrope used in your slaughter at the Gate. It can set fire to soldiers and the innocent civilians they are trying to help.
  • It's Konrad. He did it. All of it.
  • Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two conflicting ideas simultaneously.
  • You cannot understand, nor do you want to.
  • The US military does not condone the killing of unarmed combatants. But this isn't real, so why should you care?
  • We cannot escape anguish. It is what we are.
  • If Lugo were still alive, he would likely suffer from PTSD. So, really, he's the lucky one.
  • Adams blames Walker for Lugo's death. It's his fault they didn't leave Dubai when they had the chance.
  • Walker's obsession with Konrad has brought nothing but destruction—to Dubai and his squad.
  • There is no escape.
  • Life begins at the other side of despair.
  • No one can help you now.
  • Collateral damage can be justified, if the gain outweighs the cost. How much do you think Adams and Lugo are worth?
  • Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you.
  • I exist and I find it nauseating.
  • Walker and Adams have served together for many years.
  • You can't go home.
  • If the Radioman now speaks for the 33rd, then what happened to Konrad?

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Boondocks, Downtown

Aaron McGruder, By essays of the storyteller.

He had a run with the syndicate and then did two series as a showrunner at Hollywood, with the conclusion of “Don't quit your day job.”

It really shows the political entertainment, for better or was being a product of it's time, with the effort made to capture 2000's suburbia. One that leads from peace to gags made of demand. He aimed his entertainment at the people of colour. 

When your themes are political and on-the-nose by design, you jump in head first without many paradoxes. Into the fray of the experiences of the time, and then out of it. This is more symbolic in its portrayal of the arch-types envisioned. It's part of the territory. You f around and found out being an iconoclastic with that being a brand (or anti-brand brand,) then deal with the controversies.

The better controversies, stuff that can change the culture for the better. Likes talk of copyrighted content and the stuff happening within the war, over the commodified entertainment, the industries and yet-another-electorlism take.

Stuff that won't go into full, again, it's part of the territory of such a contradictory position, he did is best. "artists that are allowed to do what they do for the point of view to make something worth consuming" or as he'd say.

He tried to process his anger through the gags. Through the artwork that have been crammed through the crunch and unrealistic deadlines at the end of the fourth season. Let it stand the test of times of the discussions of art that challenges audiences.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

The Chud Demographic: Weaponizing Response/engagement rates Bad Meta's

 Oh dear

Now there's a tourist thing that's seems to happen.

Every single time, with a grifter, there's a chance to give a hackney return to regressive needs.

The chud demographic is a abstraction by marketers (multiple meanings) of things that are used to game the algorithm, where others are chasing for fads in regard to moving into a game of likes. The dude-bro Chud demographic shall be a distraction to anybody who wants to move on, unfortunately it's become a business model and livelihoods.

Some lean into the politics deliberately, others don't and work in entertainment.

Consider, though, entertainment itself is a political statement through the hackneyed servitude of the status quo and to consume it unquestionably.

Only best done honestly.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Burnout Etymology, Excess Toxic postivity.

Byung Chul Hans book, The burnout society. is a book on essay.

Self-exploitation, normalised and taught with victim blaming along with the uselessness. More concepts to be made into the mindset of a dismissed philosopher.

Such names like Nietzsche, Hannah Arendt, and Foucault are brought in. Yet this is a reaction, a constructive reaction to the self-help industry complex. Stuff that Seth Godin wrestles with.

Yeah, I hate it with all my heart with when a Professor/influencers that teach their students with 'professionalism' 'passion' 'down the line' in attempt to normalise overwork and overtime. There's a reason that it's not natural within law to not extend over it.

Anybody contributing it will move towards the downfall of society, from Ninja crying about it (with him still getting a commercial book deal, I don't look at his fanboys because I'll lose faith in humanity.)

The average user treated as a product for the these lying lifestylers swindles may be fooled for exploited overtime, anybody with experience who knows who to work for though, will leave and brain drain for better working conditions.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Self Industry Complex : Toxic Productivity


26 minutes (with an audible ad I'd suggest you'd skip. Go for Libby.)

The grind, ah, the grind. Even to the point of the limit of self-improvement, the bravery has to. The work-more-hours cult is always rearing its ugly head, and it's got into new-age stuff regarding its belief system going into mysticism not contingent on an entity.

Hustle-culture as everything defined by our work, and that this work-life balance that is made to 'make it' yet the meritocratic myth of the cool kids and the math does not add up, and the viable business model.

False lifestyles of physically impossible lifestyles. That's self-exploitation is now a thing. This has been going 30 years from now, and it's only a matter of time to avoid these narratives to pursue a more caring one with compassion.

Byung-Chul Han should proselytize of the virtue of uselessness. Then with our own times, with each construction of self that is to be commodified by ad-creep of seo ad-directed sectors of our net. It's an addiction to these business models meant to lead out into our system, which we all meant to live in.

Only with our these that are meant to bring predictable results, will be tilted in new directions, into a better system.

I'll have to add that book to my reading list, in regard to the burnout society.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Scopophobia - Negaphobia
1:22 hr essay of social horror.

Was my own lack of posting due to social anxiety?

Trying the self-examine why I was a lurker for so long has made obsessed.

