Monday, October 24, 2022

Streamer Shout outs, two attitudes.

Two Impulses debate when it happens

Testing out a thought experiment.

Twitch has implemented a shoutout feature for on the spot following when a streamer shouts out. Time to reflect and judge each of these based on their values.

A direct marketing/advertising value that's measurable and action orientated, and a brand market is what's not measurable, culture orientated.

  • Direct Marketing Value: (measurable difference.) Somebody will click on the follow, then contribute my affiliation, it's about moving a number up so I can make a living off twitch! (Logically, chances are small. If less than 1% click out o 99%, that's a home-run logically. It takes some nerve, like this cussy video of Alec Baldwin giving a speech of closing.)

    This is the totalizing industrial complex, to focus on what grows and what makes a number goes up. One must comprehend and make for the better if they get into this mindset, it's honest and gets straight to the point. No wonder there are boundaries. It's what that streaming service is designed for. It can lead to spam.

    It has to be anticipated, personal and relevant. Efficient with the use of time. Well, those are the advantages. If it can be. Like a lifeguard throwing a ring out towards somebody drowning. Calls to action are another example of it.

    How do I know? I can check my obs stats anytime after a raid or shoutout. It what's the internet makes us think, to be a product to be sold to direct advertisers on the social media. So it can be a downward spiral if not handled well.

  • Brand Marketing Value: I want to associate with the cool kids. So I'm going to place a billboard-like ad and wait to see what happens, consistently and patiently.

    More costly in time, yet less stressful. If it's not anticipated, personal and relevant, though, it can become even more of a crap shoot. It requires one patience and consistency to that's an investment of opportunity cost.
Regardless, the distinction is important, whenever the social media puts it a new feature or remove one. It's worth to consider it's direct/brand marketing value. Permission needs to be sort out.