Monday, November 28, 2022

Types of Races with the world to consider

I use the Watts Rielly method of abstraction, generally here with my figure construction, I'd refine it with references later. The process of starting can be completely arbitrary at times though, gestural and free of restraints when starting.

World Name, Solumie

Yeah, this is going to take a lot of articulating. Time to crack the knuckles. Reading this to write urban fantasy.

The Background noise needs definition.

The near future

Fae Kind

Fairies, and elves fall here. Magic has limit to not harm other humans and anthro kind my the great magic administer in the sky.

Human Kind

This includes subcategory such as goblins and orcs.

Anthro Kind

This includes all animals, Gargoyles/mythical dragons are an intermix of the fae-kind. Including anthro objects that can change at golem. Sharing the spirt of golemancy, A practice that has been done where certain essences are translated into objects for medical purposes.

Am I writing in the fantasy kitchen sink? Some kinds must be trimmed in the editing process.

Best start with the reductions now.

I can cut the process and make it more anthromorphic.