Of the many ways to pinpoint a fear of creativity from comfortable hackdom; Two words.


This can and what makes a lurker a lurker, they're not a concern because there are a thousand things that a passive user may be doing to not publicise himself to the world, and that's okay. The moment he makes a thing a publishes towards the world, he holds a prospective responsibility to those which he can serve or not. To simply serve the idea of "I've made this."


From the storyomnics book, yet it reflects into certain trends such as 'cozy' horror.

This is from advertising and slice of lives, with minimal conflict and advertising purposes, at this moment though when a conflict happens. The story telling could inflict conflict that could be construed as a 'plot' or an intention sequence of events and character response/reacts to that.

Some audiences want everything to be nice escapist fantasy, yet that could be only an over-promise, so we could go and understand that this problem. As with postiphobia and neaturaphobia!

(Neologised those two phobias there, if you have a phobiaphobia, I understand.)

( Or, Theory time, negaphobia has been developed from mesmerism and animal magnetism, from to self-help trend. )

Friday, August 16, 2024

A proud hack job

 Cussy Condemnation by Jim sterling. If there was a return with the engagement rates. Or any return.

6 min

There is always going to be a demand for product, for mass consumerist product with standardised taste. This was the start of our developer quickening of our attention. With to the point of what happened to platform holders that making their efforts to capture the direct response within it.

How it is designed for 'live services' and the indie slush pile, only some show up with the effort, maybe there some gems in the commercial glut. That was the writing on the wall for me to leave the demographic.

Going to be this to the reading list.

Yeah, another rant.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Didn't imagine that-


Well, that was unexpected from the intended movements on the tablets.

What else am I going to do? Continue.

Creativity without a stream of attention is merely like that, once it gets around the way that all this SEO c***, and click-through rate. You merely want to find friends without all this hard searching, the effort it all for it to connect, with the obsession with monetizing everything.

With this money, I'm fine. I'm not sure if being selected by Hollywood or a studio art director is a complete fantasy. Don't social media make it tempting.

Media access of a stream of attention is something that maddens. The all-media of this writer must explore all of them that 'make it' whatever that means, as preposed by all this.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The 'gamers' demographic controversy P2: video essay G****G****

May go down the opinion over a thing that's still not died down, luckily this blog have not got comments on. I'll drive my view and then move on.

Post Morton of the 2016 blowout, and comments. Along with this being the main reason I can't take the gamer's demographic seriously because of such toxicity.

Time to see the post Morton of a gaming controversy that still continues to content farming. What happened, when my attention. Oh, what did Jim Sterling do? Cover this? This was my first discovery. Why does this hate circulate within the algorithm

8 min

Something about that? That gaming critic? Apparently a twitter exchange, what is this group? A hate group? Oh dear, let's join this atheist group calling them out. I'm an atheist now, granted because with the internet identity's form because of my growing existentialist study.

"Did here Kickstarter do well? Oh good, it's enough, and apparently the ones who tried to make it obscure, trying to capitalize off narrativizing with false exposés?"

Dirt digging along with bad faith argumentation by layman, the status game of them competing with the hottest new take to think they are the hero within a story, something they are stuck within by their video games.

The reason they got funding because of that character assaination campaign? I know they can't see that contradiction, oh well.

Videogame's brains, they are still there, do not engage.

Immature demographics are why predatory game designers design addiction simply to make a number go up, It's why I teach media literacy. We go back to the phil fish part.

This is especially how internet stardom happens, with opportunities happening within in instant.

This sums up my response.

Why should I have my sympathy for a prosumer identity when they are leaning in towards it, while entering with an ad campaign?

Gamergate Summary By rehash.

All my refutations and problems with the essay series, now gone (It was good run. Haven't been able to keep track. Apparently they've got a podcast now, wish em the best. This has been the most political, so I'll categorize it best within Essays.)

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Video Revisit P1: This is P*** F***

It's opinion essay time! Tw: Sexual assault, cussing and suicide mentioned within the video. I can understand the drama ahead, yet in the essay genre that's part of the course, I have warned you.

I must remember my brush with gaming culture, along with Tool times response to the feminist frequency series. Is the dust settled? I need to vent it out, within the blog.

How does fame work now, random waves of Demographics and Psychographics that woosh like ghosts through these calculations untold off.

This is where the entire definition of famous is to be inspected now. What was once defined by record companies and talent agents. It's another dimension, media access and distribution. Not it's decimated with a long tail getting longer, and filter bubbler getting more and more specific.

Famous? Infamous? Those distinctions are getting fuzzier with direct response driven into the end. This all turns into a game of status, creating attention pools and new demographics. For an ad creeping over to make it's commercial speech valid of the userbases, these are, data for conversion into money.

'Gamers' really don't know how much of themselves is a construct created by businesses to serve their money-making interests, and this interruption is seen in the prosumer demographic. Repeating in a circle.

After ten years, this has some insight. It reminds me of SSSniper wolf as a concept as everything wrong with YouTube right now, yet I don't know her as a person, it's with the audience as well. Always have those preconceptions, judged by the hand.

When the industry gatekeepers leave, it becomes a wild west.

(( They're still trying to capitalise off this with new videos denigrateing him into a lolcow status, don't engage, it's the first step of direct response. ))