Saturday, August 6, 2022

Where to find better spec

Another Reverie, This time I'd made a rebellion
against spec, concrete marks in of itself.
Maybe that's the point.
Shame what's Industrialization has done with it.

(Link is to a documentary regarding The Mona Lisa curse, reflecting my thoughts on it along with it's hacks, those who merely service. Which can be fine.)

When going on a discovery embarkment. With one's own project and collaboration.

All for the quality.

The Re- prefix
Referrals - Reference!

All to the inner search for connectedness, competence and autonomy. Self-determination theory of making the image more intuitively pleasant.

Adjustments to Tolerances and constraints. Done.

Tolerances as in which overton windows to navigate.

Constraints as to make a better version of oneself.

Then out it goes, into the market.