Saturday, December 3, 2022

I pick myself - an update

I don't know who Mariah Carey is.

New games are released, they move away, social media calls to meetings happen. Then they move away.

I'm left being glued to my cintiq, seeking to become the best version of me, to not be distracted.

I've claimed to be making a project solo, I have to. The hours make my head spin yet I have to do it. All these events pass me by and my head spins. It's like I've answered a calling. All for a Pro Bono project that in hopes to make a difference.

Is this really what It means to publish oneself in the world? To face hundreds of hours, just drawing with an ever feverish imagination?

Certainly beats being picked. One of social media's trick is to seek status for 'exposure' or some gimmick. Yet, that's all a crap shoot. 

This podcast of your it, is of the aspect of being picked. Spured me onto action. Especially of the man in the Q&A after the podcast, Honest signals last question touched me.

It certainly beats being the product, rather than being picked by a gatekeeper.