Monday, August 8, 2022

Opportunity cost

Flip flop, It's stood with me for twenty years.

A recent phenomenon, ever since the dawn of industrialization and the measurement/standardization of time. Treating time as a commodity, a resource.

Advantages and disadvantages.


Structure and prioritization

With the evaluation of the other 24 hours, increases productivity of your projects.

Helps you transition from an amateur towards a professional.

Minimizes passing the times, maximizes spending the time.


Not all opportunities are worth it, in hindsight.

There is no slack, it makes you a dog.

Disrespects body physicality, it cannot understand the measurement of time reductionistically. So we pursue physical impossibility, making one flirt with Kuroshi; Death by overworking. Digging into our finite well of emotional labor. Our brain needs nourishment, not hypertrophy.

Parkinson's law: The work expands to fill the time as its completion. All those late nights may seem to enhance productivity, but not really!

How I handle it.

Have some activities that I don't measure the time. (Example being sleep, family, and walks in nature.)

I use the nebulous guidelines of 80-20% when bodybuilders use with nutritional value within the diet like I use my time (80% 'nutrionally dense foods' 20% with foods that I enjoy). Using the off-time to behave more professionally than before.