Showing posts with label rant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rant. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Commercial Chameloan

There's something that happens to publishers, and I can't blame them for the axiology, it's something that I have to be realistic as they fail in profits.

It's the opportunism and the perverse incentives that follow along with such a race-to-the-bottom, no surprise. The only clarity I get from these decisions that they want to be paid excessively well, beyond magnitude.

Beware of that type of person who will act sycophantic and then not move towards the self-care cost-of-living when it matters. That's the story we all live with. Only one story, though, others not reductionist.

When an indie publisher asks for a delivery of an audience with no strings attached (Or aren't they? Check the contract.) It's a gate keep for the right reasons, a question of utility that's made, sadly dreams aren't meant to be accurate, it's the antithesis to the accurate in order for them to work. It's the obligation of what is made afterwards and then onwards.

Sometimes the ruthlessness is not a negative aspect. Better consistent than a that. Using to whatever passion of belief system to serve happy amateurism.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Humans as Resource : Ponziomics


This book.
Well, ignoring the Orwellian normalised speak (Double-think? Double-Talk? Merely call them paradoxes or thought-terminating clichés.), this is honest reporting on a phenomon that is distinctly western.

Infinite opportunity, Endless chain, pay to play, Recruiting Mandate, Bottom-To-Top. Travelling to what a swindle within a salesman of cons and it's hacks. It's merely into the epitome of the specification of entertainment, to the human's as exploitable product, and to be made to follow and dancey jig. Scientific management, into this.

Or resource, managed to be exploited more and more into empty sinks line with perverse incentives, now that's a thought.

Same music, same old jig of the times that were happening to the atheist movement that occurred with this, mlm-fication of certain 'friend' groups of attention deposits. Where the return ain't going anywhere if one ain't treating it like a business.

When Robert takes from eastern figures such as Hannah Arendts again, I don't think I expect much. It's the reporting to apply it within the fields of these bad 'business' models. (It ain't a business model, it's a cult of money going into a black hole, made by dishonest betrayal and the hackneyed 'exscuse' of selling a product.) The Cult masquerading as a Profit-making venture is the negation of the negation in regards to logical success.

That's the reality of what in industry now.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Reflection of the West

"What a repulsive country"
"What a repulsive country"

I don't respect a country that dominates both the internet and teaches this hackneyed mass-entertainment to a mainstream audience. Burnout schedules and all that bananas. It's not worthy of any respect or prescription. From the Gary Vee's or Rachel Hollis's. Deep into the Multi-level marketing corruption that's happening.

Such a rotten country, from the hackneyed entertainment it stinks.

Sex Sells, so it will keep carrying on, yet I'll keep bringing it up, even without payment. Why? Because it makes others angry.

Guess who won in the electoralist in the west? Oh my It's that.

apoltics are politics because of the hackneyed subservience to the status quo. I'd rather be a political in my entertainment than a commodified tool. There are those who hand away their artistry for a quick pay cheque, all for a logical positivist number-go-up life with that's all too it. Replacing a point-of-view and assertion with a scheme, and a reverse-engineer.

Don't want these to be prosumer toys.

Keep on fighting, LGBTQIA+, I'll keep making gay art.

10 min essay on entertainment discussion.

Addendum: I'm not writing about the Honest hacks in entertainment with that blog post, I'm talking about a nation of swindlers and those clerks who follow them. Anyhow, I'll try my best for art within this post-entertainment era. Full of chocolate casein powder 🛋💭🍫

They are swindles within entertainment: that's the point.