Sunday, July 31, 2022

Auto bio Poem - Karoshi death peak

Inspired by the digger by the roadworks, it awaits on the peak.

Karoshi : Death by overworking.

My family, like all families, are cursed to follow this peak of productivity.

The ultimate end of hardcore productivity. With the claim of the pursuit for its supremacy in today's mindset.

My Mother Burnt out on it, getting my Father to cope.
My Father left, intoxicated on it. He left.
My meeting during my mid-twenties of him left an impact. His smile most desperate. The only thing left of him.

My brother, a anomaly, a free spirit, a admiration.
Just like my step-dad.

To pursue a contest of opportunity.
I pursued the peak in contest and fell down. 
No Credit
No Trophy
Almost No life. I almost touched the Karoshi.

Now, a professional, only a payment will make me flirt with it.
I'm cursed, I have to produce. It's in my bloodstream.

But with the wisdom on making merely better work, not harder.

My family wiser, unlike others, unfortunately. Like flies to a electric lantern. I'd never wish it on anyone with my brushing against it.

To touch the Karoshi, which it will disguise itself as "hard work".