Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The long walk on of the long tail.

Another Dream

I'm walking a long path, each footprint a step of articulation. The marathon of articulation towards on making a short head in distribution of the long tail.

The big head of the market looms over, wanting to make a conversation, it's different from before, but I'm unfazed.

"So, you come here often?"

"Yeah, I haven't made it out.. Yet"

"Why are you still here?"

"I've got to manage my own hit, or somebody else will. I'm feeling the age rattle my bones, I've got to make something worth talking about."

"Very well. Do your best."

I pretty much expected to be at the long tail, so it's okay. Each step may be blind, but I'm going somewhere.

Articulate, that's all I can do.